
Treatment of diphtheria with folk remedies in children and adults

  • Treatment of diphtheria with folk remedies in children and adults

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    Read the article:
    • What is diphtheria: symptoms, incubation period
    • Treatment of diphtheria with folk remedies: home prescriptions
    • Prevention and useful tips on how to protect yourself from diphtheria

    Home treatment for diphtheria: folk remedies

    Despite the fact that diphtheria is generally considered to be a childillness, very often there are cases of disease in adults.

    To date, this ailment can be successfully cured using both medicines and folk recipes.

    What is diphtheria: symptoms, incubation period ^

    Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease characterized by defeat of pharynx, pharynx, larynx, and also strong intoxication of the body. It is believed that the form of the disease in which the nasopharynx is affected is the most difficult.

    The causative agent of diphtheria is a diphtheria bacillus, which is very resistant to external factors, that is, it continues to exist during drying and in the cold. When ingested, this bacterium produces a toxin that affects the nervous, cardiovascular, kidney and liver.

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    The source of the disease can be either a sick person or simply a carrier of a bacterium. The disease is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets. In addition, it can be infected by contact with contaminated objects or by using contaminated products.

    People are very susceptible to diphtheria. Antitoxic immunity to the diphtheria bacillus is produced after a previous illness or after vaccination.

    Diphtheria: symptoms in children

    • At the beginning of the illness the child complains of general malaise, drowsiness and sore throat.
    • Increases body temperature, worries headache and vomiting, enlarged lymph nodes.
    • The diphtheria film can gradually spread throughout the mucous membrane of the mouth, becomes dense and it is very difficult to remove.
    • The throat and mucous membranes swell so much that they can cause asphyxiation.

    Symptoms of diphtheria in adults

    Symptoms of the disease in adults are not very different from the symptoms in children and depend on the form of the disease:

    • Diphtheria of the oropharynx. With this form of ailment, the patient has a headache and no appetite. The skin becomes pale, the pulse becomes faster, the swelling of the tonsils and palate begins. Tonsils are covered with a light film, it is difficult to remove. In a few days it can be easily removed.
    • Diphtheria of larynx, trachea, bronchi .Characterized by attacks of severe cough, change of voice, difficulty breathing. After that, the pulse weakens, the pressure falls, convulsions begin. Untimely therapy can lead to the death of the patient.

    • Diphtheria of the nose. The course of this form of the disease occurs with minor intoxication. The mucous membrane of the nose is swollen, purulent discharge appears.
    • Eye Diphtheria .Inflammates the conjunctiva, the body temperature rises. The eyelids begin to swell, the eyes are shed and pus.

    Diphtheria of the skin, ear, genitals. This form of the disease is rare and is characterized by the appearance of a diphtheria film on the affected area, lymph node consolidation.

    This ailment is dangerous, first of all, the emergence of formidable complications. Among them:

    • disorders of the nervous system;
    • strabismus;
    • impaired coordination;
    • nasal voices and motor disorders;
    • heart muscle damage;
    • nephritis.

    Treatment of diphtheria with folk remedies: homemade recipes ^

    Folk treatment of diphtheria: home recipes

    Treatment of diphtheria in children

    Therapy of this ailment should never be carried out at home due to the danger of death. Folk recipes can only be used as a competent supplement to medicines. The kid needs to provide copious drink, liquid food and bed rest.

    In addition, it is recommended to carry out steam inhalations, which will help get rid of the film. You should also lubricate the back of the throat with fresh cranberry juice or eucalyptus tincture purchased at the pharmacy. All actions related to the treatment of a child from diphtheria should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

    Treatment of diphtheria in adults

    An excellent supplement to traditional therapy of the disease is herbal decoction:

    • It is necessary to mix mother-and-stepmother, willow bark, oregano in proportions of 2: 2: 1.
    • A spoonful of herbal mixture is recommended to pour boiling water( 2 cups) and insist for half an hour.
    • The medicine should be drained, drink half the glass three times a day.

    Treatment of diphtheria of the larynx

    To alleviate painful sensations in the larynx, you should often rinse your throat with salt solution:

    • For its preparation, add 2 teaspoons of table salt to a liter of warm water.

    Rinse can be done using a decoction of radish root:

    • A tablespoon of chopped radish is brewed with a liter of boiling water, insist an hour and filter.
    • Add a spoonful of vinegar and honey to the liquid.
    • Carry out the procedure 3 - 4 times a day.

    Treatment of diphtheria of pharynx

    For the treatment of the most common form of diphtheria, it is useful to use the following medicinal infusion.

    • It is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water to the crushed grass of the common head( 1 tablespoon), to insist for 1 hour and strain.
    • The broth must be cooled.
    • Carry out the procedure for rinsing the throat no less than seven times a day.

    Treatment of diphtheria of the pharynx

    An infusion of duckweed will help to ease the symptoms of the disease and alleviate the condition of the patient.

    • It is necessary to grind duckweed in order to get a tablespoon of raw materials, then pour a glass of alcohol.
    • Insist for a week.
    • To increase immunity and reduce heat, you need to take a tablespoon of medication three times a day before meals.

    Treatment of diphtheria of the nose

    Prepare healing drops for the nose can be made from radish.

    • Root should be cleaned from the inside, pour oil into it and bring to a boil, using for this a noise.
    • Obtained drug cool and inject drops with a cotton swab into each nostril 2-3 times a day.

    Treatment of diphtheria of the eye

    If there are no inflammations or pimples on the eyes, you can use salt compresses and rubs.

    • A teaspoon of salt should be poured a glass of warm water and make compresses on the eyes or wipe eyelids in the morning and evening.

    Treatment of diphtheria with honey

    Honey is an effective remedy for fighting a dangerous ailment.

    • Dry root of thigh-saxifrage( 3 tablespoons) should be ground into powder and mixed with honey( 3 tablespoons).It is desirable that the honey was thick.
    • From the mixture you need to make small balls with a diameter of 4-5 mm.
    • Eat one pea every four hours.

    Treatment of diphtheria with lemon

    Lemon is a wonderful product that will help to get rid of the disease.

    • To prepare the medicine you need to take five tablespoons of juice from the leaves of nightshade and five tablespoons of lemon juice.
    • Juices must be poured in 0.5 liters of boiling water.
    • Use the medicine for throat rinses every 2 hours.

    Treatment of diphtheria with herbs

    • It is necessary to prepare a herb collection from the root of burdock( 20 g), turns, oregano, dry raspberry and lime( 15 grams), the color of elder and roots of the primrose( 10 grams).
    • All the ingredients are mixed.
    • Take two spoons of the collection, brew with two cups of boiling water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, drain.
    • Drink three meals a day after meals.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of meningitis with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to protect yourself from diphtheria ^

    • The main preventive measure that helps prevent diphtheria infection is vaccination. Vaccination is done simultaneously against the development of tetanus, pertussis and diphtheria.
    • Early diagnosis and isolation of patients can prevent and prevent the epidemic. For this reason, annual inspections should be carried out in educational and workplaces.
    • People who suffer from chronic angina, inflammation of the tonsils, must be under the constant supervision of a specialist, since they are the ones most prone to infection with diphtheria.