  • Men's model haircut: photo-selection and teaching master-classes

    I think there are men who are worried because of their hairstyle. Today we will talk about model variants. For example, have you heard about the hairdo box? Initially, this hairstyle was worn by people engaged in the same sport. But recently this haircut is beginning to gain more and more popularity. In addition, this hairstyle is ultra-short( 3-4 cm), does not require special care and styling, and, moreover, it is suitable for almost all forms of the face.

    But if a man has severe damage to the skin, skull structure defects or hair are too curly, then the haircut will look ridiculous.

    Here is her photo:

    In addition to boxing there is a half box. But, unlike the first variant, half-box came from the last century( by the way, this hairstyle is as popular as ordinary boxing).The only difference is that the half-box haircut is created on longer hair, and the back of the head and whiskey are cut short( 6-8 cm in the zone of the crown, and 5 in the shorter ones).This male haircut allows you to improvise, depending on the appearance and structure of the hair. But, as in the first case, the hairdo needs minimal care: washing your hair, and at the time of fouling - adjusting the haircut( do not try to do it yourself if you can not).Poluboks goes to men with a round, square or oval face.

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    If neither boxing nor semiboxes suit you, then you can try a classic male hairstyle. The classic hairstyle is short hair, with a bun on her side, its beauty is that a minimum of laying costs is needed.

    For professional natures( artists, musicians, etc.) a professional hairstyle will suit. Its feature: a short haircut at the back and sides and slightly elongated bangs. By the way, the sticks are stacked differently. It can be disheveled or loose, as well as "licked back".

    If you like Elvis Presley( and most importantly, you still remember who it is), in the closet is still a box of briolin, and there are more vinyl records than music discs, then the retro style is for you. As a rule, these are magnificent hair, laid in the cook.

    If you are a man with a thin face, straight hair, then you can go asymmetrical hairstyles( long and smooth bangs hanging down one eye).It is worth consulting with the stylist, find out how to lay a bang for convenience in everyday life.

    Video with training and master class: