  • Furuncul: photo, causes and treatment at home

    One of the most common skin disorders is a boil.

    For all its seeming harmlessness, it can lead to a number of complications, which can be avoided by understanding the essence of the disease.

    Furuncle is a pustular skin disease that affects the hair follicle and surrounding tissues.

    Causes of the occurrence of a furuncle

    The main "culprit" for the emergence of a furuncle is staphylococcus, which has overcome the protective barriers of the skin. The most common variants of getting the infection into the body are:

    • non-observance of personal hygiene rules
    • excessive sweating
    • frequent skin traumas, incl.neck rubbing
    • nasal discharge from the nose
    • shaving of the skin during shaving
    • work in harmful production, associated with the constant irritation of the skin with lubricants or dust( gypsum, cement, lime, coal, etc.)

    Clinical manifestations

    The most common boils appear on theareas of the skin containing a large number of sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as prone to maceration( trauma, rubbing).This is:
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    • nasolabial triangle
    • back of the neck
    • axillary region
    • inguinal region
    • buttock zone

    Mechanism of the emergence of the furuncle

    1) When microbes penetrate the skin structure, first of all, the hair follicle, whose tissues are most preferred for this microorganism, is affected. Around the follicle a zone of inflammatory infiltration is formed - a painful area of ​​reddened skin. This stage is called inflammatory-infiltrative.

    2) The second stage is purulent-necrotic. As the inflammation develops, the hair follicle dies, a site of decaying tissues arises around it and a necrotic stem is formed, located in the cavity filled with purulent exudate. Externally, this manifests itself in the form of a gradually increasing light point in the center of the reddening zone. The central zone may somewhat bulge above the level of the skin, the surface above it gradually becomes thinner.

    3) The third stage is healing. After a spontaneous breakthrough with the evacuation of the necrotic contents of the furuncle( or as a result of surgical opening), purulent wound is formed, which gradually clears and overgrows. With a small amount of furuncle, the skin is restored without any changes. If the size of the boil is large, healing by scarring is possible.

    Complaints of the patient

    Usually, when the boil appears, the general condition does not suffer, all complaints are clearly local. With the appearance of redness there is a slight itch, later there is soreness when touched by the inflamed skin.

    If the furuncle is formed in a place that is irritated when walking or sitting, or when performing any other actions, the soreness may be judged by the patient as very significant.

    Diagnosis of boil

    The diagnosis is straightforward and is based on examination and history data. However, it is necessary to differentiate a single furuncle from such diseases as:

    • Furunculosis. This diagnosis is made with multiple appearance of furuncles, located at different stages of inflammation. This pathology clearly indicates a reduced resistance of the body to infectious diseases. It can be with:
    • immunity damage
    • HIV
    • vitamin deficiency
    • blood diseases
    • receiving drugs that reduce immunity( in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, to reduce the probability of rejection of transplanted organs, in the treatment of cancer, radiation therapy, etc.)
    Distinguish between acute and chronicforms, with the last boils occur over a long period, the healing of some occurs with the simultaneous occurrence of others.

    Furunculosis can be local in the defeat of a limited area of ​​the skin, and disseminated - with an unsystematic appearance of boils on the patient's body. Treatment of furunculosis requires a more general approach with the mandatory appointment of antibacterial and general restorative therapy, as well as a balanced diet.

    1. 1) Carbuncle. With a local lesion of several closely located hair follicles, a carbuncle is formed. It has a larger area and depth of skin damage and requires surgical treatment. The incisions are made( with preliminary anesthesia) crosswise through the center of the carbuncle, followed by removal of purulent-necrotic contents. In the future, hypertensive bandages are used to promote rapid cleansing of the wound. Antimicrobial agents are also used( for example, Levomikol).
    2. 2) Hydradenitis( purulent inflammation of the sweat gland).Differentiation takes into account the favorite localization of hydradenitis in the armpit and a large volume of inflamed tissues.

    Treatment of boils on the face, nose, ear

    Usually single furuncles do not require qualified treatment. At the stage of infiltration inflammation it is enough to treat the place of redness with an antiseptic - chlorhexylamine or simply alcohol.

    The levomycol can be used to form the necrotic stem.

    In case of severe soreness or a large area of ​​redness, consult a doctor. This will allow to determine in time the presence of such complications, as a subcutaneous abscess - a limited suppuration, capable of escalating into phlegmon. Abscess requires surgical opening with the installation of elastic rubber drainage to prevent premature adhesion of the wound walls and to improve the outflow of the purulent discharge.

    Administration of antibiotics for uncomplicated boils is usually not required. The use of broad-spectrum drugs should be started according to the doctor's prescription for furunculosis, as well as for complications( including lymph nodes and temperature increase and headaches).Perhaps this treatment and when there are single furuncles in the face.

    In no case should you try to squeeze out the boil yourself. Especially it is dangerous at their location in the maxillofacial area, which has an abundant venous network associated with intracranial venous sinuses.

    Penetration of infection in this area leads to the appearance of meningitis - a disease that has a high percentage of deaths.

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