
Dry spots on the skin: white and brown spots, what is it and how to get rid of them

  • Dry spots on the skin: white and brown spots, what is it and how to get rid of them

    Dry spots on the skin - a fairly common phenomenon, especially among women, because their skin is more susceptible to external factors. There are quite a lot of reasons for the occurrence and it's not always possible to understand them all at once, sometimes you need to weigh everything or ask a professional for advice. In any case, the dryness of the skin, especially on the face, makes it very difficult to feel "one hundred percent", so you need to get rid of the problem as soon as possible.

    Causes of

    It should be noted that dry spots have a special structure and can occur even in completely healthy people, so I propose to disassemble several reasons for their manifestation.

    1. Allergy. The range of possible allergens is very high, because a person can manifest allergy to any components already in adulthood or be congenital. However, if the dryness is only because of this, then there is nothing to fear, you just need to remove the allergen.
    2. Dysfunction of the digestive system. Most often it is this problem that leads to the drying out of the skin, when the body can not take the necessary vitamins, and therefore does not receive them in the proper form. This also happens due to prolonged malnutrition.
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    3. Fungal diseases. It is possible that dry skin is only the beginning of manifestation of a more severe form of the disease. In a similar way, a multicolored and pink lichen begins to appear. However most in it to be convinced it will not be possible, it is necessary to visit on the dermatologist and to survey the amazed site of a skin.
    4. Other dermatological diseases: psoriasis, eczema and others. Many of them start their own destructive process with dry skin.
    5. Stress, depression, nervous overstrain does not pass by without consequences and responds on the body in the form of a bad skin condition of the face. Rest more often.

    How to solve the problem?

    And now we offer to disassemble some possible manifestations of dry skin.

    If in addition to the fact that the face has become dry, you feel that the skin is peeling, then we can assume that this is already dead skin cells. Your body lacks moisture and vitamins A and E. Drink a day at least 8 glasses of water( 1.5 liters total).Eat more natural plant and animal products( vegetables, fruits, beef, chicken, fish, honey).A very good option is to fill salads with butter.

    In winter, before leaving, put on the face of a protective cream, so as not to wind it. In the summer, use a tonic every day, clean your face of dirt with a scrub and lotion.

    Sometimes on the skin appear brown spots, the causes of which lie in heredity, old age, excessive exposure to ultraviolet light, pregnancy, disease of internal organs. Get rid of them with hydrogen peroxide, citric acid, acetic-protein masks( 6% acetic acid).You can also delete using the hardware procedures. To consolidate the result, eat more foods containing vitamin C and A.

    When the body ceases to form melanin, together with the dryness, white pigment spots appear, which do not look very attractive. The reasons for their occurrence are quite enough: vitiligo diseases, pityriasis and ringworm, non-contagious lichen, cosmetic defects from using substandard cosmetics, possible traces of abrasions and burns. Precisely about , the only reason the can be solved by a doctor is by conducting a series of tests, and then having already prescribed treatment.

    To never again know the problems with the skin, eat more natural products, season salads with vegetable oils, eat fish and meat, berries, fruits, go outdoors, breathe fresh air and protect your face with special protective equipment.

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