  • How to calm down the stomach of a child

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    Vacillation, or kinetosis, is due to the fact that the brain receives conflicting messages from the senses. For example, when your child drowns in a child seat in the back seat of the car, his eyes see only the fixed back of the seat, but the sensors in the inner ear inform the brain that the body is moving. In some children, the center of balance in the inner ear is more sensitive than in others. Try to resort to such a sedative for the stomach:

    • Plan your route so that to go only along straight roads;crowded cities. Frequent stops and tremors, as well as winding roads upset infant infants.

    • Travel during daytime sleep. During sleep, weak stomachs calm down. The best time to go is just before bedtime, so you can hope to reach your destination with a well-kept, well-groomed child.

    • Refuel the child, but not to the brim. Offer the child a little snack before the departure( low-fat and non-dairy products - cereal, pasta, fruit) and grab on the way pleasant for the stomach goodies: cookies, crackers, a cool drink in a cardboard box with a tube.

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    • Refill the machine beforehand. Small children are sensitive to exhaust gases at gas stations.

    • Provide the child with a seat in which he can look out the window - small children are crawling in the car if they can not look out the window - but a good view should not be at the expense of safety. Usually, if the child sits in the front seat and looks forward through the windshield, the

    shakes less than if he sits in the backseat and looks through the side window.

    • Start games that keep the child's eyes on distant objects. Posters, buildings and mountains for the stomach on the road are more pleasant than the albums that lie before their eyes for coloring.

    • Fresh air is the best friend of the stomach when it turns. Open the window on both sides of the machine to ensure through ventilation. Keep your air pollutants( cigarette smoke, perfume scents) at home.

    • Drugs for kinetosis are not recommended for children under one year, but for the older age they are safe. First, consult your doctor if your child has contraindications. Dramamine is a safe and effective over-the-counter remedy for preventing nausea, vomiting and dizziness that occur with kinetosis. Dosage for the child from one year to two - 1/2 teaspoon, for half an hour or an hour before the trip;for a child from two to three years - 1 teaspoon( 5 ml).This drug should not be given more often than once every six hours. Tablets from seasickness( scopolamine) to children under three years of age should not be given.

    to stay and calm the child, instead of taking the child out of the seat.

    • Let the older children give the baby an example of "fastening".Accustom them to the fact that this rule does not tolerate objections and that the machine will not move from its place until all buckles are buttoned.

    • If you plan to use the car seat when flying on an airplane, check if your seat is approved for use in air transport.

    • If you are presented or you are buying a used car seat, check the label to make sure it meets the safety standards set by government agencies.

    • Choose the car seat according to your child's age, weight and height( see below).