
Acne treatment at home: how and how to treat acne on the face, reviews, photos and videos

  • Acne treatment at home: how and how to treat acne on the face, reviews, photos and videos

    Acne treatment at home: effective masks and compresses in video tips

    Every person wants to have a well-groomed and healthy skin. But unfortunately, not many can boast of this, because they suffer from acne. This disease of the epidermis appears for the first time in adolescence and during hormonal changes in the body must pass, but this does not always happen. In order to avoid acne, you need to observe a couple of simple rules: wash twice a day using baby soap, use special means( face lotions, ointments, creams) to cleanse the face and remove the grease and dust settling on it.

    The main ways to treat

    If acne gets to your skin, then it's worthwhile to take care of it. It is not recommended to get rid of these rashes on your own, as scars on the skin can form or the infection will cause their appearance in even greater quantities. For help in solving this problem, you can go to the hospital or take care of acne at home. The latter method involves the use of various folk remedies and natural components.

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    In order to disappear acne, you need to eat more vegetables, fruits and cereals( especially useful oatmeal).Also, it is worth to give up the sweet, alcoholic, too salty and sharp, all this affects the strong production of sebum and attracts attention to inflammation on the face. If a person is not a fan of traditional medicine, then preparations with sulfur, resorcinol, benzene, salicylic acid will be of great help to him.

    All these substances are good at erupting, they destroy bacteria that cause the appearance of acne. Some of them can destroy even closed eels. For proper and high-quality exposure to these drugs, you need to use them regularly, after cleaning the area of ​​the body to which they will be applied. If redness appears or the skin dries strongly, then it is better to use drugs with these substances less often.

    There are many recipes for masks, compresses and decoctions for the treatment of acne in the home. They are based on natural, natural ingredients: various herbs, vegetables.

    Mask recipes from acne

    The best means for fighting eruption are:

    • mask of soda - turn 1 tablespoon of soda into a pasty state with water, apply on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water;
    • mask of soda and bran - mix 2 teaspoons of soda with a glass of ground rye bran, take a tablespoon of the mixture and mix with water, smear this face for 10 minutes( the remaining mixture is hidden in the refrigerator and used if necessary);
    • decoction of St. John's wort - 3 tablespoons of flowers and leaves of grass pour 400 milliliters of water, 20 minutes to cook over low heat, merge and make lotions daily;
    • tea on herbs - brew leaves of raspberries, strawberries, violets, turns and nettles and take this broth twice a day;
    • mask on peanut butter - mix 1 tablespoon of butter and lemon juice and apply to the inflamed parts of the body;
    • mask based on honey and cinnamon - mix the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio and rub the affected skin with acne, this procedure can be done once a day and not more often;
    • compress on herbs - take a glass of water and 30 grams of herbs( chamomile, thyme, turn), insist 30 minutes, in this solution moisten the bandage and put on the sprinkled part of the body;
    • grind 8 cloves of garlic( medium size) to a mushy condition and apply the mixture on face for 30 minutes, wash and lubricate face cream;
    • the simplest mask - to take a piece of a pumpkin and rub their face;
    • egg white mixed with finely ground oatmeal, apply a thin layer and wait for drying, then wash off.

    The problem with acne is quite solvable, the main thing is to choose a suitable remedy for treatment and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Video selection

    See also: Even the most disgusting acne can be easily removed!

    Every person wants to have a well-groomed and healthy skin. But unfortunately, not many can boast of this, because they suffer from acne. This disease of the epidermis appears for the first time in adolescence and during hormonal changes in the body must pass, but this does not always happen. In order to avoid acne, you need to observe a couple of simple rules: wash twice a day using baby soap, use special means( face lotions, ointments, creams) to cleanse the face and remove the grease and dust settling on it.

    The main ways to treat

    If acne gets to your skin, then it is worthwhile to take care of its treatment. It is not recommended to get rid of these rashes on your own, as scars on the skin can form or the infection will cause their appearance in even greater quantities. For help in solving this problem, you can go to the hospital or take care of acne at home. The latter method involves the use of various folk remedies and natural components.

    In order to disappear acne, you need to eat more vegetables, fruits and cereals( especially useful oatmeal).Also, it is worth to give up the sweet, alcoholic, too salty and sharp, all this affects the strong production of sebum and attracts attention to inflammation on the face. If a person is not a fan of traditional medicine, then preparations with sulfur, resorcinol, benzene, salicylic acid will be of great help to him.

    All these substances are good at eruptions, they destroy bacteria that cause the appearance of acne. Some of them can destroy even closed eels. For proper and high-quality exposure to these drugs, you need to use them regularly, after cleaning the area of ​​the body to which they will be applied. If redness appears or the skin dries strongly, then it is better to use drugs with these substances less often.

    There are many recipes for masks, compresses and decoctions for the treatment of acne in the home. They are based on natural, natural ingredients: various herbs, vegetables.

    Recipes for masks from acne

    The best means for controlling eruption are:

    • mask from soda - turn 1 tablespoon of soda into a pasty state with water, apply on face for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water;
    • mask of soda and bran - mix 2 teaspoons of soda with a glass of ground rye bran, take a tablespoon of the mixture and mix with water, spread it on the face for 10 minutes( the remaining mixture to be hidden in the refrigerator and used if necessary);
    • decoction of St. John's wort - 3 tablespoons of flowers and leaves of grass pour 400 milliliters of water, 20 minutes to cook over low heat, merge and make lotions daily;
    • tea on herbs - brew leaves of raspberries, strawberries, violets, turns and nettles and take this broth twice a day;
    • mask on peanut butter - mix 1 tablespoon of butter and lemon juice and apply to the inflamed parts of the body;
    • mask based on honey and cinnamon - mix the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio and rub the affected skin with acne, this procedure can be done once a day and not more often;
    • compress on herbs - take a glass of water and 30 grams of herbs( chamomile, thyme, turn), insist 30 minutes, in this solution moisten the bandage and put on the sprinkled part of the body;
    • grind 8 cloves of garlic( medium size) to a mushy condition and apply the mixture on the face for 30 minutes, wash and lubricate the face with cream;
    • the simplest mask - to take a piece of a pumpkin and rub their face;
    • egg white mixed with finely ground oatmeal, apply a thin layer and wait for drying, then wash off.

    The problem with acne is completely solved, the main thing is to choose a suitable remedy for treatment and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Video selection

    See also: Even the most disgusting acne can be easily removed!