  • Palmistry without miracles

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    Palmistry is known to us as one of the oldest ways of guessing - on the arm. But it has always been and is considered to be still - a kind of kind of deceive trusting simpletons. And yet palmistry was known in Greece and Rome. Aristotle in his treatises repeatedly spoke of the hand on which "the lines are not without foundation".Mathematician Spurin predicted to Julius Caesar his tragic death, which came true at the appointed hour.

    In the fifteenth century, famous scientists Paracelsus and Cardan associated palmistry with the principles of astrology. Astrologers based their teachings on the influence of planets on everything earthly and divided the essence of man into seven planetary spheres: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Mercury, Mars and the Moon.

    Palmists, who accepted astrological teaching, believed that each of the seven planets corresponds to a certain part of the hand on which "reflect" the good and bad qualities of a person who depends on this planet. And they say that "palm hieroglyphs represent a natural biography of a person, in which the influence of each planet is reflected."

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    Funny, naive? Maybe, but do not rush to conclusions. Our interlocutor is a member of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, candidate of psychological sciences Tatyana Galkina.

    - Tatiana, how do you think, on the lines on the palm of the face, a man can learn something about himself?

    - Yes, and a lot. Now even many doctors recognized this. And along with the diagnosis of the shell of the eyes, attention is paid to diagnostics "on the hands".And this is the first step towards recognizing that the internal organs of a person leave their mines in the palm of their hand. You just need to be able to read them.

    - But, as far as I know, chiromantists claim more. Predicting the future, for example.

    - If you do not mind, I'll start my story from afar. For the first time a gypsy in a small farm in the south was guessing at me by the hand. Naturally, she saw me for the first time, she could not know anything about my past, but she told me everything: how I was born, what diseases I had when I was a child, and predicted to me in two years a serious shock in life. The prediction came true.

    And since then I have become interested in palmistry, Read the corresponding books. And later, when I entered the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, I was carried away by scientific work;conducted testing of various couples: family, lovers, friends, girlfriends, brothers, sisters and in parallel with this looked at the hands of people.

    The first thing that struck me was the certain coincidence of the test results with the interpretation of the combination of individual lines on the palm, which are given in palmistry.

    It is known that temperament people are divided into four types. Melancholics are a neurotic character store plus introversion - that is, a certain secrecy, isolation. Choleric - neurotic warehouse plus extraversion. They are more open, sociable people. Phlegmatic - emotionally stable introverts. And, finally, the fourth type is sanguine. Also emotionally stable, but extroverts.

    Thus, knowing the patterns of the arrangement of the lines on the hand and their features, you, having studied your hand, can approximately determine what your temperament is. The most prominent line of love, which is located under the index finger) The choleric is the most addicted nature. They are followed by sanguine people - they often get a line cut by wrinkles, but still it is not so faltering, choleric. And the clearest line, almost entirely continuous, belongs to the phlegmatic.

    I also remember: happy family couples and lovers love lines on their hands as if complement each other: if one does not have enough lines, then the other has them.

    And friends, friends, who communicate "on an equal footing", this drawing on the palm is very similar.

    - What can give us this information?

    - Firstly, it can be used as a means to match couples in dating services. Secondly, to predict the development of relationships, for example in the family In particular, it was revealed in tests that the choleric and sanguine phlegmatic couple get along best in marriage( choleric plus phlegmatic, sanguine plus phlegmatic).

    Not bad, but choleric animals with choleric people live very roughly. Sanguinarians with sanguine men get along fine, but choleric people with melancholy do not care.

    Generally melancholic - the most "heavy" type, it is usually difficult for them all.

    - What should poor melancholy do?

    - We must try to gradually turn into phlegmatic - that is, try to get emotional.stability, getting rid of unnecessary neuroticism.

    - Is this possible?

    - In principle, yes. Since only introversion and extraversion are considered innate, and neuroticism and emotional stability are subject to changes throughout life.

    By the way, after watching several years of happy married couples, I noticed that the lines of love they have over the years are leveled, become very similar to each other. This also applies to a number of other lines.

    - Tatiana, but is it true that if the line of love reaches the index finger, then the person is very jealous?

    - Almost always found this confirmation. But here it is necessary to distinguish, on which hand the line. After all, the left is considered to be "genotypic", that is, it reflects the innate qualities, and the right one - the "phenotypic map" of the acquired properties.

    If on the left hand the line of love reaches the index finger, then there is little to change, and if on the right - you have a chance to improve.

    The same "situation", for example, with the ring of Venus. If on the left hand the ring is sharper than on the right one, then you can be much more charming and attractive in life, but while badly using your natural data.

    - If possible, a few words about the life line. ..

    - There are two main points to note here. First. If the life line is short, first of all - do not be scared. A threat means only crossing at a certain point three main lines.

    The second. Even if they all fatal way intersect at one point on the right hand, look closely at the left: maybe there is a different situation. In this case, you just need to be more careful about your health, in time to see a doctor.

    - And they say, some people have two lines of life. What does it mean?

    - As far as I could see, only that a person was born before the "due time". ..

    - A line of the mind, in other words Mars( passes between the life line( Venus) and the hill of Jupiter)?

    - It also reflects to some extent the intellectual development of a person. And then, again, does not prevent to compare its outlines on the right and left hands: how much you have developed your mental abilities, whether you have the opportunity to improve in this area.

    - You did not say anything about one of the most interesting lines - destinies. ..

    - You know, it is so complicated and different for everyone that in order to draw any conclusions, it is necessary to carry out a special study, and at least15-20 years.

    I naturally did not have such an opportunity.

    And anyway, what I told you, it's not even the basics, but the very beginning of the basics. In my opinion, palmistry deserves more attention and serious attitude. ..