
Sea-buckthorn oil for hair: reviews, application, photos before and after

  • Sea-buckthorn oil for hair: reviews, application, photos before and after

    Reviews about sea buckthorn oil for hair( positive and negative) and nuances of its use

    Sea buckthorn is a unique Siberian berry. In medicine, it is used to treat various diseases, and in cosmetology is most often used as additives in face creams and with hair care. About what is sea-buckthorn oil for hair, reviews about which are mostly only positive, we will tell in this article. More truly, for us it will be done by the women who have tried on themselves this wonderful oil.

    Benefits of this berries

    Seabuckthorn benefits not only the hair itself, but also the scalp. And although in the treatment of hair in the course are both twigs and berries of sea-buckthorn, the most useful product is sea buckthorn oil. It promotes healing of the scalp, restores weak and damaged hair, has an antibacterial and strengthening effect.

    If we talk about vitamins that contain sea buckthorn oil, it's vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, P, folic acid, carotenoids, phospholipids. From them, the hair becomes soft and silky, easier to lay down.

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    Comments of women

    LilovaLisa writes on one of the women's forums: "I found the ideal oil for my hair - sea buckthorn. Once I lightened my hair and since then my tips are always dry. Of the Ob.oil helped to solve this problem. Application of the region. The oil made the hair soft and supple. Here are my masks:

    1. Sea buckthorn oil + burdock oil + essential oil bei + essential oil of lemon. This mask is made on the roots of the hair.
    2. Egg yolk + sea buckthorn oil + broccoli oil( papaya) + lemon essential oil / chamomile / rosemary / sage. From the latter you can choose any. The mask moisturizes and nourishes the hair well.
    3. Add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil to the mask or hair balm, apply the entire length and tips for 20-30 minutes.

    The healing effect of oil is stunning! I attach the photos before and after.

    Akuna matata writes: "I have long-suffering hair - a hundred times dyed, damaged by ironing and brashing. In addition, they do not want to normally lie in their hair. My friend advised me to try oblep.butter. Said that there are healing properties, and many more.

    Here's how I did the mask: mixed in a bowl of sea-buckthorn and burdock oil, applied this mixture over the entire length of the hair. She wrapped her head in polyethylene, put on her hat and went to bed. In the morning I washed off the mask.

    It's been a month since I started using butter, and that's what I noticed: hair is easier to comb and fit, do not get confused. But the main thing is that sea buckthorn oil, as it turned out, is important for hair growth! Otherwise, why would I have grown for a month as much as 5 centimeters? I attach the photo before and after. "

    Tatyanka writes: "I never thought how useful a sea-buckthorn is. And in vain! It turns out that her oil has a very wide scope. I was most interested in the procedures related to hair, since since childhood I can not boast of them - thin and dull.

    I was advised to make a mask "sea buckthorn oil and dimexid," but since I did not find the latter in the pharmacy, I decided to do without it at all. But added yolk and ylang-ylang( 2 tablespoons of oil. + 1 yolk + 5 drops of essential oil ylang-ylang).I applied this mixture to my hair for a couple of hours and walked around the house in an old woolen hat.

    Has done 10 procedures and then took a break for 1-2 months. But hair loss decreased already somewhere in the fifth procedure. I enclose the photo in confirmation. "

    Higher high writes: "I have been accustomed to taking care of my hair since childhood, and sea buckthorn oil is generally my favorite for this kind of medical procedures. Here is my mask: 2 tablespoons sea-buckthorn oil, 1 tbsp.spoon of burdock oil, 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Warm a little in a water bath and add 5 drops of lavender essential oil.

    Warm the oil mixture in the hair, put the cap on top. Leave for 2-3 hours or for a whole night, and then wash off with shampoo. Hair looks amazing! »

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    Sea buckthorn is a unique Siberian berry. In medicine, it is used to treat various diseases, and in cosmetology is most often used as additives in face creams and with hair care. About what is sea-buckthorn oil for hair, reviews about which are mostly only positive, we will tell in this article. More truly, for us it will be done by the women who have tried on themselves this wonderful oil.

    Benefits of this berries

    Seabuckthorn benefits not only the hair itself, but also the scalp. And although in the treatment of hair in the course are both twigs and berries of sea-buckthorn, the most useful product is sea buckthorn oil. It promotes healing of the scalp, restores weak and damaged hair, has an antibacterial and strengthening effect.

    If we talk about vitamins that contain sea buckthorn oil, it's vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, P, folic acid, carotenoids, phospholipids. From them, the hair becomes soft and silky, easier to lay down.

    Reviews of women

    LilovaLisa writes on one of the women's forums: "I found the ideal oil for my hair - sea buckthorn. Once I lightened my hair and since then my tips are always dry. Of the Ob.oil helped to solve this problem. Application of the region. The oil made the hair soft and supple. Here are my masks:

    1. Sea buckthorn oil + burdock oil + essential oil bei + essential oil of lemon. This mask is made on the roots of the hair.
    2. Egg yolk + sea buckthorn oil + broccoli oil( papaya) + lemon essential oil / chamomile / rosemary / sage. From the latter you can choose any. The mask moisturizes and nourishes the hair well.
    3. Add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil to the mask or balm for the hair, apply the entire length and tips for 20-30 minutes.

    The healing effect of oil is stunning! I attach the photos before and after.

    Akuna matata writes: "I have long-suffering hair - a hundred times dyed, damaged by ironing and brashing. In addition, they do not want to normally lie in their hair. My friend advised me to try oblep.butter. Said that there are healing properties, and many more.

    Here's how I did the mask: I mixed sea buckthorn and burdock oil in a bowl, applied this mixture over the entire length of the hair. She wrapped her head in polyethylene, put on her hat and went to bed. In the morning I washed off the mask.

    It's been a month since I started using oil, and that's what I noticed: hair is easier to comb and fit, do not get confused. But the main thing is that sea buckthorn oil, as it turned out, is important for hair growth! Otherwise, why would I have grown for a month as much as 5 centimeters? I attach the photo before and after. "

    Tatyanka writes: "I never thought how useful the sea-buckthorn is. And in vain! It turns out that her oil has a very wide scope. I was most interested in the procedures related to hair, since since childhood I can not boast of them - thin and dull.

    I was advised to make a mask "sea buckthorn oil and dimexid," but since I did not find the latter in the pharmacy, I decided to do without it at all. But added yolk and ylang-ylang( 2 tablespoons of oil. + 1 yolk + 5 drops of essential oil ylang-ylang).I applied this mixture to my hair for a couple of hours and walked around the house in an old woolen hat.

    Has done 10 procedures and then took a break for 1-2 months. But hair loss decreased already somewhere in the fifth procedure. I enclose the photo in confirmation. "

    Higher high writes: "I have been accustomed to taking care of my hair since childhood, and sea buckthorn oil is generally my favorite for this kind of medical procedures. Here is my mask: 2 tablespoons sea-buckthorn oil, 1 tbsp.spoon of burdock oil, 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Warm a little in a water bath and add 5 drops of lavender essential oil.

    Warm the oil mixture in the hair, put the cap on top. Leave for 2-3 hours or for a whole night, and then wash off with shampoo. Hair looks amazing! »

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