  • Treatment of the liver with herbs - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    For hepatitis of any etiology( autoimmune, infectious, radiation, toxic( including medicinal), or secondary to diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract), fatty hepatosis, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, it is possible and necessaryapply herbal medicine.

    Herbal treatment can be practiced in addition to the main treatment, in this case, herbal medicine increases its effectiveness and reduces the possible side effects of tablets or injections. Concerning chronic liver diseases without exacerbation, herbal treatment is possible to maintain normal liver function, prevent the development of cirrhosis, improve the overall condition of the patient. But remember that herbal medicine will never become an adequate substitute for the main treatment prescribed by a doctor.

    The effect of phytotherapy is achieved more slowly, but also lasts longer after cancellation. It has less and less pronounced side effects, but still they are also present. In addition, herbal treatments can have unpredictable results if conducted uncontrolled.

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    If possible, take a course of herbal medicine under the supervision of a phytotherapeutist who can not only make an individual treatment plan for you, but also adjust it depending on your state of health and tests. If this is not possible, tell your doctor, whether it's a therapist, a gastroenterologist, an oncologist or even a surgeon, about taking phytotherapeutic drugs.

    The purpose of herbal medicine for liver diseases

    Herbal treatment helps to increase the effectiveness of traditional therapy, that is, to increase the effect of drugs of a chemical nature, and also to reduce the side effects of traditional medicines. Here we are talking mainly about the toxic effect of antiviral therapy in the treatment of viral hepatitis "B" and "C", about chemotherapy for liver cancer. Phytotherapy acts as a hepatoprotector, that is, it protects the liver and promotes the recovery of liver cells, preventing progression of cirrhosis. Due to these effects, overall well-being improves, night sleep is normalized.

    With hepatitis , herbal medicine has an antiviral effect, prevents chronic infection of the virus, prevents the development of cirrhosis, increases the defenses of the organism, improves the outflow of bile.

    In the case of liver cancer , the herbs have hepatoprotective action, antitumor, to some extent prevent metastasis. In the treatment of herbs, immunomodulation, de-toxication, withdrawal of spasms and anesthesia, reduction of side effects of chemical drugs, agents used in chemotherapy are taking place.

    With fatty hepatosis , the herbs help restore liver cells, improve bile outflow, immunomodulation, decrease cholesterol absorption, sorption of fatty acids and triglycerides, normalize the nervous system, prevent cirrhosis.

    With cirrhosis of the liver, herbal therapy restores liver cells, improves bile flow, immunomodulation, reduced cholesterol absorption, sorption of fatty acids and triglycerides, reduction of edema, reduced risk of bleeding from varicose veins, improvement of the nervous system, normalization of night sleep, decreaseside effects of chemical drugs.

    Herbs and collections for the treatment of liver diseases

    The following treatment algorithms are proposed at the Department of phytotherapy of PFUR.

    For hepatitises:

    - Collection:
    • Birch leaves 30.0 g
    • Rhizomes and roots of elecampane high 57.0 g
    • Calendula officinal flowers 18.0 g
    • Leaves of dioecious nettle 7,0 g
    • Bars with stigmamaize 18.0 g
    Method of use: 20 g collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse in the thermos for 30 minutes, take during the day before eating. Duration of the course is 3 months. Drink preventive courses 2 times a year.

    - Betulagepate: 1 capsule 2 times a day for 20 minutes before meals. Duration of the course is 2 months. Drink preventive courses 2 times a year.
    - Chitopan: 2 tablets at bedtime, washed down with 1% kefir. Duration of the course is 2 months. Drink preventive courses 2 times a year.

    Of the traditional medicine for hepatitis, the following recipes have proven themselves well:

    • Warm enemas with decoction of chamomile flowers ( 15 g for 200 ml of water) 3 times a day. The course is 7-10 days of each month for chronic hepatitis.
    • Cabbage juice for 0,5 glasses 3 times a day before meals in a warm form. Sokoterapiya, like phytotherapy, is used for a long time. More often for 1 month of admission, one month for a break.
    • In acute hepatitis, including hepatitis A in children and adults, is applied to oats in the form of oat jelly or infusions. Before ovens it is recommended to grind to a powder if you cook the infusion, then pour boiling water on a 1-spoon basis for 300 ml of boiling water for children and 3 tablespoons for 500 ml of boiling water for adults, insist overnight, take 30 minutes before meals 1glass. Take the whole time of the disease and 14 days after recovery. When applying phytotherapy in children, please consult with your doctor about dosage! Here is the average dosage. And remember that you can not take oats with gluten intolerance!
    • The daily intake of fresh dill and parsley is good for liver function, especially if the patient has chronic viral hepatitis "B" and / or "C".Long.
    • Barberry berries for 20-30 pieces 3 times a day. Duration of the course is 2 months.
    • Infusion of berries and leaves of strawberries ( 15 g for 200 ml of water) for 4-6 tablespoons on an empty stomach. Duration of the course is 2 months.
    • Juice from yarrow leaves with honey 3 teaspoons a day. Duration of the course is 2 months.
    • Fresh radish juice in increasing amounts from 100 to 400 ml. Duration of treatment is 6-8 weeks.
    • The juice of the shepherd's bag for 40-50 drops 3 times a day before meals. Duration of the course is 2 months.

    All the above mentioned herbs and preparations are drunk with preventive courses 2 times a year.

    For liver cancer:

    - Collection:
    • Flower immortelle 4 parts
    • Rhizomes elecampane 3 parts
    • Hypericum flowers 3 parts
    • Nettle herb 2 parts
    • Plantain leaves 4 parts
    • Herb grass 4 parts
    • Herb celandine 2parts
    Method of use: take 1 teaspoon of collection, pour 210 ml of water. Infuse in the thermos for 30 minutes, take 70 ml 3 times a day before eating. Duration of the course is 1.5 months.

    - Betulagepate: 1 capsule 3 times a day for 20 minutes before meals. Duration of the course is 2 months.
    - Corfit: for 1 tablespoon in the morning and in the afternoon( add to herbal tea).
    - Chitopan: 2 tablets at bedtime, washed down with 1% kefir.
    - Shirline with luhein: at 2 grams in the evening for 50 ml of water.

    The above treatment for liver cancer is taken 3-4 weeks before surgery if the tumor is to be treated surgically. Then 2 months after and preventive courses 2 times a year.

    Tincture of aconite: from 1 to 20 drops( starts with 1 drop!) 3 times a day, first with an increase in dosage, then when the maximum therapeutic dose is reached. Dosage is individual for each individual patient, the number of drops is also gradually reduced.
    Caution: Aconite tincture can not be used during chemotherapy!

    Arglabin( sesquiterpene lactone from the endemic species of wormwood Artemisiaglabella) is proposed for complex treatment of liver cancer. The action of this drug is similar to cytostatics, but it has a much lower toxicity. After surgical treatment, phytotherapy is used for a long time, until the desired result is achieved, whether it be anesthesia, detoxification, immunomodulation, prevention of metastases, etc.

    For fatty hepatosis:

    - Collection:
    • Immortelle flowers 20.0 g
    • Mint leaves 10.0 g
    • Dandelion roots 10.0 g
    • Tansy flowers 20.0 g
    • Licorice roots 10.0 g
    • Jerusalem artichoke tubers 10.0 g
    • Chicory roots 10.0 g
    • Rosehip fruit 20.0 g
    Usage: Pour 200 grams of boiling water over 20 g of collection. Infuse in the thermos for 30 minutes, take 0.5 cup 2 times a day before meals.

    - Saparal: for 1-2 tablets in the morning and in the afternoon.
    - Tanaceshole: 2-3 tablets in the evening in a bubbleless drain on Demyanov with natural Karlovy Vary salt or sulphate magnesia in the evening.2 times a month.

    The course of treatment for this algorithm is 3-5 weeks, repeated 2-3 times a year.

    Polyphytohol: take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day for 20 minutes before meals. Duration - several years.

    Here are the traditional medicine:

    - Take 1 teaspoon of ground cumin fruits and grass powder of marjoram , after spicing in a small amount of water. Take in the morning and in the evening for 2-4 weeks. Drink preventive courses 2 times a year.

    - Collection: Collection:
    • Fruits of the cerebellum 5 g
    • Yarrow grass 3 g
    • Marshmallow root 1 g
    • Gentian roots 1g
    • Artemisia grass 1g
    • Rhizome grass 1 g
    Pour 1 liter of boiling water, simmer on a water bath 3minutes, then insist 15 more minutes. Drink instead of water for 1-2 months. Drink preventive courses 2 times a year.

    - Fresh or canned( can be frozen) black currant berries : 1 glass a day for a month. Courses 2-3 times a year.

    For cirrhosis of the liver:

    - Collection:
    • Flower of the immortelle 4 parts
    • Nettle leaves 2 parts
    • Mint grass 1 part
    • Dandelion root 3 pieces
    • Herb sheepdog bag 2 pieces
    • Tansy flowers 3 pieces
    • Herb Yarrow3 parts
    • Grass horsetail 2 parts
    Method of use: 2 tablespoons of the collection pour 500 ml of hot water. Infuse in the thermos for 30 minutes, take 0.5 cup 3 times daily before meals.

    - Chitopan: 2 tablets 3 times daily before meals, washed down with 1% kefir.
    - Sibexan: 1 tablet 3 times daily after meals.
    - Tubage with vegetable oil, magnesium sulphate or mineral water weekly. Course 5-6 times.
    - Extract of the shepherd's bag on 20 drops 3 times a day.

    The treatment course for this algorithm is 2 months, repeat 2 times a year.


    - Mix 2 tablespoons of rosemary leaves and licorice root, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist for 2 hours. Drink 3 times a day for 5 days each month.

    - Collection:
    • Thistle leaves 50.0 g
    • Peony roots 30.0 g
    • Oat grain( crushed) 20,0 g
    50,0 g mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist in the thermos for 15 minutes. Drink 3-5 glasses a day. The duration of taking 2 months. Propivat preventive courses 2 times a year.

    - Collection:
    • Nettle leaves 80.0 g
    • Clematograss 20,0 g
    • Yarrow herb 20,0 g
    • Herb immortelle 20,0 g
    • Calendula inflorescences 20,0 g
    • Lime flowers 20,0 g
    1 tablespoon of the mixture pour 1 glass of water, boil on low heat for 5 minutes. Drink 2 cups a day before eating. Duration of admission is 2 months. Drink preventive courses 2 times a year.

    Please note! The average duration and multiplicity of the reception are given. In each individual patient, they can vary depending on the condition, the tolerability of drugs and fees, the achievement of the expected result.

    Contraindications to the treatment of the liver with herbs

    Phytotherapy is contraindicated if:

    • The patient has an allergic reaction to the components of fees or phytotherapeutic drugs.
    • When pregnant and lactating.
    • As the only therapy for life-threatening conditions.
    • Some herbs can not be used during the chemotherapy phase.

    Phytotherapy can be used, but with caution:

    • With self-treatment. Undoubtedly, you need a doctor's observation! Even if there is no possibility to consult a herbalist, it is necessary to inform your doctor about the use of phytotherapy.
    • With worsening of the general condition, biochemical blood test parameters. It does not mean that phytotherapy should be canceled, it is just necessary that the doctor in time orient in your condition and take action. It is necessary to adjust the composition of the collection: it is possible as a complete replacement of collection, and individual components of collection, dosage adjustment.

    The effect of liver treatment with herbs

    Almost all liver diseases require long-term, and in some cases lifelong treatment. A good effect is achieved with combined therapy with medicines and herbs. In acute conditions, phytotherapy reduces side effects from traditional medicines. In the chronic course of the disease, it also minimizes the side effects of tablets, and enhances their effect. With all liver diseases, the use of phytotherapy will improve the overall well-being of the patient, help restore liver cells, "adjust" the outflow of bile. In addition, with viral hepatitis will have an antiviral effect, a little "raise" immunity. With cirrhosis will intensify the diuretic effect, take away edema, normalize the night's sleep, will have a general cleansing effect on the body. When liver cancer will reduce the side effects of cytotoxic drugs and improve the overall prognosis.

    The effectiveness of the treatment allows to evaluate the control of the biochemical parameters of the blood: liver enzymes( AST, ALT, bilirubins, cholesterol) - a decrease in these indices indicates a good adherence to therapy, but protein fractions should not decrease, as it indicates the depletion of protein-syntheticfunction of the liver. It is also necessary to follow, especially with cirrhosis of the liver, behind the coagulogram: prothrombin and fibrinogen. These indicators as well as the protein level should not be reduced.

    Observe the prescribed treatment, do not cancel self-prescribed medications, adhere to the prescribed diet. Traditional treatment has a high efficiency, when it is abolished and replaced by grass alone, there is a sharp deterioration in the condition. Correct and cancel it can only your doctor, that is, a person with relevant competence who can examine you and assess your condition, seeing your tests and results of the survey. On the use of herbal medicine consult your doctor. Ideal option if phytotherapy is prescribed to you by a phyto-therapeutist.

    Doctor phytotherapeutist Akimova NS