
What vitamin is contained in the liver( beef or chicken), what is the use of the body from the consumption of offal

  • What vitamin is contained in the liver( beef or chicken), what is the use of the body from the consumption of offal

    The liver is a healthy and tasty product. It is recommended that doctors include in therapeutic nutrition for various diseases, such as anemia, with various malignant diseases of the blood, people weakened after severe diseases. What vitamin is contained in the liver, which makes it so useful?

    Liver - chemical composition

    The liver consists of proteins, it contains vitamins and microelements.

    This product is rich in essential amino acids that strengthen the immune system:

    1. Lysine.
    2. Methionine.
    3. Tryptophan.

    The liver contains a substance called heparin that prevents the formation of blood clots.

    Iron is very important for the human body and there is a lot of iron in the liver.

    This byproduct is saturated with Group B vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins D, A.

    How vitamins in the liver are affected by the body

    The vitamin content in the liver determines its effect on the human body.

    Retinol or vitamin A is a vitamin of beautiful skin and good eyesight. It causes the cells to be renewed, so it is irreplaceable in the treatment of burn wounds and injuries.

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    The liver can detect almost the entire composition of B vitamins:

    1. Riboflavin B2.
    2. Choline B4.
    3. Pantothenic acid B5.
    4. Pyridoxine B6
    5. Cyanocobalamin B12.

    This group protects cell membranes from the effects of toxic substances. Also control fat metabolism and carbohydrate.

    Choline controls the level of cholesterol, promotes tissue growth, stimulates brain function.

    Pantothenic acid is involved in the formation of antibodies, controls the number of adrenal hormones.

    Vitamins in beef liver are kept in such quantity that 100 g of this product is enough to provide the body with a daily dose of vitamins.

    Chicken liver benefits

    Chicken liver is a delicacy product that is advised to be used in cases of fatigue, impaired vision, pulmonary diseases, after suffering illnesses, childbirth.

    This product is special in that it contains a large amount of folic acid B9.Therefore, the chicken liver is very useful to women during pregnancy, since vitamin B9 plays an important role in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus, the hematopoietic and immune systems.

    Benefits of trace elements contained in the liver

    The liver contains a number of micronutrients useful for the body, the main ones being iron, copper, zinc.

    Most of all, the liver has iron. Therefore, the use of the liver in food is recommended to people of all ages.

    Iron helps to remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. It participates in oxidation-reduction processes in the body, increases immunity, thus protecting the body from the introduction of viruses and bacteria. But its main function is to participate in the processes of hematopoiesis.

    Therefore, a lack of iron in the body provokes anemia and developmental delay.

    The next most important for the organism from trace elements is copper. This element can be found in the liver of not only animals, but also marine fish. During the formation of hemoglobin, iron acts in conjunction with copper. With a lack of copper, nerve fibers begin to fail and break down.

    Microelement copper improves the effect of certain drugs, for example, antibiotics.

    As well as iron, copper stimulates immunity. Another significant effect of copper is the participation in the synthesis and regeneration of connective tissues. The microelement is involved in the normalization of the digestive system.

    The microelement of zinc, especially a lot of it contains the liver of beef, is indispensable for skin diseases and disorders in the organs of hematopoiesis. It provides regeneration of skin cells, as well as the formation of blood cells.

    As a result, it was possible to find out that vitamins contained in the liver, as well as a complex of trace elements, make this product simply irreplaceable both in everyday human nutrition and in therapeutical. Video selection