  • Treating epilepsy with folk remedies

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    Read in the article:
    • What is epilepsy( falling sickness): symptoms, causes, types
    • Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies: home prescriptions
    • Prevention and helpful tips for avoiding epileptic seizures

    Home treatment for epilepsy: folk recipes

    Epilepsy in folk oftencalled "falling sickness", as it manifests itself in the form of convulsions and disorders of consciousness.

    In ancient times it was believed that people suffered from this ailment because they renounced faith in God and gave their soul to the devil.

    What is epilepsy( falling sickness): symptoms, causes, types ^

    Epilepsy is a serious chronic disease caused by brain damage. In the treatment of epilepsy at home, in no case should not abandon the drug therapy and disregard the advice of a specialist.

    The following types of epilepsy are distinguished:

    • is symptomatic( provoked by structural changes in the brain);
    • is idiopathic( due to genetic predisposition);
    • is cryptogenic( appears for unknown reasons).
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    The first attack of epilepsy begins as a result of any emotional upheavals. At the same time, an epileptic focus arises in the brain tissues, which in the future can lead to frustration of consciousness and convulsions, even under standard loads. Other reasons for epilepsy include:

    • genetic predisposition;
    • hanging epileptic activity of brain cells;
    • injury and brain damage;
    • infectious diseases, brain tumors;
    • circulatory disorder in the head;
    • excessive physical activity, climate change;
    • stroke, sclerosis, taking antibiotics, antidepressants, and the like.

    Most often epileptic seizures occur in children and adolescents under 20 years. This is due to the high excitability of the cells of the children's brain. Seizures in children can be caused by prenatal and birth trauma, oxygen starvation, the development of intrauterine infections.

    Symptoms of epilepsy manifest themselves as seizures of various forms. The disease manifests itself as follows:

    • The patient has unusual sensations a few seconds before the onset of the attack.
    • The person loses consciousness and falls. He can make a loud scream.
    • Breathing stops, muscles and limbs tighten, and the head tilts back. Convulsions last about 20 seconds.
    • The patient grips the jaws, veins on the neck swell, and the face acquires a deathly pallor.
    • Full body cramps begin, lasting 2-3 minutes.
    • The tongue sinks, saliva accumulates, after which the foam starts from the mouth.
    • After the end of the attack, the body relaxes, the pupils dilate.
    • Unintentional urination may occur.
    • After an epileptic fit, the patient feels lethargic and sleepy. Past events, he does not remember.

    Traditional medicine has in stock many prescriptions for epilepsy that will help alleviate the sufferings of the patient and even heal him from ailment. It is important to use these recipes correctly and only after consulting a doctor.

    Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies: home remedies ^

    Epilepsy: home prescriptions

    Treatment of epilepsy in adults

    To defeat epilepsy, you can prepare a tincture from the deviant peony:

    • Take 100 g of peony root and pour it with two glasses of vodka.
    • Infuse for 10 days in a dark cool place.
    • You need to drink medicine three times a day for 20 drops for 21 days.

    Ready tincture is also sold at the pharmacy.

    Treatment of epilepsy in children

    Children with epilepsy in any case can not be overloaded: neither physically nor emotionally. In addition, you can use an effective product - peeled apricot bones.

    • The number of bones is determined by the age of the baby. For example, if a child is 3 years old, every morning before eating, he must eat three bones.
    • The course of treatment - 1 month. In this case, the patient should be observed by the doctor.

    Treatment of symptomatic epilepsy

    To prevent epileptic seizure a proven folk remedy will help.

    • For its preparation it is necessary to take in equal quantities black tea, dried wormwood and chamomile color.
    • Three tablespoons of herbal mixture should be brewed with a liter of boiling water.
    • Infuse the saline solution in a dark place for 4 hours, then strain through gauze.
    • For a day you need to drink one liter of potion.
    • Duration of admission - 1 month. After this, you should make a 30-day break and repeat the course again.

    Treatment for nocturnal epilepsy

    To provoke epilepsy at night can be nervous excitement or the reception of alcoholic beverages. To reduce the frequency of nocturnal seizures, you can use myrrh resin.

    • You need to buy resin in my church store, take a few pieces and smell the smell of the room in which the patient is.
    • The resin positively affects the nervous system and prevents the occurrence of seizures.

    Treatment of alcoholic epilepsy

    Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to changes in the brain and can cause an epileptic fit. To defeat the ailment, you must completely abandon alcoholic beverages, start a course of therapy with a neurologist and an expert in narcology, and drink three times a day a medical drink.

    • It is required to mix rye, barley, peeled acorns, chicory root and dandelion in equal quantities.
    • A tablespoon of the mixture should be poured a cup of boiling water and a few minutes to insist.

    Treatment of an attack of epilepsy

    • It is necessary to take the motherwort grass( 100 g) and pour into it a steep boiling water( 0.5 l).
    • Infuse for about 2 hours.
    • A strained drug is taken four times a day before eating half the glass.

    Treatment of temporal epilepsy

    Herbal decoction of lavender color and leaves effectively helps with epilepsy.

    • Dessert spoon of the mixture should be brewed with a glass of hot water, boil for 2-3 minutes, insist 30 minutes.
    • Drink the drug twice a day before eating one tablespoon for a month.

    The possibility of using this medication should be discussed with your doctor.

    Treating valerian epilepsy

    • You should grate or grind the root of valerian to get a tablespoon of raw material.
    • Then, pour the grass with a glass of cold water and insist for about 8 hours.
    • The infusion is recommended to pass through a sieve and drink three times a day on a tablespoon.
    • For children, this remedy is also suitable, but the dose should be reduced to a dessert spoon.

    Treatment of epilepsy with wormwood

    Wormwood is considered to be an excellent antipyretic, fortifying and anti-inflammatory agent. With epilepsy it promotes relaxation and cessation of seizures.

    • To prepare an effective medicine, 2 tbsp.herbs need to pour 0.5 liters of kvass, put on a weak fire, bring to a boil and strain.
    • Drink broth recommended daily before bedtime.

    Treatment of epilepsy with herbs

    • For preparing an effective drug for epilepsy, folk medicine advises to take lavender color, mint, valerian root, primroses in equal proportions.
    • The spoon of the collection should be filled with a glass of hot water, put on low heat and boil for 15 minutes.
    • Healing medicine is recommended to drink three times a day before meals in the amount of one glass.
    We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of hyperthyroidism with folk remedies.

    Prevention and helpful advice on how to avoid epileptic seizures ^

    If an epileptic fit does occur, you need to be able to provide first aid to the patient. It consists of several stages:

    • A patient who has lost consciousness must be seated or put on the floor, call an ambulance.
    • Limbs and head must be held in a fixed position. When saliva is allocated, the head should be turned sideways.
    • To facilitate breathing with an epileptic attack, you need to unbutton the patient's clothing, unclench the jaws and place a handkerchief between them.
    • When the cramps are weakened and completely stopped, the person should be laid on his side in order to wait patiently for the health workers.

    Prevention of symptomatic epilepsy is the timely treatment of CNS diseases. Unfortunately, in the idiopathic form, it reduces only to measures to prevent seizures.

    People who are addicted to epileptic seizures should strictly observe the following rules:

    • follow a certain diet;
    • correctly combine work and leisure;
    • perform a moderate amount of exercise;
    • to avoid stress, hypothermia and overheating;
    • completely limit the use of alcohol.