  • Immortelle useful properties

    Family Compositae( Asters) - Asteraceae

    The generic name in Greek means "golden flower" because of the color of the flower baskets, the species definition in Latin is sandy according to the plant's habitat.

    A small annual plant with a pivotal, poorly developed, slightly branched root. The aerial parts are whitish from the hairs pressed.

    One stem, 10-50 cm tall, ribbed, branched from the base. Leaves regular, linear, to the base narrowed, almost sessile.

    Inflorescences are single baskets on the tops of the stem and its branches. Wrap of inflorescences from membranous leaves;external - pale, ovate, internal - linear-lanceolate, pink or pink-violet, twice as long as the outer ones.

    Root flowers are infertile, medium - fertile, tubular, numerous( more than 100).

    Fruits are achenes with a tuft of 5 unequal lanceolate-like setae, which are slightly shorter than the fetus. Blooms in June-August. Fruits ripen in July-September.

    Geographical distribution. Grows on sandy soils in dry bogs and sub-forests, young pine forests, on felling areas, glades and burns, found in steppes, in foothill areas. There are thickets of immortelle in Byelorussia, the Baltic republics and in Ukraine, the middle and southern Volga regions, Kazakhstan. The main areas of procurement are Belarus and Ukraine.

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    Indications. Flavonoids of immortelle increase the secretion of bile, increase the tone of the gallbladder, change the chemical composition of bile, increasing the percentage of bilirubin. In addition, all preparations of the immortelle increase the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juice, slow down the evacuation function of the stomach, reduce intestinal peristalsis. It is used for diseases of the liver and biliary tract: cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatocholecystitis, hepatitis. This reduces pain, dyspeptic disorders disappear, the size of the liver decreases.

    Procurement and storage: The medicinal raw material is the entire plant harvested during flowering and torn along with the roots.

    Collect baskets before blossoming flowers, tearing them one at a time or several together with a short peduncle, holding the plant with your left hand to not pull it from the root, or cut the inflorescence with scissors. On the same array, inflorescence can be collected 3-4 times per season.8-10 plants on an area of ​​15-20 square meters.m is left for seed reproduction.

    It is recommended to alternate workpieces after one year. Then the thickets are completely preserved. First of all, blanks should be produced in the planting of 9-10-year-old pine trees, where the closing of the crowns in the coming years leads to the death of the immortelle.

    In late collection, flowers easily fall, raw materials lose their biological activity. Rip them off with stems no longer than 1 cm. When collecting, you can not tear plants with roots. Flowers fold loose and no later than 3-4 hours dry in a well-ventilated room, lay out a layer of 2-3 cm on paper or fabric. When drying without ventilation, flower baskets decay. Store raw materials in a closed container in a dark, cool, well ventilated room for 3 years.

    The taste of raw materials is bitter. The annual one contains flavones.

    Finished raw materials - Flores Helich-rysi arenarii consists of single or assembled several globular baskets on short, woolly-felt flower stems up to 1 cm in diameter, about 7 mm in diameter. Numerous lemon-yellow or orange tubular flowers with a tuft are located on the bare flower-pod, surrounded by numerous, loosely clipped leaves of the wrapper. The last dry, pleated, shiny, lemon-yellow color. The smell is weak, fragrant;the taste is spicy, bitter.

    Art.273 GF X allows moisture not more than 12%;ash not more than 8%;inflorescence with remains of stems longer than 1 cm not more than 5%;Remains of baskets( floret with wrappers) no more than 5%;crushed parts passing through a sieve with a hole diameter of 2 mm, not more than 5%;organic and mineral impurities not more than 0.5%.

    In late collection - during flowering plants - flowers after drying are separated from tsvetolozha, making the rest of the baskets much more than normal, which forces to reject the raw materials.

    The organic impurity includes other non-poisonous plants that accidentally fall into the raw materials, primarily the flowers of the cat's claw of dioecious - Antena-ria dioica( L.) Gaertn., In which the leaves of the wrapping and flowers are white or pink. Collect them instead of the immortelle can only colorblind - people with impaired color perception. In practice this impurity is extremely rare. Chemical composition of .The flowers of the immortelle contain flavonoids in the form of glycosides and aglycones( salipurposide, diglycosides of naringenin and kaempferol, aphigenin glucoside, isosalipurposide and their genins), steroid compounds, phenol coloring substances, organic acids, coumarin scopoletin, resinous substances, bitterness, etc. Essential oil, sterol compounds, tannic and bitter substances, vitamins C and K, carotene, phylloquinone, trace elements - iron, copper, chromium.

    In the medical practice inflorescences of cumin are used in the form of decoction, collection( tea), tincture, dry flamene concentrate and liquid extract for cholecystitis, hepatitis, cholangitis as a choleretic agent. Preparations of immortelle increase bile secretion, reduce the concentration of bile acids and bilirubin in bile, increase the tone of the gallbladder, stimulate the secretory function of the pancreas and stomach, increase diuresis. In patients, nausea, sensation of pain in the liver region, flatulence decreases, vomiting ceases, subicutral staining of the sclera and skin covers disappears, and liver size decreases. Improvement is celebrated on the third day.

    In folk medicine, the decoction of the herb and flowers of the immortelle is used to treat various liver diseases( as choleretic), the bladder and urinary tract, as a diuretic, and is also used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as an anthelmintic agent( ascarids) and ashemostatic.

    A particularly good therapeutic effect is provided by treatment in combination with other herbs( for example, with ordinary linseed, wildlife field) diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder.

    For humans, cyme is not toxic. It is applied in the form of infusion, decoction, extract;flamin is included in the cholagogue collection. Flamin - amorphous powder of yellow color and bitter taste, it changes the composition of bile and regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended for the treatment of hepatocholecystitis, cholecystitis and cholangitis.

    Dosage form: An immortelle broth is prepared from 10 g of crushed flowers, which are poured into 200 ml of room temperature water, covered with a lid and heated in a boiling water bath with frequent stirring I for 30 minutes, cooled for 10 minutes, filtered, squeezed and water added to 200ml. Take 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals.

    Pharmacy form: "Extract of immortelle dry" - prescribe 1 g 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. Preparations of the immortelle are included in the cholagogue collection: flowers immortelle 4 hours, leaves trefoil 3 hours, leaves mint 2 parts, fruits of coriander 2 hours 1 tsp.mix 2 cups of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, filter, cool and take in a warm form 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

    In folk medicine, the grass collected during flowering is drunk with edema of the legs( edema of cardiac origin).Apply it, brewing like tea.

    Infusion: 1 full art.a spoon of crushed flowers for 0.5 liters of cold boiled water - a daily dose. You can add a spoonful of pure honey. Infuse 8 hours.

    Decoction: 16 g for 360 ml or 1 tbsp.spoon for two glasses of water( pour cold water and boil), insist 4 hours. Eat for a quarter or half a cup, and if the broth is thickened, then 1 tbsp.spoon three times a day.

    Liquid extract: 30-40 drops 3 times a day.

    Dry powder( or flower powder, replacing liquid extract): 1 g or one small pinch three times a day.

    Mixture of cholagogue means: cumin sand - 4 parts, clover red - 3 parts, peppermint( leaves) - 2 parts, coriander( fruits) - 1 part.1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and take half a cup three times a day for half an hour before meals.

    Note. In the northern regions, the cyme is more widely used in the people: with jaundice( !), Kidney stone disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney, stomach, women's diseases, bleeding after childbirth, malaria, bitten by rabid animals,in broth at a fright.

    Required: 1 tbsp.l.flowers immortelle, 1 tbsp.l.leaves of the watch are three-leaved, 1 tbsp.l.flowers chamomile pharmacy, 200ml beer.

    Method of preparation.1 tbsp.l.mixture pour a glass of hot beer and warm in a water bath with a weak boiling of beer for 10-15 minutes, insist 30-40 minutes, drain.

    How to use. Take 1 tbsp.l.4 times a day for 20 minutes before meals with the initial stages of hypertension.

    Requires: 30 g of immortelle flowers, 30 g of birch buds, 30 g of ground marsh root of marsh, 15 g of jostler fruit, 200 ml of beer.

    Method of preparation.20 g of collection pour 200 ml of beer, stand on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool 45 minutes, drain.

    How to use. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day with the initial stages of hypertension.

    Prepare a decoction of flowers from 10 g. For 250 ml of water and appoint half a glass 2-3 times a day before meals;dry concentrate containing the amount of flavonoids - flammin - Flaminum, take 1 tablet 3 times a day for half an hour before meals with a little warm water or cholagogue tea.


    2 tbsp.spoons of herb immortelle, 250 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Grass pour boiling water, infuse for 1 hour

    Method of use.

    Wet gauze napkin in the received infusion, attach to the affected areas of the body.