
Laser epilation: how much is enough for reviews, what is the expiration date

  • Laser epilation: how much is enough for reviews, what is the expiration date

    How much laser hair removal suffices: reviews of those who tried it on the real life of its

    TV screens and Internet pages are full of advertisements about laser hair removal and promise to rid us of hair forever. Is this procedure so miraculous and it lasts for 5 years? Let's try to find out how much laser hair removal is enough, from the responses of people who have made this procedure and who know about it firsthand.

    Their impressions are divided into clients of salons and clinics that have undergone LE.Check out some of them.

    Svetlana : "In the countries of the former Soviet Union there are no good lasers! I did hair removal in the bikini area. At first everything went as desired. But in three months began to break through the hairs .Over time, they became more and more. She moved to Holland, spent again there. Everything is wonderful! For two years I've forgotten about this problem! ".

    Hope : "Nothing effective I have not yet met. The result is visible after the first session. Hair for some time grow, but more rare and thin. Epilation in the armpits I did for two years. Now I just

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    once a year support one visit! "

    Lily :" It was a deal - succumbed to advertising. I went to do LE in the bikini zone. The other - just did not have enough money. The procedure is long enough and for me it was painful. Hairs all the same grew. She made four sessions during the year with an interval of two to three months. Then the money ran out. And a year later she became as "hairy" as she was before. I do not see anything effective here! "

    Catherine :" I did hair removal in the underarm area. The procedure was painful, although they smeared anesthetic cream. Then I plucked the hemp for a long time. I went through several sessions. Three years passed, the hair began to grow, though not in the same quantity as before. I do not intend to go to correction! »

    As you can see, the time of absence of undesirable vegetation ranges from 3 months to 3 years. Why precisely such terms? Let's understand.

    Simple procedure

    The method of laser hair removal involves the removal of all hairs that are in the active stage of growth. The laser penetrates the skin no more than 4 millimeters. Such an effect on the body is considered safe.

    LE underarm zones:

    Bikini zones:


    You will not feel anything unusual in the process. This procedure does not cause pain, redness, allergic reactions and burns. Especially does not affect the internal organs. The laser, acting on the hair bulb, leads to its destruction. Old hair falls out, but the new one does not grow.

    The frequency of procedures for the desired effect

    How many sessions you will have to go through to get rid of hair, only an expert can say with personal consultation. It depends on the area of ​​the body where you are going to make hair removal, and on the intensity of the hair cover, and on the hormonal background of the body.

    On average, this number ranges from three to eight times. It is possible that a few more times during the year you will have to repeat the procedure. Since the laser removes only mature hairs, after a certain time the new grows, and we have to repeat everything again. Also, it is not known how your hair growth hormone will react to this procedure.

    The validity period depends on many factors. Cosmetologists say that from five to eight years you can breathe freely - your hair will not bother you. But then they grow back again.

    Factors affecting the effectiveness and duration of the action

    • This method will be most effective for people with fair skin and dark hair. Epilation is not carried out for owners of light hair and dark skin. Also, the effect will be zero if you want to remove gray hairs or fluff.
    • Light hairs can absorb laser energy and its effect on the hair bulb is neutralized.
    • A high result can be achieved by following all the rules and schedule of sessions.
    • An important role is played by the apparatus used and the qualification of a specialist who will conduct the procedure.
    • It is best to conduct a session in winter, early spring or late autumn. During this period, the body has a low amount of melanin, which is able to withstand laser exposure. In the summer, the procedure is complicated, since the skin should not contain sunburn, and the hair should be too light.

    How much does LE actually hold?

    Get rid of the hair, whatever one may say - will not succeed. With constant annual correction, the effect will last about four years. Then you need to start everything again.

    It turns out that you still have to struggle with hair all your life. There can be no talk of "forever".But the duration of the effect when epilating with a modern laser remains out of the competition in comparison with other methods.

    Video selection

    We recommend to watch: How do cosmetologists refer to the procedure of LE?

    TV screens and Internet pages are full of advertisements about laser hair removal and promise to rid us of hair forever.

    Is this procedure so miraculous and it lasts for 5 years? Let's try to find out how much laser hair removal is enough, from the opinions of people who have made this procedure and who know about it firsthand.

    Their impressions are divided into clients of salons and clinics that have passed PE.Check out some of them.

    Svetlana : "In the countries of the former Soviet Union there are no good lasers! I did hair removal in the bikini area. At first everything went as desired. But in three months began to break through the hairs .Over time, they became more and more. She moved to Holland, spent again there. Everything is wonderful! For two years I've forgotten about this problem! ".

    Hope : "Nothing effective I have not yet met. The result is visible after the first session. Hair for some time grow, but more rare and thin. Epilation in the armpits I did for two years. Now I just support once a year with one visit! "

    Lily :" It was business - it succumbed to advertising. I went to do LE in the bikini zone. The other - just did not have enough money. The procedure is long enough and for me it was painful. Hairs all the same grew. She made four sessions during the year with an interval of two to three months. Then the money ran out. And a year later she became as "hairy" as she was before. I see nothing effective here! "

    Catherine :" I did hair removal in the underarm area. The procedure was painful, although they smeared anesthetic cream. Then I plucked the hemp for a long time. I went through several sessions. Three years passed, the hair began to grow, though not in the same quantity as before. I'm not going to correct it! »

    As you can see, the time of absence of undesirable vegetation ranges from 3 months to 3 years. Why precisely such terms? Let's understand.

    Simple procedure

    The method of laser hair removal involves removing all the hairs that are in the active stage of growth. The laser penetrates the skin no more than 4 millimeters. Such an effect on the body is considered safe.

    Underarm zone:

    Bikini zones:


    You will not feel anything unusual in the process. This procedure does not cause pain, redness, allergic reactions and burns. Especially does not affect the internal organs. The laser, acting on the hair bulb, leads to its destruction. Old hair falls out, but the new one does not grow.

    The frequency of procedures for the desired effect

    How many sessions you will have to go through to get rid of hair, only an expert can say when personally consulting. It depends on the area of ​​the body where you are going to make hair removal, and on the intensity of the hair cover, and on the hormonal background of the body.

    On average, this number ranges from three to eight times. It is possible that a few more times during the year you will have to repeat the procedure. Since the laser removes only mature hairs, after a certain time the new grows, and we have to repeat everything again. Also, it is not known how your hair growth hormone will react to this procedure.

    The validity period depends on many factors. Cosmetologists say that from five to eight years you can breathe freely - your hair will not bother you. But then they grow back again.

    Factors affecting the effectiveness and duration of the action of

    • The most effective this method will be for people with fair skin and dark hair. Epilation is not carried out for owners of light hair and dark skin. Also, the effect will be zero if you want to remove gray hairs or fluff.
    • Light hairs can absorb laser energy and its effect on the hair bulb is neutralized.
    • You can achieve a high result by following all the rules and schedule of sessions.
    • The important role played by the apparatus used and the qualification of a specialist who will conduct the procedure.
    • It is best to conduct a session in winter, early spring or late autumn. During this period, the body has a low amount of melanin, which is able to withstand laser exposure. In the summer, the procedure is complicated, since the skin should not contain sunburn, and the hair should be too light.

    How much does LE actually hold?

    Get rid of the hair, whatever one may say - will not succeed. With constant annual correction, the effect will last about four years. Then you need to start everything again.

    It turns out that you have to struggle with your hair all your life. There can be no talk of "forever".But the duration of the effect when epilating with a modern laser remains out of the competition in comparison with other methods.

    Video selection

    We recommend to watch: How do cosmetologists refer to the procedure of LE?