  • Treating rubella at home

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    • Read in the article:
      • What is rubella: symptoms, causes, incubation period
      • Treatment of rubella folk remedies: home recipes
      • Prevention and useful tips on how to protect against rubella

      Home rubella treatment: folk remedies and prescriptions

      As early as the 18th century,under the name "rubella" did not exist because of the similarity of the signs with measles and scarlet fever.

      Only at the end of the 19th century the disease was able to describe and identify as a separate virus.

      What is rubella: symptoms, causes, incubation period ^

      Rubella, or German measles is an acute infectious disease that is most often affected by young children attending schools and kindergartens.

      Causes of rubella

      The causative agent of rubella is a virus spread by airborne droplets. Infection with the disease can occur in the womb of the mother.

      The rubella virus persists in the human body, but it is highly unstable to the environment. Rubella is characterized by a long incubation period of 12-23 days. This is the time between the direct entry of the virus into the body and the appearance of the first symptoms.

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      Infected individuals are carriers of the disease. After recovery, a person develops a permanent immunity to repeated infection.

      Symptoms of rubella in children

      The characteristic signs of an ailment in children can only appear at the end of the incubation period. Until then, the child is frustrated and capricious for no reason. During the infection, the rubella virus is introduced into the body, namely into the lymph nodes, where it multiplies.

      After that, the infection gets into the blood, which causes a headache, sometimes an increase in body temperature. In addition, there is an increase in parotid, cervical and occipital lymph nodes. At the same time the child has a stuffy nose, he is troubled by attacks of coughing.

      The appearance of rashes on the skin is a sign that the disease is in full swing. Rashes are red spots of rounded shape, which first appear on the ears and head, and then spread throughout the body.

      After 3-7 days after the onset of the rash, the baby's health improves dramatically, red spots, nasal congestion and coughing disappear. Lymph nodes decrease only after 2-3 weeks.

      Symptoms of rubella in adults

      Signs of a "child" ailment in adults are manifested in a more severe form and can cause serious complications. That is why rubella treatment at home should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist who will advise effective drugs.

      Rashes in adults with rubella are usually more pronounced than in children, and red spots may even merge. Patients are disturbed by a headache, a strong runny nose, a sore throat, weakness and apathy.

      Rubella in pregnancy

      The greatest danger of rubella is for pregnant women, since it can affect the fetus. Especially dangerous is infection in early pregnancy. A vaccination against an illness during the planning of a child is the best way to prevent infection. The vaccination procedure should be carried out no later than a month before the immediate conception.

      Treating rubella with folk remedies: homemade recipes ^

      Popular rubella treatment: home recipes

      Rubella treatment in children

      A weakened child's organism needs, first of all, rest and rest. The patient should provide a plentiful drink in the form of tea, juice, compote or jelly. It is recommended to prepare vitamin tea, which will improve the baby's well-being.

      • You should take one spoonful of black currant and rose hips.
      • The resulting mixture should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, insist 15-20 minutes, preferably in a thermos.
      • Give the medicine to the child three times a day.

      Treating rubella in adults

      Relieving severe disease symptoms will help soda. It is necessary to dilute half a glass of soda with so much water to make a homogeneous mush.

      • In the solution, you should moisten cotton swabs or napkins and gently apply the skin areas that itch for 10 minutes.
      • The procedure must be performed twice a day.

      Treatment of rubella in pregnant women

      If a woman is sick in the first trimester of pregnancy, experts advise to have an abortion. Infection at a later date can save a child's life, but the expectant mother should be under the constant supervision of a doctor.

      To improve well-being will help decoction of fruits of raspberry and cowberry, mother-and-stepmother and linden flowers.

      • All herbs are taken on a dessert spoon, after which they pour raw materials with two glasses of boiling water.
      • Drug should be infused for 20 minutes so that the components give their useful substances to the water.
      • Strain the medicine and take a glass of hot drink before going to bed.

      Treatment of congenital rubella

      Congenital rubella should be treated in a hospital. Use of home prescriptions is possible only after consultation with the attending physician.

      It is recommended to give the child restorative means, for example, tea from St. John's wort.

      • For its preparation, pour a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of herb, insist for 12 minutes.
      • Drink half a glass a day.

      Treatment of measles rubella

      In order to get rid of the disease, you can use the simple folk recipe:

      • You need to take 100 ml of aloe juice, 0.5 kg of chopped walnuts, 300 g of honey and lemon juice squeezed out of 3 lemons.
      • Ingredients should be mixed and taken on a teaspoon of the mixture three times a day.

      Treatment of rubella: a bath from a strong itch

      To reduce the itch will help the decoction of celandine:

      • It is necessary to crush the herb of celandine, to get 4 tablespoons, pour a liter of boiling water and insist for an hour.
      • The broth obtained is recommended to be added to the bath while bathing a child or an adult.

      Treating rubella: improving the immunity of

      In order to increase immunity during an illness, a healing herbal decoction should be prepared:

      • It is necessary to take the root of althea, licorice and elecampane high in the same amount( for example, a tablespoon), before grinding them.
      • Two tablespoons of the collection should be poured a glass of boiling water, boil on low heat for 15 minutes.
      • The potion should be cooled and filtered.
      • Drink 1/4 cup every 3 hours.

      Treating rubella with honey

      Honey is a universal product that has unique healing properties. Use it to prepare a fortifying gruel, which is recommended to use to relieve the symptoms of rubella.

      • You need to take a half cup of May honey, a glass of dried apricots, peeled walnuts, raisins, two lemons.
      • All components must be passed through a meat grinder, mixed and poured with honey.
      • Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals.
      • Children should be reduced to a teaspoon.

      Treatment of rubella with herbs

      To defeat the disease and improve your health, it is necessary to prepare a herb collection of birch buds, yarrow and wormwood, the color of clover and dandelion roots.

      • You need to take a tablespoon of each herb.
      • One spoonful of the mixture should be poured in 0.5 l of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes.
      • Strain and take 1/3 cup three times a day.
      We also recommend that you read the article Treatment of chickenpox at home.

      Prevention and helpful advice on how to protect against rubella ^

      Measures to prevent rubella are as follows:

      • Carrying out a timely vaccination. The first time the inoculation is done before the age of 1 year. Repeated procedure is carried out in 6-7 years. After people who have not had rubella, you need to repeat the vaccination. This applies, in the first place, to women who are planning a pregnancy.
      • Compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene.
      • Introduction of quarantine measures when an infection is detected.