  • Skin toilet, treatment of umbilical wound

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    Daily skin toilet

    Skin care is very important. It prevents its damage and the development of such unpleasant conditions as diaper rash and diaper dermatitis.

    Contact the skin of the baby with her mother's hands, a towel and just with water helps his senses develop. The child receives a huge amount of information during bathing or wiping with a sponge. Daily skin cleansing does not replace bathing.

    3-4 times a day, natural folds should be wiped: bows, cervical, axillary, elbow, inguinal, gluteal and hip folds. It is in these places that, with improper care, diaper rashness develops.

    The skin of the baby should be cleaned with cotton swabs moistened with boiled water. If the skin is irritated, then after this procedure, it can be applied to the baby powder when the skin is oily, or, with dry skin, a softening cream recommended by your pediatrician.

    If the purity of the genital organs is not observed, the child may experience: inflammation of the urethra, kidneys, diseases of the female sexual sphere in girls, etc. It is necessary to wash the child every time you change soiled or wet diapers and sliders. You can use cotton swabs for this. Girls and boys are washed away in different ways.

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    Girls first clean the genital area. Just swipe on top of them to remove the remains of urine. To wash the girl necessarily from the front back. Then, with another tampon, the area of ​​the anus is cleaned. This sequence is very important to avoid the introduction of germs from the rectum into the vagina.

    In boys, the processing sequence is not so important. It is necessary to first remove the napkin with a napkin, then, with a cotton swab, wash the area of ​​the anal opening and all the soiled areas. When processing the penis, you do not need to pull out the foreskin. In conclusion, wipe the inguinal, gluteal and femoral folds.

    Treatment of umbilical wound

    Completely navel heals usually by the 20th day of life of the child. Until then, it must be regularly treated once a day, after bathing. First, 2-3 drops of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide are added to the umbilical wound and dried with a cotton swab. Then treated with 1% alcohol solution of diamond green( zelenka), you can 5% solution of potassium permanganate( manganese) or 5% alcohol solution of iodine. These products color the skin, so it's not always possible to notice signs of navel inflammation in time. Because of this, some pediatricians recommend the use of colorless solutions instead of color solutions: 70% ethyl alcohol or alcohol tinctures of ledum, chlorophyllipt, etc.

    Do not touch or remove the crust when handling the umbilical cord, because under it the healing processes are most active. When the wound surface is completely closed by healthy cells, it will disappear itself. After bathing, the navel should be dryed with a sterile cotton wool. It is not permissible for a wet diaper to come into contact with an unhealed wound, as this can cause irritation and inflammation. Each time, when treating the navel, carefully examine the area around it to see whether redness, swelling, or any unusual discharge occurs. Such signs appear when getting into the wound infection. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor!


    It is necessary to bathe a baby from the first day after discharge from the maternity hospital, every day. For this procedure, you need a separate bath, which is not used for washing diapers or baby clothes. In the first 2 weeks it should be showered with boiling water and washed with soap before bathing. The water temperature should be about 37 ° C, and for a premature baby slightly higher than 38-38.5 ° C. A special thermometer is used for monitoring. The bathroom should be warm, 22-25 ° C.At the bottom of the tray you need to lower the diaper. The procedure should last no more than 5-7 minutes.

    To bathe a child preferably in the evening, before the last evening feeding. This will help improve the baby's appetite and sleep at night. In the bath you can add broths and infusions of soothing herbs: mint, valerian, motherwort, if your child differs restlessness and falls asleep badly. For the prevention and treatment of perspiration and mild degrees of diaper rash, it is possible to add broths of herbs with anti-inflammatory action: alternating, chamomile, yarrow, calendula. Twice a week, but not more often, the child needs to bathe with baby soap. Do not rush to use your favorite brands of French soap with a delicate aroma for bathing. These cosmetics are not yet suitable for the child by age and can only bring harm. For bathing it is necessary to use an individual sponge, soft, preferably foam. The head and the back of the baby

    The treatment of the umbilical wound

    All the navel heals usually- to the 20 day of the child's life. Until then, it must be regularly treated once a day, after bathing. First, 2-3 drops of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide are added to the umbilical wound and dried with a cotton swab. Then treated with 1% alcohol solution of diamond green( zelenka), you can 5% solution of potassium permanganate( manganese) or 5% alcohol solution of iodine. These products color the skin, so it's not always possible to notice signs of navel inflammation in time. Because of this, some pediatricians recommend the use of colorless solutions instead of color solutions: 70% ethyl alcohol or alcohol tinctures of ledum, chlorophyllipt, etc.

    With , the umbilical cord should not be crusted or removed, because underneath it the most active processeshealing. When the wound surface is completely closed by healthy cells, it will disappear itself. After bathing, the navel should be damped with a sterile cotton wool. It is not permissible for a wet diaper to come into contact with an unhealed wound, as this can cause irritation and inflammation. Each time, when treating the navel, carefully examine the area around it to see whether redness, swelling, or any unusual discharge occurs. Such signs appear when getting into the wound infection. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor!


    It is necessary to bathe a baby from the first day after discharge from the maternity hospital, every day. For this procedure, you need a separate bath, which is not used for washing diapers or baby clothes. In the first 2 weeks it should be showered with boiling water and washed with soap before bathing. The temperature of the water should be about 37 ° C, and for a premature baby a little higher than 38-38.5 ° C A special thermometer is used for the control, in the bathroom it should be warm, 22-25 ° C. The procedure should be lowered to the bottom of the bathtub.should not be more than 5-7 minutes

    To bathe a child preferably in the evening, before the last evening feeding It will help to improve the appetite of the baby and his night sleep. In the bath you can add decoctions and infusions of soothing herbs: peppermint, valerian, motherwort if your child is not restiveand badly falling asleepFor the prevention and treatment of perspiration and mild degrees of diaper rash, you can add herbal decoctions with anti-inflammatory action: alternating, chamomile, yarrow, calendula. Twice a week, but not more often, the baby needs to be bathed with baby soap. Do not rush to use your favorite varieties for bathingFrench soap with a delicate aroma. This cosmetic products are not yet suitable for the child by age and can only do harm. For swimming, one should use an individual sponge, soft, preferably foam. Head and back of the baby

    , put it on your left arm, and support the buttocks and legs with your right hand. Carefully immerse it in water, take your time, make sure that water does not get into the ears or spout. Wash the body gently so as not to damage the delicate baby skin. After bathing the child put on the palm of his right hand face down and rinse with boiled warm water from a jug. Then the baby's body needs to be dried with a towel or a sheet, affairs, and neat blotting movements. Do not wipe it, as this can damage the skin. Particular attention should be paid to places of natural folds, which after bathing should be absolutely dry. After bathing, these areas are treated with some softening or moisturizing agent: sterile sunflower oil, baby cream or powder.

    Do not forget to process the umbilical wound!

    Modern skin care products

    Natural folds are treated with baby powder or starch, with dry or irritated skin, with a special cream recommended by the pediatrician.

    It is important that the tender and sensitive skin of the baby does not come into contact with irritating substances, for example, strong powders and soaps.

    For washing children's underwear, use specially designed detergents. Every

    cosmetic product of a mom should first try on yourself.

    Apply a little remedy on the back of the hand or on the elbow area from the inside, where the skin is tenderest, and lightly massage. After 10-15 minutes, see if there is irritation on the skin, notice how much the substance is absorbed well or badly, does not cause discomfort.

    Then apply a little on a limited area of ​​the baby's skin, preferably on a pedicle or pen, and evaluate the reaction. The skin should be clean, velvety, normal color. If there is redness, swelling or flaking, then this means the child is not suitable.

    Be sure to ask if your family has allergies to cosmetic substances, but "if there is, then what means and what are its components."Carefully study the composition of the product. There should not be very odorous substances, concentrated herbal essences, less preservatives and emulsifiers.

    And only after all preparations it is possible to use this agent for treating relatively large skin surfaces.

    Now there is a huge amount of quality cosmetics for caring for children's skin not only foreign but also domestic production.

    Good series of children's cosmetics meet the whole set of requirements. They have a neutral reaction medium( pH), as well as children's skin, do not contain preservatives and odoriferous substances;the mineral components in them predominate over organic ones, which are most often artificially synthesized. Many ingredients include natural ingredients: extracts of chamomile, aloe, sequins, calendula, etc. Cosmetic means for bathing are necessarily built according to the formula "without tears", which makes bathing a pleasant and fun activity for mom and baby. The rules for the application of cream and oil:

    1) are applied a thin layer on the problem areas, for example, in the perineum or in the places of large folds. The entire body can be spread only with very dry skin, prone to peeling;

    2) by a special method called "dosing through the mother's hands".To do this, a woman takes a little money, rubbing it into her hands, and the rest of the cream or oil puts on the baby's skin. It's so easy to avoid an overdose of the remedy.

    Convenient for specially moisturized baby wipes. The material from which they are made must be strong, but soft. After treatment, the skin should not remain villous or threaded. These napkins are very convenient if you are in an environment where there is no possibility to wash the baby. Usually such napkins are not just damp, but also impregnated with children's cleansing milk, which effectively removes all dirt from the skin of the baby, while it does not contain soap or alcohol base.