
Bezigolnaya mesotherapy: feedback on what it is, contraindications for the procedure

  • Bezigolnaya mesotherapy: feedback on what it is, contraindications for the procedure

    Every woman dreams of being young and attractive as long as possible. But because of the impact of harmful environmental factors, constant stress and malnutrition, our skin faces such problems as wrinkles, deterioration of complexion, flabbiness. Care ordinary cosmetics can not solve these problems, and then many seek help from specialist cosmetologists.

    However, not everyone is ready to endure painful procedures, and even more so to resort to the services of plastic surgery. What, then, do those who are afraid of injections are not ready to risk their health and suffer pain? Here, such a technique as needleless mesotherapy comes to the rescue.

    Before you tell us what is needleless mesotherapy, let's get acquainted with the feedback that will help you understand whether it is worth doing this procedure or not.

    Reviews for needleless mesotherapy


    "Since I'm very afraid of injections, I decided to do this procedure. Very pleased, no discomfort, and the skin has acquired a beautiful and well-groomed appearance from the first session. Now I will periodically take a course. "
    instagram viewer


    "I am 30 and already now I started to notice that wrinkles appeared. My friend advised me to try this procedure. After the first time the skin changed, the complexion improved. Pleasure is not cheap, but the result has justified the means. You should not save if you want to look good. "


    "How often I remember, there has always been a problem with the skin - acne, irritation. The skin quickly became oily. No foams and lotions did not help. The cosmetologist recommended to undergo a course of mesotherapy. It has been 4 courses, the skin looks much better, the inflammation has passed. Now I will always support the appearance of this method. "


    "The most important thing is to find a good specialist who will do everything right. The method I really like, I have been using it for 2 years. The skin after the procedure does look several times better. It seems that I take off 8-10 years after the procedure ยป .

    How the procedure is performed

    This therapy allows you to cope with skin problems without causing it with mechanical damage. It is carried out with the help of a special device, which, by the way of influence, is a magnetic, laser, ionic and cryo device.

    Types of needleless mesotherapy

    1. Electroporation. Allows to deliver useful substances deep into the skin due to the action of electrical impulses;
    2. Laser. It saturates the epidermis with nutrients due to the action of laser beams on it, stimulates the metabolism of the skin. It also improves the synthesis of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and proteins;
    3. Oxygen. Necessary elements saturate the skin under the influence of oxygen pressure.

    This procedure takes a little time on average and can last about 20-30 minutes. Despite the result visible after 1 session, it is recommended to undergo a course of therapy for a longer-term effect( from 6 to 12 procedures).

    Indications for the procedure

    According to many cosmeticians, this type of therapy is suitable for all women who seek to slow the natural aging of the skin. It allows you to overcome the following problems:

    1. Acne, inflammation;
    2. Wrinkles( mimic and deep);
    3. Return the skin aesthetic appearance, eliminate flabbiness;
    4. Remove pigmentation and unevenness;
    5. Vitaminize the skin, restore her tone;
    6. Improve the complexion.

    Special mezokokteyli

    This type of mesotherapy also uses special compositions in ampoules. Their choice depends on the problem.

    For the treatment and disposal of acne use remedies that contain various antibiotics and vitamins. For the purpose of lifting - cocktails, which include amino acids, elastin and collagen.

    Any mesotherapy today does not do without the use of hyaluronic acid. The following elements are also obligatory constituents in cocktails: vitamins A, C, E, group B. Due to them, metabolic processes are intensified, collagen synthesis is carried out, which contributes to the slowing down of aging processes.

    Another essential component is amino acids leading to the synthesis of proteins, and antioxidants.

    The advantages of this technique

    The main advantage is that this procedure in modern cosmetology is considered the most comfortable, effective and safe, because it helps to return the skin a healthy and radiant appearance without discomfort and pain.

    In addition, actions that have an electrical pulse, laser beams or oxygen pressure, allow beneficial substances to reach deep layers of the skin and saturate them with vitamins.

    Finally, the positive point of this technique is the absence of a recovery period after the sessions. However, it is worth taking into account some of the nuances:

    1. During the course of the course, you should not drink alcohol. In combination with the therapeutic components of injections, it can lead to unpredictable reactions.
    2. It is necessary to avoid staying in the sun, refuse to visit the solarium.
    3. Excessive physical activity and thermal procedures - bath, massages, sports training are not recommended.


    Despite its safety and sparing nature, the procedure of needle-free mesotherapy has its contraindications, which every woman should know:

    1. The presence of a pacemaker;
    2. Inflammation, mechanical damage to the skin;
    3. Pregnancy and lactation;
    4. A number of diseases( oncology, kidney failure, hypertension, diabetes);
    5. Diseases of the blood, including low coagulability.

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