  • Treatment of contusions with folk remedies

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    Read in the article:
    • Types and symptoms of bruises
    • Treatment of bruises at home: folk recipes
    • Prevention and helpful advice on how to provide first aid with a bruise

    Folk bruising treatment: recipes.

    The strong mechanical action of certain objects on the areas of the body contributes to the formation of a closed trauma, called a bruise.

    In this case, popular medicine is becoming popular, the available methods of which will effectively reduce the pain syndrome, relieve swelling and accelerate healing.

    Types and symptoms of bruises ^

    A bruise is a closed injury to soft tissues, joints or internal organs with a minor damage to their structure. Their occurrence is facilitated by falls( ice, stone, asphalt) or blows with blunt objects.

    Symptoms of bruises are severe dull pain, redness, swelling and the appearance of a small bruise. Depending on the severity, this type of injury is divided into four stages:

    • First degree - minor damage to soft tissues;
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    • The second degree is the formation of a hematoma with edema;
    • Third degree - damage to muscles, tendons or joints;
    • Fourth degree - severe damage to soft and bony tissues or organs, leading to a disruption in their performance.

    Depending on the site of damage, it is common to distinguish between the bruises of the internal organs, shoulder, forearm, elbow, coccyx, thorax, knee, shin, foot, finger, spine, brain and other joints or organs.

    Folk treatment of bruises gives excellent results in the presence of the first two degrees. For the third degree of injury, home treatment should be used as an additional technique to the prescribed therapeutic course.

    Many folk remedies for the treatment of bruises are required for home treatment procedures, such as honey, raw potatoes, cabbage leaves, onions, alcohol, laundry soap, camphor powder, medicinal plants( aloe, plantain, wormwood, flax seed, etc.)fir oil and others.

    Treatment of house bruises consists of the following procedures:

    • Preparation of homemade ointments and mixtures for rubbing;
    • Use of anti-inflammatory and resorptive compresses;
    • Preparation of medicinal baths;
    • The use of healing decoctions.

    Treatment of contusions in children

    High activity of children often leads to the formation of various injuries, one of which are bruises. In this case, to reduce pain and to remove hemorrhage, it is advisable to apply cold to the injured place for several minutes. If, as a result of the impact, an open wound is formed, it must be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide and zelenok.

    With minor tissue damage to folk medicine, the following treatment of bruises by domestic means is suggested:

    • Leaf of plantain or parsley wash, knead and attach to trauma;
    • To rub a sore spot with a tincture of calendula, then apply a freshfoot.

    Treatment of bruises at home: folk recipes ^

    Treatment of bruises with folk remedies at home: recipes.

    Treatment of soft tissue injuries

    • Fresh honey is combined with the pulp of aloe, applied to bruises and bandages;
    • Piece of laundry soap gently rub the sore spot.

    Treatment of bruises of joints

    • Bulb grind, add powdered plantain( st.l) and honey( st.l.).The resulting compress is applied to the joint, having sustained two hours;
    • Grind fresh wormwood and in an amount of three tablespoons. Insist in 200 ml of vodka for seven days. Then tincture strain, moisten it with tissue and apply to the joints.

    Treatment of a foot injury

    • Prepared a strong broth from the flowers of a lemon grass and pour into the water and take a bath for 15-20 minutes;
    • In 500 ml of 6% vinegar place a couple of chopped garlic heads, then remove the container in a dark place for a day. The prepared compound should be rubbed into the area of ​​the sore leg.

    Treatment of hand injury

    • Raw potatoes to grate, put it in gauze and attach to the bruised hand;
    • Peel the banana skin on the arm for two hours.

    Treatment of contusion of ribs

    • Ст.л.of dried calendula flowers bring to a boil in two glasses of boiling water, then insist for 2.5 hours. Take the broth should be 100 ml four times daily.
    • In the same broth, you can add a little honey, moisten the fabric in it, attach it to the rib, and tightly bandage another bandage.

    Treating a bruise of the finger

    • Grass powder to powder into powder, dilute it with boiled water to a mushy condition, apply on the finger and bandage;
    • Fir oil to moisten the bandage and bandage their bruised finger.

    Treatment of knee injury

    • Fresh leaf of white cabbage tied for an hour to the knee, then replaced;
    • Dry wormwood, grind, mix with vaseline and place in the oven for a couple of hours. Ready ointment rubbed into the knee thrice every day.

    Treatment of coccyx contusion

    • Stir and boil 10 gruel onions in a water bath, 150 gr.copper sulfate, 180 gr.powdered gum, 100 gr.crushed spruce needles and 400 ml butter butter.
    • The resulting burning ointment should be rubbed into the coccyx for the night.

    Treatment of head injury

    • With camphor alcohol, moisten gauze and apply it to the place of injury to the head;
    • Salt glow in a frying pan, pour it into a tissue bag and apply to the bruised area.

    Treatment of a foot injury

    • Put bay leaf, horsetail, birch, chamomile into salted water and insist until it cools.
    • Then, in the strained infusion, you should moisten the towel and tie it to the foot.
    • This compress is best used at night.

    Treatment of shoulder injury

    • Soap the mild soap, combine in a raw egg yolk, stir and twice a day rub into a sore shoulder;
    • Sheet burdock knead, attach to the shoulder, top to put cellophane and secure with a bandage.

    Treatment of eye contusion

    • The ground flax seeds should be placed in a tissue bag, lowered into boiling water, applied to the injury and allowed to cool. The number of procedures is three for each day;
    • Mokritsu( garden green plant) and rinse and apply for half an hour to the affected area.

    Treatment of a bruise of the spine

    • Colors of arnica pour for two hours with boiling water in the ratio tsp: 200 ml, then take two tablespoons each.thrice every day before eating;
    • In well-heated bath water, add sea salt with a strong chamomile broth, and then take water procedures for 30 minutes.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of edema with folk remedies.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to give first aid in case of injury ^

    During the day, the first help with bruises will be the application of ice or the use of cold compresses. After cold procedures it is recommended to apply to non-sterile sites, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory and soothing ointments.

    After the expiry of 24 days, it is advisable to use any suitable and available means for the speedy healing of the injury.

    The basis of preventive measures is minimization of traumatic situations. For this, the following recommendations should be observed:

    • Carefully choose comfortable footwear, especially in the winter-spring period;
    • Observe the precautions when driving on rollers, bicycles, skates, skis and others.
    • Use safety and protective devices for certain sports, where the risk of injuries increases dramatically.