
Secondary infertility in women: why it occurs and whether it can be cured

  • Secondary infertility in women: why it occurs and whether it can be cured

    There are two types of infertility in women: primary - a woman can not conceive a child during her life, and secondary - a woman can not conceive a child after childbirth, abortion or ectopic pregnancy.

    Causes of secondary infertility

    The causes of secondary infertility in women are numerous and interrelated.

    Very often infertility in women is associated with impaired thyroid function. The thyroid gland can produce too many hormones - hyperfunction, and the pituitary gland reduces production, and in fact the hormones of the pituitary gland are responsible for female sex hormones. With hypothyroidism, the reverse process takes place. The pituitary produces too many hormones and thereby inhibits the production of ovarian hormones.

    Gynecologic diseases can also cause secondary infertility. Regular visits to a gynecologist can prevent the irreversible effects of certain inflammatory diseases.

    The most common reason that a woman can not conceive a child is abortion. As a result of the operation, the endometrium layer can be damaged and the embryo can not gain a foothold in the uterus.

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    Incompatibility of spouses is one of the reasons that a woman can not become pregnant.

    The reason for the immunological incompatibility of partners is still unclear. It does not always appear immediately, but often occurs with time, even after the birth of the first or subsequent children. Treatment of immune incompatibility can be quite complicated, and it is not always possible using traditional methods. Therefore, often such pairs for conception have to resort to assisted reproductive technologies.

    Improper diet( diet or overeating), bad habits and chronic stress - another common cause of infertility. Thus, among women who regularly drink alcohol, secondary infertility occurs 5.5 times more often than those who lead a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, in some cases, for the sake of a new life, it is enough simply to revise one's own.

    And, finally, the age of a woman can also be the cause of infertility. The decrease in the ability to conceive a child is reduced in a woman with age. After thirty-five years, a quarter of all women are no longer able to conceive a child. Often women do not think about it, postponing the birth of a second child, or even the first, in thirty years.

    Treatment of secondary infertility

    Treatment of secondary infertility begins with finding out the reasons. The doctor checks the hormonal background, patency of the fallopian tubes, the condition of the uterus and so on. Only after a thorough examination begins treatment of infertility in women.

    Infertility caused by endocrine diseases is treated by normalizing the functions of the thyroid gland. In each case, treatment is selected individually.

    Infertility after gynecological diseases is treated with special therapy.

    Treatment of infertility in women is carried out and folk remedies - herbs. It is important to carry out this treatment under the supervision of a phyto-therapeutist. Incorrect dosage, incorrect composition of herbs can only harm your health.

    Phytotherapy for the treatment of secondary infertility in women uses sage, wintergreen, mother-and-stepmother, plantain seeds. How to make a mixture, how to brew, how to take - it's all you will tell the doctor.

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