With the manifestations of allergic diathesis, the majority of children between the ages of three months to three years are facing.
Prevalence of the disease is associated with the child's predisposition to allergic reactions and inflammatory processes.
Symptoms of allergic diathesis may persist for a long time, and then disappear even without proper treatment.
But, in order to avoid serious consequences for the health of the child and for the purpose of eliminating discomfort, when the first signs of the disease appear, every effort should be made to eliminate it.
Diathesis is almost not found in adults, its appearance in children is due to the peculiarities of digestion of food, specific reactions to an allergic pathogen.
The causes of diathesis
Heredity is the main source of diathesis in children, but it begins to manifest only under the influence of the necessary allergen.
Even in the womb of a mother, a child can acquire a predisposition to allergies.
Such an effect can appear due to the toxicosis from which the pregnant woman suffered, her infectious diseases, medications taken, the malnutrition of the woman before the delivery and during lactation.
After the appearance of the baby, allergens can penetrate in different ways and provoke a diathesis:
1) Through food. This is the most common reason for the appearance of an allergic reaction in pediatric diathesis. In addition to well-known products that cause rashes and other unpleasant consequences in kids such as eggs, citrus, sweet foods, seafood, allergies can cause any new dishes. The amount of enzymes required for normal digestion is not always in the child's body. New products are not digested to the end, their residues lead to intoxication of the body.
2) Contact path. Diathesis can occur as a result of the reaction of tender baby skin to aggressive substances contained in bathing water, a powder that washed the things of the child and his surroundings. The material of clothes also matters. The most suitable for a child are natural matter, but from contact with the synthetic and wool of the child should be fenced, poddevaya under them are not allergenic tissues.
3) Air way. Diathesis causes dust, the use of various aerosols and deodorant-fresheners, dry food for aquarium fish, animal hair. Sources of allergens, if possible, exclude, spend a daily two-time wet cleaning.
Symptoms of diathesis in children
Children with allergic diathesis look pale, weight increases unevenly or even decreases. The subcutaneous tissue becomes loose and hydrophilic. Elasticity of the skin is reduced.
Skin eruptions with allergic diathesis can be observed already in the first days after birth, reaching a peak in the period from six months to a year. The scalp is peeling off, a phenomenon called "gneiss" appears and is a profuse formation of seborrheic scales.
In the folds of the skin appear diaper rash. The child's cheeks acquire a reddish color, on their surface peeling begins, a crust may appear, a thickening of the epidermis. The appearance of wet or dry eczema.
All manifestations of allergic diathesis cause itching, which gives the child constant anxiety, the kid becomes moody, he has sleep disturbances, appetite decreases.
Children older suffer from eczema, manifestations of neurodermatitis, a special nodular itching rash, which in some cases is accompanied by the formation of vesicles. Allergic reactions also involve mucous membranes. It is necessary to be afraid of the appearance of conjunctivitis, bronchitis, respiratory allergies, laryngitis.
Gastrointestinal pain may occur in the abdomen, vomiting, unstable stool with an admixture of mucus in the excrement. Changing the composition of urine, possibly the emergence of cystitis and vulvovaginitis in girls. Symptoms of diathesis in children lead to a decrease in the protective properties of the body, so the risk of concomitant diseases and complications of the underlying disease increases.
See also how to treat a child's calf.
Treatment of diathesis in a child
To eliminate the effects of diathesis from the diet of the child withdraw products that could trigger the occurrence of allergies. After a while, they gradually start to be injected back, but in small doses and with strict control over the reaction of the body to them.
In the process of care for the skin. Since the diathesis is different in the nature of skin rashes, at this stage, consult a specialist who prescribes adequate treatment:
1) The wet diathesis is treated with drying agents that promote the formation of irritated dry crusts in place. When they go, the new skin is monitored and the child's attempts to comb it again are prevented.
2) For the treatment of peeling caused by dry diathesis, soften hypoallergenic ointments that protect the skin from drying out.
In addition, prescribe drugs that are designed to have a sedative effect, reducing itching, normalizing the microflora and vitamins to enhance immunity.
If diathesis in children is not limited to red spots, but the situation is complicated by bacterial infection, the use of special ointments with antibacterial action or antibiotics is indicated. Antiseptic solutions are used to prevent the occurrence of complications.
Treatment of allergic diathesis in children should be under the supervision of a doctor, since it is difficult to predict the reaction of a fragile child organism to unauthorized drugs and methods. But this is not a reason to abandon the well-proven recipes from the stocks of traditional medicine, the use of which should also be discussed with specialists.
Effective measure to combat the symptoms of diathesis are baths from herbal decoctions. Their effect is directed to the disinfection of inflammatory foci and their removal. Pre-prepared broths of turn, chamomile, oak bark, walnut leaves, oregano or marigold are poured into the bathroom with a water temperature of about 37 ° C, the duration of bathing is twenty minutes, the frequency - every other day.
To increase the effectiveness of therapeutic measures, it is recommended to prepare special tea. One part of the yarrow is taken by two parts of the horsetail and four parts of the tri-colored violet. A teaspoon of phyto-mixture is steamed with a glass of steep boiling water and insist for half an hour, filter. The drink is given to the baby before each feeding on a teaspoon.
Diathesis in children: treatment is conducted by Dr. Komarovsky.
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