
What color of hair will suit me in appearance: Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring

  • What color of hair will suit me in appearance: Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring

    In the modern world, to meet a girl who never painted her own hair is a rarity. In fact, the temptation to change your image is very large, and the understanding that you can change simply by using a magic box with paint that is available to everyone and almost free, and sometimes even does not require leaving home, only increases the temptation.

    Is it necessary to fight temptation or should we succumb to temptation? The question is controversial, so it is important to remember that any dyes do not do much good for curls, on the contrary, they even harm. Of course, modern manufacturers of hair colors are trying to develop a gentle paint that will not damage the hair, but this is only a plan for the future. Externally dyed hair becomes more smooth, and look healthy, so hair coloring can not be particularly feared. There remains only one urgent question: "What color will my hair suit?".To give an answer to this question, we will understand with color-types, guided by which it is necessary to select a shade of hair.

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    It's no secret that the appearance of each individual person is unique, because there are an infinite number of different shades of eyes, hair and skin. The habit of dividing people by appearance into brunettes, brown-haired, blondes is certainly correct, but not quite. The fact is that a girl with blonde hair, blue-eyed and with perfect tender pink skin requires special selection in clothes and make-up, as well as swarthy blondes with brown eyes.

    Specialists distinguish four color types by the seasons. Let us consider them in more detail.

    Roast "Summer"

    If you own a thin skin with translucent vessels, ashy hues in your hair and bluish or gray eyes, you are undoubtedly the "Summer".You can be a green-eyed or brown-eyed, the most important is a cold shade of the skin without any hints of warm tones.

    Summer can be contrast and non-contrast. In the first case, dark hair with light skin and light eyes are combined, if it is not, then the second case. For contrasting summer, wheat hair tones suitably. This color perfectly refreshes the head of hear and emphasizes the color of the eyes. For a non-contrast summer, it is worth giving a mixture of red and brown shades, which will help make hair more expressive and soften the overall appearance.

    Snow White "Winter"

    Snow-white owners who do not like being in the sun are "Winter".Brown-eyed beauties will go both black and white hair color, for this reason this type of girls is not difficult to confuse with "Summer".To determine the exact type with a simple test, you need to pinch your skin and look at the color of the trace, if it's bluish, then you are Summer, if red is Winter.

    It is recommended that a girl of this color-type be given a preference for juicy tones, but without red notes. Cold wheat tone or rich black is what you need. If you like warm shades, you can dye your hair in a red tone, but not chestnut.

    Curly "Autumn"

    Freckles and red curls completely indicate the type of "Autumn".To emphasize the style will help the native shades of different variations. You can choose a hair color, from light chestnut to bright red. Do not try to dye your hair black or white - it will greatly disappoint you.

    Gentle "Spring"

    Owners of a gentle, light color are Spring. They are characterized by a light shade of the eyes, a milky tone of the skin and slightly reddish blond hair. Such beauties ideally fit caramel, honey and nutty hue of hair. Excellent looking melted hair.