  • Ylang Ylang for lightening hair at home

    Sometimes essential oils are used as a clarifier. The effect is not pronounced, but with constant application the result is still visible. It is well suited for clarifying hair ylang-ylang, rosemary and lavender.

    Applying essential oil can not only lightly lighten the hair, but also improve its appearance, as well as increase the elasticity of hair, restore healthy shine and restore the structure.

    Advantages of essential oils

    Of course, the main purpose of using essential oils is healing, strengthening and a means for hair growth. But if you always use ylang-ylang oil, you can get the desired clarifying effect.
    Oil obtained from ylang-ylang flowers is an excellent natural conditioner that protects hair well from external environmental influences. Therefore, if there is ylang-ylang among your favorite essential oils, its use as a remedy will be supplemented by a pleasant surprise in the form of a gradual lightening of the hair.

    How to apply correctly?

    1) For clarification of hair at home, the oil of the ylang is added as a companion component to the clarifying agents based on honey, lemon, kefir or chamomile.

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    2) Due to the fact that ylang-ylang effectively removes yellowness from the hair, it is recommended to add it to masks aimed at solving this particular problem.

    The strongest means is obtained from the juice of one lemon and 10 drops of oil.

    In addition to getting rid of yellowness, this composition will give the hair a healthy shine.

    3) As we have already mentioned, the most pronounced result is obtained with constant application, so we recommend to learn new masks with the use of this oil and use them constantly. Or add ylang to your favorite hair care product.

    With sea-buckthorn oil

    To improve the structure of hair, sea-buckthorn oil is mixed with egg yolk and add a few drops of ylang-ylang. In addition, you can drip and rosemary oil.

    With coconut oil

    Very good mixture for strengthening hair, which can be used as often as desired: 3 spoons of coconut oil requires 1 spoon of ylang-ylang.

    With avocado and chamomile oil

    For thinned hair, mix in equal proportions the butter of chamomile and ylang, add the flesh of avocado.

    All masks with the ylang are insulated to obtain an effect. For this, after application, the head is covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a towel. The optimal time for the mask to last up to an hour.

    4) Essential oil can be used and in its pure form. It is applied over the entire length of the hair for 30-40 minutes, after which it is washed off.

    By the way, there is another pleasant plus in this oil - it's its pleasant aroma, do not forget that it is one of the components of the famous Chanel perfume number 5.

    It is worth remembering that this substance may be an allergen to some, so be sure to perform an allergic test before use.

    This will save you from possible irritation. As can be understood from all of the foregoing, ylang-ylang oil, like any other essential oil, is not an active means for lightening hair. It can be used only as an auxiliary in other means or when using balms, shampoos and conditioners. Therefore, the video compilation given below is rather aimed at the preparation and use of masks, where the use of this essential oil is most optimal.