
Can menstruation begin three weeks after the previous one and when should I go to the doctor?

  • Can menstruation begin three weeks after the previous one and when should I go to the doctor?

    Duration and regularity of the menstrual cycle is the main indicator of women's health. During the menstrual cycle, the egg ripens, and the uterus is prepared to receive the fetus. In the body of a woman there are certain hormonal changes, subject to strict schedule.

    Normal menstrual cycle

    The normal menstrual cycle takes 28 days. The norm is also the deviation for seven days in one or the other direction. Therefore, the question: can menstruation begin three weeks after the previous, that is, after 21 days, the answer is yes, it can. There are no violations in this by medical standards.

    It should be noted that the cycle time is very individual. Heredity, metabolic processes, and even climatic conditions play a role.

    With age, the menstrual cycle is reduced, so pay attention should be if the cycle is less than 23 days before the age of 40 years. Of course, provided that before that the cycle was longer.

    Short menstrual cycle

    We have already answered the question whether the menstruation can begin earlier, for example, three weeks after the previous menstruation. But if the menstrual cycle was longer and suddenly decreased to three weeks, this should be noted. Address to the gynecologist.

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    The diagnosis can be made only after careful research. The cause of a short menstrual cycle can be a violation of the functions of the ovaries.

    A reduction in the menstrual cycle indicates a decrease in the ability to become pregnant. But after the therapeutic treatment, the normal menstrual cycle is restored.

    Menstrual bleeding in the middle of the

    cycle In the short menstrual cycle, menstrual bleeding can be taken in the middle of the cycle. Such bleeding lasts only 2-3 days, they are insignificant and are not accompanied by any other symptoms of menstrual bleeding.

    Disturbances of the cycle can be caused by various causes, but there are symptoms in which you need to go to the doctor.

    If the cycle was regular and started once before, then you should not worry. But if frequent bleeding occurs frequently, then go to the doctor.

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