
Red facial acne: treatment, causes and recipes of masks at home

  • Red facial acne: treatment, causes and recipes of masks at home

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    What is red acne

    Redheads( rosacea, or papules) are an inflammatory skin disease. Papules are pustules that are very difficult to disguise or hide. Therefore, they must be treated so that they do not discomfort and do not lower self-esteem. Before talking about the treatment of redheads on the face, it is worthwhile to establish what are the main causes of their occurrence.

    Reasons for the appearance of red acne

    To get rid of redheads, you must first understand what factors affect their appearance. So, the main reasons:

    • Digestive system disorder;
    • Smoking;
    • Constant stress in life;
    • Age hormonal changes in the body;
    • Unbalanced diet, the consumption of fatty foods in large quantities;
    • Drinking alcohol;
    • Contaminated facial skin;
    • Genetic predisposition;
    • Chronic diseases.

    Treatment of redheads

    Do not delay treatment for acne. But before you begin the procedure on the skin itself, first of all it is necessary to do the body itself. It will be reasonable to contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary treatment and, possibly, drugs that will improve the performance of internal organs. Only after this, you can contact the cosmetologists directly or make homemade masks. In the acute condition of acne on the face, in no case should you use scrubs and do face peeling. These methods will only aggravate the condition of acne, the skin will turn red and itch may appear.

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    Specialists in the salon can offer several methods of treatment: ultrasonic face cleaning, vacuum cleaning, mesotherapy, ozone therapy. These methods are effective methods of fighting acne. In passing, the doctor gives recommendations on the use of special medicinal ointments at home.

    In addition, there is a huge selection of home masks that are easy to make by yourself and which will bring the desired effect.

    Mask of white clay:

    two tablespoons of white cosmetic clay mixed with infusion of chamomile. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    Mask from potatoes:

    raw potatoes grate, add one egg white. Apply this mixture for 20 minutes.

    Mask of chamomile:

    chamomile with sage in equal quantities, then with the decoction itself, wipe the face.

    Mask of protein:

    whisk 2 egg whites, this mass is applied to the face for 15 minutes.

    Mask from baking soda:

    two teaspoons of soda diluted in water, then it is necessary to lubricate the pimples with this solution. Acne with this mass has a property to dry up.

    Mask from cucumber:

    grate the cucumber and apply on face for 20 minutes.

    Mask of celandine:

    two tablespoons herb celandine insist in boiling water for 2 hours, drain, why make lotions with inflammation of the skin.

    Too much acne should be treated with special lotions, which dry and disinfect them. An excellent method is also rubbing the skin of the face with pieces of raw pumpkin.

    Is it possible to prevent the appearance of redheads?

    The main rule for preventing acne is the purity of the skin. Do not touch the face with dirty hands. Also good prevention is washing the face in the morning and evening with warm water. In winter, protect the skin from frost and cold wind, using protective cream. And, of course, you can not forget about face masks at any time of the year. A healthy diet, plenty of fluids and sports will also help to avoid this problem. Such simple tips for proper skin care and maintaining the body in a healthy state will not give rise to redheads.

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