
Coloring hair: video master classes from the best stylists

  • Coloring hair: video master classes from the best stylists

    Video about coloring hair: the best master classes from leading hairdressers of Russia

    Coloring is a rather complicated procedure, which, however, can sometimes be practiced even at home. In order to master this procedure, you need to carefully read the instructions on the package with the paint, and also you can preview the coloring of the hair video-selection below.

    With Your Hands

    1. Here is an example step-by-step instruction for coloring. It is very general and suitable for all types of hair.
    2. Test for an allergic reaction.
    3. Skin the contour of the face with cream, as with standard staining.
    4. Wrap a towel or oilcloth on your shoulders.
    5. Pin a part of the hair on the vertex with the clamps, and part the part into strands.
    6. Select each strand about 0.5 cm wide. Paint the strands.
    7. Each colored strand is wrapped in foil.
    8. Gradually break the upper strands and paint them. Do not forget to wrap in foil.
    9. Always apply a coloring composition along the line from the occiput to the forehead, not vice versa.
    10. instagram viewer
    11. Color the strands, alternating the colors and areas as you like.
    12. Keep the color composition on the head for 30-40 minutes, no more. Otherwise, there is a risk of spoiling the hair.
    13. At the final stage, remove the foil and flush the hair with plenty of water. Apply balm on hair.

    What's right for me?

    Stylists and hairdressers made their brief set of rules, what color hair is suitable for coloring. So:

    1) If you are a blonde, choose all the honey and pinkish-strawberry tones. You can choose and red tones. Well, if you want to shade your hair with cold tones, then it will look perfectly ashen gray or frost-chestnut tone. And, of course, blondes are very Californian melirovanie.

    2) Red-haired ladies are very much going to all the coffee shades and brown-chocolate tones.

    3) Dark hair will need to be clarified to get an interesting effect, but the color palette extends from pale yellow to eggplant, purple and scarlet.

    4) To create an avant-garde image colors such as bright blue, green, purple, red are used. But it is better to seek professional advice.

    Where to learn?

    You can complete coloring training on hairdresser courses, where you will be popularly told how and where paint to paint is better to buy, how to choose the right colors and to dry strands of hair in foil during the procedure. Also often stylists in the process of training conduct a master class.

    Related Videos

    Coloring is a rather complicated procedure, which, however, can sometimes be practiced even at home. In order to master this procedure, you need to carefully read the instructions on the package with the paint, and also you can preview the coloring of the hair video-selection below.

    With Your Hands

    1. Here is an example step-by-step instruction for coloring. It is very general and suitable for all types of hair.
    2. Test for an allergic reaction.
    3. Skin the face contour with cream, as with standard staining.
    4. Use a towel or an oilcloth on your shoulders.
    5. Pinch a part of the hair on the vertex with clamps, and part of it is divided into strands.
    6. Select each strand about 0.5 cm wide. Paint the strands.
    7. Each colored strand is wrapped in foil.
    8. Gradually pry the upper strands and paint them. Do not forget to wrap in foil.
    9. Always apply a coloring composition along the line from the occiput to the forehead, not vice versa.
    10. Color the strands, alternating the colors and areas as you like.
    11. Keep the color composition on the head for 30-40 minutes, no more. Otherwise, there is a risk of spoiling the hair.
    12. At the final stage, remove the foil and wash the hair with plenty of water. Apply balm on hair.

    What's right for me?

    Stylists and hairdressers made their brief set of rules, what color hair is suitable for coloring. So:

    1) If you are a blonde, choose all the honey and pinkish-strawberry tones. You can choose and red tones. Well, if you want to shade your hair with cold tones, then it will look perfectly ashen gray or frost-chestnut tone. And, of course, blondes are very Californian melirovanie.

    2) Red-haired ladies are very much going to all the coffee shades and brown-chocolate tones.

    3) Dark hair will need to be clarified for an interesting effect, but the color palette extends from pale yellow to eggplant, purple and scarlet.

    4) To create an avant-garde image colors such as bright blue, green, purple, red are used. But it is better to seek professional advice.

    Where to learn?

    You can get training coloring on hairdresser courses, where you are popularly told how and where coloring paint is better to buy, how to choose the right colors and to dry strands of hair in foil during the procedure. Also often stylists in the process of training conduct a master class. Related Videos