
Vascular asterisks on the face: the causes, treatment and remedies for vascular asterisks on the face

  • Vascular asterisks on the face: the causes, treatment and remedies for vascular asterisks on the face

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    Vascular asterisks are an external manifestation of the circulatory system, namely, capillaries, the walls of which mutate and acquire a red or blue color. On the face of this problem does not look aesthetically - an unhealthy blush, spots, stripes, red wings of the nose.

    The modern cosmetology industry offers a variety of treatments for vascular asterisks on the face - laser use, phototherapy, sclerotherapy. But nevertheless, prevention remains essential, which can only be ensured by understanding the causes of the onset of the disease.

    Factors affecting the appearance of spider stars

    Consider the main causes of vascular asterisks on the face:

    1) circulatory disorders;

    2) hormonal failure;

    3) bad habits;

    4) consumption of spicy and salty foods;

    5) constant stress;

    6) adverse weather conditions;

    7) heredity.

    An important factor contributing to the appearance of vascular asterisks( couperose) is a careless attitude towards yourself, your face. It is very important to ensure proper nutrition, sleep, use suitable and high-quality cosmetics, remove it from the face before bed.

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    Procedures for the removal of couperose

    Cosmetology clinics perform a variety of procedures for treating vascular asterisks on the face. The most popular is laser therapy. It does not hurt the skin of the face, almost painless.

    The essence of the procedure is that the walls of the capillaries coalesce on the affected area, and the couperose becomes invisible. However, it can still appear in six months or a year. Then the procedure should be repeated. The cost of laser therapy is quite expensive.

    Folk remedies

    Cosmetologists warn that getting rid of all the vascular asterisks on the face with the help of cosmetic effects( massage, masks, creams) will not work. But, nevertheless, many women are quite happy with the result.

    Let's consider, how it is possible to solve a problem of a couperose in house conditions, what it is possible to apply means against the vascular asterisks on the face.

    First of all, this is the use of a variety of strengthening masks. For example, in a tablespoon of fatty sour cream, you can add a drop of essential oil of dandelion, marigold and grape seeds. Apply to the entire face for 20-25 minutes, rinse with warm water. Use this mask twice a week. The result will be visible after three months.

    It is also advised to use a mask of green tea. To do this, brew a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water, cool to room temperature, filter, soak in a bath towel and cover the face. The exposure time is 20 minutes. This procedure should be done three times a week for a month.

    It is important to remember that in the presence of vascular asterisks on the face, contraindicated scrubs and active peelings. This can exacerbate the problem. For washing it is better to use milk, cream and tonic, and twice a week to use soft gommage for sensitive skin.


    Larissa, 40 years old:

    "Vascular asterisks on my cheeks. I underwent laser treatment, but three months later the redness returned. And when it was quite expensive.
    I decided to try folk remedies, but before that I consulted with an ordinary beautician from a beauty salon. She recommended that I take the course of her masks. I do not know the whole composition, but they definitely had vitamin K.
    I did the masks once a week for a month, and besides that I applied gauze, soaked in mineral water, a day later. A month later, my asterisks faded noticeably. I continue to walk on procedures. They cost me less than a laser, and the result keeps and more and more makes me happy. "

    Maria, 58 years old:

    "I'm afraid of all operations and injections, so I trust more of what our grandmothers did. I have asterisks on my face from my mother. She always did such a mask: you need to clean and weld the root of the dandelion, rub it on a fine grater. In the resulting gruel, add a spoonful of cream or sour cream. Apply to face. From this, the skin becomes fresh and lighter, the redness passes.
    In summer, I always do this mask and I'm very pleased with the result. "

    Therefore, getting rid of the spider veins on the face is quite difficult. It is much easier to prevent their appearance: care for the skin, do not overwork, learn to overcome stress, lead a healthy lifestyle.

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