  • Next step: harmony and self-confidence

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    Mother and child found a strong connection and felt their unity, what next? The complex effect given by wearing a child can be expressed in one word - harmony. This beautiful term reflects everything that is the carrying of a child and making contact. There are a lot of dictionary definitions of "harmony", but the simplest thing that I like most is "get along well."Here are other definitions: "the correct and pleasant order of

    things", "the coherence of feelings or actions."

    In the first month, the interaction between mother and child consists, for the most part, in an experimentally acquired response. The child gives a signal, and the mother learns how best to respond to it. After the couple repeated this signal-response interaction hundreds of times, what was first an experimentally acquired response turns into an intuitive reaction. The mother gives a thoughtful answer naturally and intuitively, and all their relationships come in harmony.

    As a close contact, established through the carrying of a child, helps the mother to recognize and feel the needs of her child, it is best illustrated by the example of how mothers in countries of a different culture dispense with diapers. Mothers who constantly wear their children understand them so accurately and sensitively that the mother knows when her child is going to get rid of the contents of the bladder or intestines, pulls the child out of the bag, holds it, pushed it away from itself, and the child does his thing, andthen returns to the bag again.

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    In addition to the fact that wearing a child creates harmony, it also gives mother and child confidence in their own abilities. Since the mother is able to understand the signals of her child, she learns to respond effectively to them and meet the needs of her child;she feels a sense of satisfaction and

    some surprise because her observation has grown so strong. Mother and child are so close that the mother does not miss a single signal. The signal-response system, although at first requires the acquisition of experience, eventually becomes intuitive. Mother feels great confidence in her abilities. The child also has self-confidence, because his signals are perceived correctly. He learns to signal better, because his signals always cause the mother to react correctly. This understanding of each other, sensitivity and confidence arise due to the constant wearing of the child.