
Reviews on the chattle from acne with levomitsetinom and salicylic acid

  • Reviews on the chattle from acne with levomitsetinom and salicylic acid

    One of the most effective anti-acne and to improve the condition of the skin is a talker. The dermatologist can prescribe the chatterbox, because this drug is not suitable for everyone.

    There are cases when expensive and fashionable drugs are not able to cope with rashes, and the usual talker very well helps. It is made in pharmacies, and also make a home acupuncture acupuncture by a proven prescription. A tool with the same ingredients is not prescribed absolutely for everyone. The doctor prescribes a different composition of the drug, depending on the problem. Read the instructions carefully before use.

    Reviews on the chattle from acne basically have a positive character, since this remedy really helps in the treatment of rashes.



    "For a long time I've enjoyed it, I like it) I'm very pleased with the result) I advise you to try it. But in the event of an allergic reaction, stop the procedure immediately! "


    " It helps me and my friends! I have been using it for a long time already) "
    instagram viewer


    " Mom used to use a chatting device, bought in a pharmacy. Her effect was very pleasing, the skin became much cleaner, now I also had a desire to try this tool. "


    " I used the chatter without any additives. The effect was remarkable, moreover, persistent.

    With levomitsetinom and salicylic acid

    For preparation we need 5 g of levomycetin, 5 ml of 2% salicylic acid, 50 ml of boric acid, 50 ml of 90% medical alcohol.

    All components must be mixed in proportion. It is necessary to use this agent only in the evening, it is not necessary in the morning, and then the skin will dry out. Apply the drug is needed not only on the affected areas, but on the whole face to prevent new acne, but again, do not dry the skin! If all the same is overdried, address to the dermatologist, or apply humidifying or wetting creams.

    Be sure to shake before use!

    With sulfur

    We need 7 g of sulfur, 7 g of streptocid in powder, 50 ml of boric acid, 50 ml of 2% salicylic acid. All components are well mixed, a ready-made tool to wipe the problem areas. Before use, do not forget to shake!

    With the addition of Trichopole

    Mix 4 tablets, triturated with Trichopole powder, and 250 ml of ethyl alcohol. The drug should be allowed to infuse for 3 days, after which it can be used.

    With calendula tincture

    Drinking water and alcoholic tincture of marigold must be taken in the same amount and mixed. In the resulting mixture, you need to add 5 tablets of aspirin and 5 levomycetins. The resulting solution should be allowed to infuse in a dark place for several days. This tool is used to rub the face at night. If you want to get a better effect, you do not need to dilute the tincture and add 10 tablets. But such a tool must be applied pointwise. Tincture of calendula perfectly copes with traces of pimples.

    With dimexid

    To prepare the product, we need 50 ml of a demix, 20 tablets of doxycycline, 150 ml of distilled water. Doxycycline tablets are ground to a fine powder and mixed with a demix. Now it is necessary to pour the resulting mixture into a larger container and give it 24 hours to infuse. At this time, you sometimes need to shake the bottle. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to mix the prepared water and the solution from the tablets and demikside, again shake well.

    Treatment with a dimexide bolus should be for 15-20 days. Very high probability that it will help.

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