
How to maintain beauty with age and rejuvenate the face? Filament lifting

  • How to maintain beauty with age and rejuvenate the face? Filament lifting

    That only you will not read on the Internet about a face lifting by means of thread-like technology it is far not all truthful and sincere. And in the end - it's good and useful or not worth even trying - is unclear.

    Well, let us now discuss this subject, we will weigh, so to speak, all the pros and cons. How to maintain beauty with age and rejuvenate the face? Filament lifting, according to many, just gives a solution to this problem.

    What is a filament lifting really? This is a procedure that can give a result no worse than a surgical facelift, and without much effort. This procedure is not long, takes a little over half an hour and is carried out under local anesthesia. After passing it, you do not need to stay in the hospital, after it you will calmly go home.

    After spending no more than 2-3 days at home, you can already go to work, having corrected with the help of decorative cosmetics those nuances that are still noticeable, since it is believed that for a complete recovery the person needs a little more than two weeks.

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    What do you get as a result? A beautiful tightened face for a period of 2 to 5 years and the opportunity to forget about the visits of the beautician( and also the corresponding monetary expenditure) for the entire period. Well, is not it a miracle?

    When was this technology developed? And it appeared due to the Russian-Georgian group of scientists, they also were patented, in 1996.The design was given the name Aptos. This discovery began to gain popularity in many, to be exact, in 45 countries of the world, for example, in France, Georgia, Spain, England, Russia, etc.

    Threads Aptos replaced the "golden threads" used up to that time. The installation of gold for braces itself is not very justified, since it gave a rather weak pull-up effect. Worse - after some time, gold had to be removed because it formed such "glomeruli" in different parts of the face. The idea was good, but it did not work out.

    What are the threads of Aptos

    Now let's look at what the threads of Aptos( anti ptosis, that is, "against omission") are.

    These are strings, which, as a matter of fact, are special surgical material used in normal operations, have incisions of caprolac with L-lactic acid. As you know, surgical threads are well established in the human body, without causing rejection or allergies. Lactic acid contributes to the production of collagen, namely, it helps the skin to be elastic and taut.
    As a result, we get the result 2 in 1: and we tighten the face oval, and we start the mechanism of skin rejuvenation on the cellular level.

    Do you know what is the main and the main difference of Aptos threads from other similar ones? These are special incisions, applied to the threads, due to which they stay under the skin and do not go anywhere.

    To date, there are over 35 types of yarns, as well as techniques for their installation. And the most pleasant thing is that literally all our pressing problems related to age-related changes in the skin, from wrinkles and nasolabial folds to those who have stuffed with burrs, can be solved by installing threads. Notice, without any kind of surgical intervention.

    Effects of Threads Aptos

    As to the life of the threads, it is necessary to make a reservation whether they will be absorbable or not. The threads from caprolac will finally dissolve by the end of the year after their installation, i.e.in 360 days. They are recommended to set people to 50 years.

    Non-absorbable yarns are suitable for people after 55 years old, they will perform the necessary lifting and will not subsequently interfere with any additional cosmetology interventions, including a classical lift.

    The effect of lifting with the installation of absorbable filaments is 2 years, with the installation of non-absorbable threads - about 5 years. If you do not have such a bad habit as smoking and you are caring for the skin of the face, then the duration of the effect will be longer.

    Myths about the filament lifting

    It's no secret that there are a lot of rumors about the threads of Aptos, which resulted in the formation of a number of stable myths. Often myths are actively exaggerated by competitors. We turned to the surgeons, who had been fruitfully engaged in their installation for a long time, with a request to discredit these myths and give us competent advice.

    Myth 1. "What if after the introduction of threads on the face there will be knobs and other irregularities, which then will remain"

    Answer: In the first 2-2,5 weeks after the introduction of threads, small irregularities can be observed. This is normal, within the specified time they will pass without leaving any traces.

    Myth 2. "If you have already installed Aptos threads, then surgical pull-up can not be done anymore"

    Answer: This is completely wrong. If you feel the need for a surgical lift, then whatever thread you have is not - absorbable or not, this is not an interference with the operation.

    If you have absorbable fibers, your skin will be even more elastic and dense, which will facilitate the braking process. If you have nerassasyvayuschiesya thread, they are easy to adjust, so as not to interfere with surgical intervention. If the surgeon refuses to you in the operation because of the presence of yarn, then it is worth doubting his professionalism.

    Myth 3. "At the end of the period, the thread should be removed"

    Answer: Do not. Threads, and this applies to both absorbable and non-absorbable threads, should be extracted only in the case of manifestation of some individual characteristics of the body, which are extremely rare. In our practice over the past 7 years, such cases have not occurred.

    One nuance, which we have already mentioned, if you are planning a classic facelift, then notify the surgeon about the presence of non-absorbable threads in order for him to master the situation and could correctly think over the strategy of surgical intervention.

    Myth 4. "Threads of Aptos have already outlived their own, now there are newer and safer technologies"

    Answer: Technology Aptos is the safest of the existing ones. In support of this, the availability of a full set of documents from Roszdravnadzor, compliance with all modern requirements, as well as the results of regularly conducted anatomical, histological and clinical studies.

    The specialists who are installing the Aptos filaments are seriously approaching the case, they completely "lead" the patient after the procedure, watching his recovery. They are aware of the occurrence of extraordinary events. If there is a need, the threads can simply be removed without damaging the facial and body tissues.

    Installation is strictly in completely sterile conditions. Complete sterility also applies to materials.

    The company Aptos regularly produces new products. The latest novelty of 2013 was "Aptos Nano".This product has been subjected to research for 5 years. Aptos Nano is a thread that has absorbed the experience of all 17 years of work with a thread lift. This innovative product is the safest and least traumatic, if we talk about those that are used not only in the Russian, but also foreign markets.

    Where to put the threads of Aptos, the choice of the clinic

    If you slowly develop the desire to install yourself the threads of Aptos, then use the following recommendations from the company itself Aptos:

    First, choose a clinic from the official list of the company Aptos, where you can safely carry out this procedure.

    Secondly, before you decide to install, read the certificate from the company Aptos from your surgeon or beautician, as well as the results of those procedures that he had previously.

    Third, before starting the procedure, consider the product that you will install. It should have the marking of the company Aptos. Do this before starting the installation, since after the introduction of anesthesia, it will be difficult for you to talk.

    Fourthly, the cabinet where the procedure will be conducted must be sterile and meet the requirements of SanPin. If the enterprise has a license for medical activities permitting the conduct of cosmetic or surgical procedures, then these requirements must be met.

    Fifth, you must give a patient's memo with a full list of recommendations for rehabilitation after installation. On the penultimate page there should be a detailed record of the doctor about the procedure you performed. This will be a guarantor in case you have any complications, which, as we said, happen only in 1% of patients.

    Filament lifting, alternatives to

    Well, what about competitors - are there any alternatives? In fact, weighing all the pros and cons, there is no alternative to the Aptos threads - the mezzanites have a very short period of use on the territory of the CIS countries and it's too early to tell about the presence or absence of complications. And the issues of legalization and counterfeit products at the mezzanines are acute.

    Silhouette-Lift Techniques are good, but they came to us from the US and Europe, in fact they are similar to the threads of Aptos, only much harder to install. Not all plastic surgeons are ready to master this technique, and cones on threads significantly increase and complicate the process of rehabilitation.

    Specialists able to observe all the subtleties, put these threads in Russia and CIS countries - very little. Yes, and rehabilitation after the Silhouette of the Elevator is quite long, becauseCones with a diameter much larger than the diameter of the thread and when installed tear the tissues from the inside.

    For those who want beauty without surgery there is a proven technology: Aptos threads! All about the methods of face rejuvenation on a special site for patients of the company Aptos - niti.aptos.en.

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