  • Scabies: symptoms, photos, treatment, first signs

    Scabies are one of the most common parasitic dermatoses, an infectious skin disease caused by an itch scab of Sarcoptes scabiei, accompanied by itching and papuloveziculosis backfilling.

    Symptoms of the disease were known to Aristotle, they are described in detail in his writings. Since then more than 2500 years have passed, but until now the problem of scabies is one of the leading places in the practice of doctors of different specialties.

    In this article we will try to make out the symptoms, photos, as well as the first signs of scabies in humans. Treatment at home is also not left without attention.

    Causes and causative agent of scabies

    A stable high incidence rate is due to socioeconomic and medical factors. For socio-economic reasons include:

    • violation of personal hygiene;
    • promiscuous sexual intercourse and early onset of intimate relationships;
    • population migration;
    • deterioration of the material standard of living;
    • natural disasters and other public problems, which lead to the accumulation of people.
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    The appearance of scabies in humans can be triggered by a decrease in body defenses and chronic diseases. A large role in this is assigned to the low sanitary culture of the population.

    The scabies causative agent is the scabies mite, which parasitizes in the upper layers of the human skin. Here he spends most of his life cycle and only for a short period appears on the surface. Ideal conditions of existence in the external environment for him are natural fabrics and wooden surfaces. At a temperature of 22 ° C, the lifetime of the mite is approximately 2 days, and if the column of the thermometer drops to 0 ° C, the death is almost instantaneous.

    The female after fertilization lays eggs in the itch moves, dug in the upper layer of the epidermis. Here she lives and eats. The duration of her life in the human body is about 4-6 weeks, the male also dies after mating.

    Day scabies mites are inactive. The female digs the strokes and moves on the skin surface only in the evening and at night.

    How can I get infected?

    Transmission of the pathogen usually occurs from person to person with close contact. The fertilized adult female migrates from one host to another. A particularly favorable period for this is evening or night.

    Most often scabies affects young people aged 17-18 years. These are students of technical schools and universities that are at high risk of infection, staying in close-knit groups, living in hostels. Teenagers and young children become infected in schools, kindergartens during the game. There is also the possibility of infection within the family in the presence of a disease in one of its members. Youth is not a criterion, because the disease equally often affects people of different age groups.

    Transmission of the pathogen through household items is unlikely, since infection requires direct contact with the skin of an infected person. In addition, in the outer world the mite quickly dies. Favorable conditions for the spread of infection are created by sexual contact.

    Symptoms of scabies: the first signs of

    Scabies in adults and children in the initial stage has a long period without symptoms( up to one month).

    The first signs of scabies are felt when the immune system of the human body begins to react with an allergy to the results of the life of the parasite tick( saliva, eggs, excrement).

    Scabies in humans are manifested by such symptoms:

    1) The existence of itch moves, where the entry and exit are clearly traced;

    2) Itching that intensifies at night( a fairly subjective symptom, as its manifestations are peculiar to each person);

    3) Rashes:

    • with papules, vesicles, poured out on typical parts of the body. Usually, the appearance appears on the wrists, hands, feet, abdomen, thighs, in the region of the mammary glands in women;
    • pustules, purulent and bloody crusts on the elbows( a symptom of Ardi-Gorchakov);
    • impetiginous eruptions in the sacrum and interannual folds( Michaelis symptom).

    Scabies photo: initial stage

    To understand what looks like scabies in the initial stage and not only, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the photo.


    Diagnosis of scabies is established on the basis of complex data obtained by laboratory, clinical and epidemiological methods. Since the disease is characterized by multifaceted manifestations, the presence of an agent is required for the statement of the conclusion.

    When examining fresh papules, it is practiced to extract the tick from the itch path with a needle for subsequent microscopy. In the laboratory, a cut of the upper layer of the epidermis over the same area is also done. During microscopic examination, it is possible to identify not only the pathogen, but also its eggs.

    The diagnosis is confirmed by the detection of strokes, which are easier to see if you apply iodine tincture, ink or ink to the skin. Against the backdrop of light-colored, healthy skin, scabby tunnels show up in brown strips. These areas absorb the dye more strongly and are better colored. The results of diagnostics depend on the qualification of the specialist, on his ability to detect parasitic movements.

    In more rare cases, the diagnosis is made on the basis of the positive effect of using one of the anticoagulant drugs.

    Treatment of scabies

    It should be noted that the disease never goes away on its own and if it is not practiced, it can go on for years, becoming more and more aggravated. For the treatment of scabies in humans, there are many different drugs and methods that are oriented toward the destruction of the tick and its offspring. This is easily achieved by applying external means, that is, general therapy is not required.

    The most commonly assigned 20% emulsion of benzyl benzoate, which has an acaricidal effect. Before starting treatment at home, you must take a shower to mechanically remove mites from the skin. Then it is necessary to treat the entire body with a gauze swab dipped in the product. First you have to wipe your hands, and after - legs and torso. At the final stage after the procedure, it is not recommended to wash your hands for three hours.

    The treatment is carried out once a day, and the course itself is designed for three days. During this period, you can not wash, change clothes and make a change of bed. Usually, the disease recedes, but if necessary, treatment with benzyl benzoate can be repeated.

    For therapy use also sulfuric ointment, lindane, permethrin, spregal. Medications for treatment may be different, but there are also universal principles of scabies treatment that must be observed unconditionally:

    • if several infected people are identified in one source, they must be treated simultaneously to prevent re-infection;
    • in adults, anti-sting drug is not used on the face and head in the hair area;
    • as the activator is active at night, it is also necessary to conduct medical procedures at this time;
    • the drug is rubbed only by hands, as on brushes the greatest quantity of itch moves;
    • the change of linen supplies before the end of treatment is prohibited;
    • water procedures should be performed before and at the end of treatment.
    The doctor should take a decision about a possible repeat of the course after the examination. Itching is not considered an excuse for this, because it is seen as a reaction to a dead pathogen.

    Preventive measures

    The basis for preventing scabies is the identification of sources of infection and scabies, dispensary observation. In family centers or collectives all healthy people need to undergo anti-scratch treatment, which is done once.

    In order to protect against relapse of the disease, it is recommended that clothes, shoes, bedding with which the infected person come in contact with any disinfectant. In general, preventive measures are determined depending on the epidemiological situation.

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