  • Haircuts for long hair without bangs: 40 photos of the best options

    According to hairdressers, haircuts for long hair without bangs are, first of all, girls with the right facial features. The main thing is that there should not be any outstanding parts - a large nose, too high and convex forehead - that need correction. Photo haircuts for long hair without bangs can be seen below.

    Famous "Scaffold"

    Straight long hair - ideal for creating such a hairstyle. Hair is cut in different ways: equal to the control strand perpendicular to the floor( this technique is called strand per strand) and are milled on the temporal parts of the head. Below is a scheme of haircuts and photo hairstyles.

    The hit of the season is the cascade of

    . The shearing of the cascade is also done on long and curly hair. The technique of its implementation is more complicated than that of the ladder. The master combs the hair along the entire length and divides into several parts. As with the "stairs", a control strand is allocated, and the rest of the hair is aligned with the whole head.

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    Foxy tail

    The owner of long( below the shoulder blades) hair is very much another hairstyle for long hair. It is called a fox tail. The ends of the hair in this hairstyle are decorated with a triangle, or the letter V - hence, for the resemblance to the tail of a fox, this hairstyle got its name. A bang in this haircut can not be used, since the most highlight is not on the front, but on the back. The fox tail can be made both on very smooth hair, and on hair with a chemical wave. See the photos below for examples.

    If you have hard and thick hair, the ends can be profiled, graduated, decorated with torn strands or feathers. Seeding ends are contraindicated, because all the beauty of this hairdress is precisely in the beautiful form of hair, which are spread on the back. To solve this problem, some hairdressers use hot scissors when shearing the technique( seaming the split ends).Not very long hair to perform such a haircut is better to pre-build in the cabin.

    In addition, the fox tail looks chic not only in a loose form, but also in the assembled tail.

    To whom and what is suitable

    A ladder cut is very suitable for a round face, lengthening it.

    The triangular face will look more voluminous if you emphasize the locks of the area of ​​the cheekbones.

    The cascade is good for those who have a narrow face, as when laying it is possible to create a visual effect of a wide face due to large curls or disheveled strands in the face.

    Trends 2015

    The real hits of this season will be graduated hairstyles in the style of "grunge" and all kinds of variations of the cascade. Distinctive features - torn hair tips and careful styling, which creates a result of the hair on the effect of light negligence. It will be nice to dye your hair in some beautiful, not acidic color. In general, the main thing is naturalness. Styling hair this season can also be without complex accessories: two or three hand movements - and the hair is ready!

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