  • How to bleach hair with hydrogen peroxide at home

    The use of hydrogen peroxide requires great care. This is a fairly active substance, capable of permanently destroying the head of hear in just one application, so it's extremely important to know how to bleach hair with hydrogen peroxide.

    We prepare the clarification solution

    1) The first way is to mix in equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide and use this solution for clarification.

    Then we pour the solution into the sprayer, with the help of which the mixture will be easier to apply.

    2) Another option, how to prepare a decolorizing mixture at home: 50 ml of peroxide is mixed with 1 tbsp.a spoonful of glycerin, which is also a good clarifier.

    Depending on the length and thickness of the hair, these proportions can be increased. It does not matter which way you prepare the mixture, before using it, you need to check the reaction of the hair to the composition.

    To do this, apply a little mixture to a separate strand and evaluate its hue over time.

    Thus, one can get an idea of ​​the time, how many it is necessary to keep peroxide on the hair.

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    By the way, with the help of pure peroxide, you can lighten the hair on your face. To do this, wool is applied peroxide to the desired place for 5 minutes.

    Apply the mixture to the hair

    1) Before the procedure, put on dense medical gloves to protect your hands from the effects of the clarifying composition. And on your shoulders, put on your old shirt so as not to spoil your good clothes.

    2) It should be remembered that the solution should only be applied to damp hair, this will help to evenly distribute the clarifying agent.

    3) We start from the roots and spray or spread, depending on what composition you decide to use, along the entire length.

    4) After the treatment is completed, thoroughly comb the hair on the head to obtain a uniform application. Do not stretch the procedure in time, you must meet a maximum of fifteen minutes. This is necessary for the reason that the substance begins to act immediately, as horrible on the hair. Therefore, if you want to get a uniform color and do not subsequently detect individual spoiled hair strands, you should hurry.

    5) If a liquid solution is used, the hair need not be covered, so it can be used for clarification on other parts of the body, for example, on the legs. In this case, the concentration of peroxide is better to increase. When using the mixture with glycine, the hair is covered with polyethylene and warmed with a towel.

    6) Periodically it is necessary to check the condition of the hair color and when the result is achieved, rinse the composition thoroughly with water. In this case, do not lighten the hair at once for a few tones, so you will definitely kill them. It is necessary to carry out lightening gradually, the gap between each procedure should be at least a week.

    7) After washing, always apply hair conditioner or balm to your hair.

    Choose specialized species that are produced specifically for discolored hair.

    One point: frequent use of clarifying agents, as a rule, leads to thinning and destruction of hair. If the head is a total disaster, then to destroy the hair, for example, on the stomach - a good idea.

    How to lighten hair on different parts of the body?

    This is an important question that interests many beauties.

    To lighten your hair, for example, on your hands, you can apply a hydroperitic tablet. Which must be crushed and mixed with 1 tbsp.a spoonful of water and 1 tbsp.spoon with 10% ammonia. For convenience of use, add the resulting mixture with a hydroperitone a little liquid soap. The composition is applied to the problem site for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. To the skin in this place does not dry, it is processed with cream.

    To find out what other methods are used to lighten the hair on the body, you can look at the video clip below.