  • And the garden needs a cardan

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    The one who managed to grow seedlings, will probably want to create his own garden. If it will be of commercial importance, it will be necessary to solve a whole lot of problems - choose a place, prepare the soil, choose the layout and shape of the crown, develop a system for combating weed vegetation, fertilizers and irrigation, and then the plant protection system against pests and diseases, frosts. We will have to think about the organization of harvest teams, the construction of processing workshops, storage facilities, etc.

    Those who decide to connect their destiny with gardening, all this will be taught at the fruit and vegetable faculties of agricultural technical schools and universities. Having finished your studies, you will have an opportunity to show your knowledge in organizing the commodity production of fruits and berries. Unfortunately, not everything will depend on you. An important role is played by the general culture of the whole society and of each of its individual representatives. Undoubtedly, the main lever of development of any state is the economy, but the lever must be in the hands of people of high culture.

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    The authors of this book would very much like you to remember about it when enthusiasts with an offer to occupy empty corners of the territory of the plant for garden plantations come to you - the possible head of the enterprise. They remembered and took the hottest part in the creation of a factory fruit garden.

    We would very much like that you did not build chemical plants in close proximity to such places as Yasnaya Polyana and its fruit garden so that they would not agree to break the city park with dance floors in the garden of the garden that once belonged to PI Tchaikovsky in Votkinsk. We would like that, being on your own or someone's will in such places as Konstantinov, Zakharovo, Karabikh, Melikhovo, you would certainly help restore the gardens associated with the names of the great sons of Russia. We would like you, if it is in your power, to save from the destruction of the gardens of enthusiastic enthusiasts such as Upitis in Lithuania, strong points of gardening, like Arkhangelsky in Zaostrovie and Nikolsky in the Vologda region, disappeared on the border of the 60s - 70s-th years by the order of the local leadership. We would like

    , if it will depend on you, so that you can allocate suitable land for garden partnerships without red tape, but at the same time, so as not to hurry to sign permits for the placement of these partnerships in such places as, for example, the Borodino field.

    Even in his student days, one of the authors of this book once in a deep rainy autumn was in Borodino. At the famous field, we just finished digging potatoes. It was possible to get close to many monuments, only fairly hanging the sticky loam. And after all, you could. If you keep the memory of the great national feat, do not put a map on the site of a fierce battle, but break a beautiful garden. Of course, for Poles to be a historical monument, it must be preserved exactly as it had on the day of the battle. But monuments and paths to them can be decorated with fruit trees of characteristic decorative form. The task of plantings is to emphasize and strengthen symbolism, create a certain mood, to awaken specific feelings still on the way to a historical place. Like any other museum exposition, the battlefield of Borodino must have a kind of entrance that can be made in the likeness of the famous Triumphal Arch built in honor of the victory. Only "building material" will be trees, the crown of which is formed in a corresponding way. As you probably remember, the main monument is located on a raised platform. And now imagine that on the slopes of this elevation on the terraces are planted fruit trees. They create the impression of a descending stream of water: spring white, in summer emerald green, in autumn amber-golden. To a modest low obelisk leads a narrow path, cased with fruit trees, formed on the principle of a vertical cordon or a single-tiered horizontal cordon. To a higher obelisk, the approach can be formalized with a two-three-tiered cordon. To hide the inexpressive picture on the approach to the monument, the path can be expanded and framed on either side by a high wavy and net cordon made of pear or apple, candelabra and circular palmettes. On the site directly at the obelisks, depending on their size, you can place trees formed in the form of small vases or cups.

    The alley from candlesticks with candles leads to the solemn monument. This form is especially easy on pear and apple with a pyramidal crown.

    A sad mood will create the trees of apple, rowan, cherry with a weeping crown. On the field with the help of fruit trees and imagination, you can recreate some scenes from the past. For example, plants in the form of a winged pyramid could symbolize bivouac tents, flower beds of tuber-like begonia among them - bonfires. Placing columnar spiral varieties with squares and rows with fruits of different colors, you can achieve a visual perception of the square and the rank of infantry, which belonged to different regiments. Where there used to be trenches and defensive flushes, you can plant trees on the "Taganrog boat" system. In this way, places of especially fierce battles will be designated. Picking up rocks and varieties with a bright autumn color of the leaves, it would be possible to form their crowns in the form of stans. Interesting palmetta with one or two skeletal branches. Very effective could be palmettes on sea-buckthorn, felt cherry, Japanese quince. In general, the garden really needs its Cardin, able to model the shape of garden plantations as talented and inventive as the famous French master models new clothes.

    Fig. The terrace with the

    monument. Now the developed technology of preparation of multicomponent seedlings with a powerful root system, a clonal weakly inserted insert, a reliable bastard and skeletonizer, allows to create molded gardens. The choice of varieties with a relatively high level of winter hardiness and a multicolored range of fruits is also quite wide.

    For the formation of the crown, gardeners use not only a knife and a pruner. A set of agro-practices that are not related to surgical intervention has been developed. Much of the formation can be achieved by giving the shoots a particular position in space - pulling, bending, spreading, etc. By the way, the use of these techniques leads not only to the directed formation of the crown, but also to the earlier beginning of fruiting.

    At one time, trees that do not fruition for a long time - hung broken pots on the ends of the branches, lacerated bast shoes and other ones -

    Fig. Wavy cordon Fig. Mesh cordon

    Fig. The candelabrum

    Fig. The weeping form of the crown Fig. The winged pyramid of

    Fig. Krasnoyarsk double-arm bore

    Fig. Melon flue

    Fig. Palmetta Lepage

    Worn out of use items. Under their weight, the branches assumed a horizontal position, the kidneys underwent differentiation, and the buds of inflorescences were laid in them.

    Some formation techniques developed back in ancient times, the main ones are described and used in practice in the XIX century. In Germany, Gaucher created a mold garden at the Dresden International Exhibition in 1887.The manual written by him, published in Russian, has not lost its importance even now. Much has been brought in by modern scientists who have suggested using physiologically active substances that stimulate or, on the contrary, inhibit growth. For example, you can moisten a cotton swab with one of these preparations, put it on the shoot and cause the latter to deviate from the original direction of growth, accelerate or slow down the rate of development, before the usual finish linear growth of the shoot, but, after awakening the side buds, cause its branching. In this case, insects could also help. It is noted, for example, on raspberries, that damage to the apical shoot growth point by insects causes an intensive growth of 2-3 lateral branches, which have time to acquire hardening and do not freeze. The escape takes the form of a tree. Artificial pruning often leads to the fact that the lateral branches do not stop growing in time and freeze.

    Imagine if you use the services of such insects( harmless for the crop), you can have an economically cheap, environmentally friendly technology of crown formation. But while this is only a project, the direction of finding a solution to the problem. But there are probably other ways known to physicists, chemists, mechanics, 54

    , but, unfortunately, unknown to the gardener. In general, the armament with modern technology of both scientific and practical gardening is very low. And here for creativity an unlimited field of activity.

    Remember, we talked with you about packing seedlings? We need a whole combine that would perform this procedure. It will also require a suitable landing machine. Suppose we created such a car, planted a garden. But you can imagine what it will become in a year, if you do not take care of the soil. Modern science and practice try to solve this problem in different ways. For example, the entire free area is planted with special herbs and periodically podkashivayut them, crushed and scattered here as a mulch and green fertilizer. Periodically, the entire soil surface is treated with herbicides that inhibit the growth of competing plants, but do not harm fruit trees. Systematically cultivate the soil with appropriate tools - cultivators, cutters, disks. We are looking for various adaptations so that the tillage tools come as close as possible to the tree, making sure that the area with weeds is minimal. Combine these three ways: under the crowns, the soil is treated with mechanical tools, weeds are weeded out from the trunks with herbicides, row sprouts are sown and weeded.

    Do you want to suggest something different? Maybe, when packing the seedling, the upper part of it is to be enclosed not only in the network, but also in the opaque film? Then, planting the seedling, cut the film into two wings and lower the canvas on the soil, and to keep the film lying on the ground, it is pressed with a net, the edges of which are pinned to the ground with studs. It is possible to cover the underlying film with a layer of soil, peat, humus, finely crusted bark( waste from the forestry industry) and other similar inert material that does not contain weed seeds. With this method of soil content under the crowns, moisture is better preserved in it, useful microflora, more rational consumption of nutrients, more effective control of weeds, and the technology itself is environmentally cleaner.

    For life plants need moisture. Many irrigation methods have been developed and are being applied: from underground feeding irrigation to drip irrigation, when the moisture reserves in the soil are replenished as it is consumed, and the water is delivered through droppers, up to the elemental sprinkling. When choosing a method, the sensitivity of varieties to the scab, the economics of water consumption, the danger of salinization of the soil, etc. are taken into account. And in what direction could the optimal variant be sought? Probably, it is worthwhile to think about how to economize to use the moisture that gets into the soil during precipitation and snow melting. For example, it would be possible to produce large-mesh networks of spongy filaments capable of absorbing a large amount of water. In autumn the nets are spread in the garden.

    While the moisture is small, they retain their normal appearance. In the spring, snow begins to melt, the threads absorb the thawed water, swell, the cells contract, part of the water penetrates through them into the soil. But there is no rapid flow of water from the site. During the summer, moisture gradually comes from the threads of the network into the soil. Of course, while this is only a fantasy, but suddenly one of you will be able to create such networks in the future! Or he will develop another way of providing fruit plants with moisture, and he will try to make the technological process close to the natural one.

    High yields are usually associated with high doses of fertilizers, including mineral fertilizers. This point of debate is far from always justified. Prove the advantage of a single application of fertilizers in large dehes before multiple fractional. In connection with the problem of nitrates, a debate has also unfolded about the forms of fertilizers. A certain unanimity is observed, perhaps, only in terms of applying fertilizers, to so. .. "Scientists argue, arguing and practice, environmentalists argue, people are arguing, is harmful-harmless to our galaxy this nasty nitrogen fines?"

    The use of zeolite, which is capable of adsorbing heavy metal salts from it into the soil, is of great importance for the production of pure products, it is very important to bind and accumulate various elements of nutrition in it so that they gradually become available to the plants. This property of the zeolite is called the ability to prolong the action of fertilizers. As you can see, becoming a geologist, a mining worker, you can also influence the development of gardening,

    revealing such minerals( useful in nursery farming), like perlite and vermiculite, and now here's the zeolite, setting up their industrial production for agriculture.

    Questions of pruning and other techniques we have already touched on, speaking of the formative gardening. They are developed taking into account the varietal and age features, the planting scheme, the method of cultivation, harvesting, etc., but they are also applied taking into account the specific features of a specific tree.

    Among the Soviet scientists who dedicated their talent and work to the development of many theoretical issues of gardening, in particular the theory of pruning, the authority of Professor Petr Genrikhovich Shitt is unquestionable. His role in domestic horticultural science can be compared with the role of DI Mendeleyev in the development of chemistry. They are about equal in magnitude. But in the theory and practice of pruning fruit crops there was one more star, smaller in scale, but incredibly bright, bright and, unlike usually cold stars, warm. This is the candidate of agricultural sciences Boris Nikiforovich Anzin. Not only is the highest professional in the field of his scientific specialty, but also an excellent teacher - not simple for understanding the laws of subordination of various elements of the tree crown in his explanation were assimilated surprisingly easily and firmly.

    Of course, both the modern agronomist and the garden gardener should know the patterns and principles of manual pruning of trees. Not simple and not easy this business - cropping of a garden, after all to spend it it is necessary in an unstable weather of March-April. True, a technique capable of cutting "along the contour" is being mobilized to help cut everything that is higher, for example, 3.5 meters, that is, at the height of the cutting device. Just at a certain distance from the axis of the series, the roll is reduced from the sides - the machine, as it were, cuts a corridor among the trees. It's not very good, but still better than leaving the gardens without any imagery at all.

    This problem has one more aspect - how to deal with the cut-off part of the branches( as, indeed, and generally with the discarded trees).Currently, a method is used that is unworthy of a civilized society: the decayed plants or cut off individual parts of them, clinging to the fertile layer of the soil, are shifted to the edge of the field or, still, to the center of it, sometimes to the nearest ravines. Here the branches dry, becoming breeding grounds for many pests. After a while, plant garbage is burned, consuming considerable resources of combustible materials and causing significant damage to the natural environment. Abroad, machines have been created and technology has been developed for removing trees without harming the soil, turning wood into shavings suitable for furniture or other purposes. You - the closest organizers of life in the country will use these developments or come up with something of their own, original. By the way, the wood of apple-tree, pear is very valuable and interesting ornamental material.

    But, of course, the garden is not grown to get wood from

    .We need apples, pears, cherries, plums, peaches, apricots, cherries, quince, mandarins and lemons, persimmon, walnut and hazelnut, pistachio and almonds, fruits of many more and many fruit crops - a very valuable food,a strong influence on our emotions, the psyche is already one of its kind. Inclusion of fruits in the human diet allows you to get moderately high-calorie food, rich in flavor, aromatic scale, high vitamin. Substances contained in fruits, improve metabolism in the human body, contribute to the easier absorption of other foods, prevent development and promote the treatment of many diseases. About apples say, for example, that "a day on an apple - and a doctor poboku."The high content of proteins( 15-17 percent) and fats( up to 70 percent) in nuts put them on nutritiousness out of competition. Probably, in everyday life you already heard about the miraculous properties of sea buckthorn oil, tincture of magnolia vine and other miracle fruits. Great importance is now given to fruit and berries as products, the consumption of which contributes to the removal of salts of heavy metals from the body, and to a reduction in the level of radiation. However, there is still a lot of scientific and practical work to develop regulations for the consumption of certain fruits, their mixtures. Hence, you, having received the appropriate education, have the opportunity to participate in the most interesting and very necessary for people's work, in the closest possible way, as you see, connected with gardening.

    Even with the example of your own garden, you already know how great a variety of fruits in color, shape, size, flavor, taste. In scientific institutions, giving a start in life to new varieties, each of these properties is strictly evaluated on tastings. This is done by specially trained people who are able to catch the specifics of the variety. Unfortunately, not every consumer can get the fruits of the kind and quality that are inherent in this class, as they say, initially. There are a lot of reasons for loss of appearance and quality: diseases, pests, hail, drought, poor illumination, violation of technological processes during collection, packaging, transportation, storage.

    Despite numerous attempts to mechanize harvesting, the overwhelming part of it is removed manually. What can be cleaned by machines, as a rule, is only suitable for immediate processing into juices, mashed potatoes. While the inventive idea has closed on 2-3 principles of technology. To get away from the "dead point", you need an original thought, an unconventional approach, a deep search, specific for each culture. The object should be not only a machine, but also a variety, technology of cultivation and harvesting.

    At any time of the year, the emotional impact of the orchard, a separate fruit tree, especially grown and groomed by one's own hands, is immeasurably great.

    Early spring. The kidneys are just beginning to swell, but in

    you are already rejoicing - you are glad that the trees survived the adversity of last winter, that your care for them was not in vain, that you have something to do with the blind power of nature. But it also happens that the buds in the trees do not wake up in April, nor in May, nor even in June. They stand silent, mournfully raising their bare branches to the sunny sky celandine blue. It is bad for a person when he realizes his impotence before the permissiveness of Nature, but the true gardener will not lower his hands in this situation, but he will take a shovel, uproot the frozen garden and create a new one, more beautiful than before.

    Here he grew up, blossomed. Enter this time in your garden. You will feel that you are dissolving in this fragrant cloud of snow-white petals that you become a natural part of this miracle.

    Here is a quote from one manual on the cultivation of the Vladimir cherry, issued back in 1913: "In spring, during flowering, these gardens, then run down into deep valleys, then cover all the ups and downs with a continuous cover, represent a picture that is not soon forgotten.-a buttery overflow, variegated dark stains of the trunks. There, in this fragrant flower sea, young green leaves pierce, the trunk of the apple-tree grows. The outskirts of the gardens are often bordered by high elm trees, on the fresh spring greens of which blossoming cherries are isolatedThey are even sharper, even more beautiful. "

    Greenlanded June. And in July hundreds of lanterns lit up the apple tree varieties of varieties Papirka, Grushovka, and there, and Cinnamon, Antonovka. The loud-haired thrushes signaled an attack on the cherry garlands. Do not yawn, otherwise you will remain without cherry jam.

    Want to know how to fight the birds in ancient Vladimir?"Two or three adjoining gardens had a special watchman, for whom a high was built on four poles, called a hovel, choruses, a tower." On the top of the machine there is a floor on which a man sits, having ropes in all the bushes of a sweater.ropes are attached to the palisade, they are attached to the planks on which are attached a lot of wooden checkers. When the guard sees a bird on the tree, he shakes for the rope held to his mahin, causing the board with the rattles to move and makes a knock with which the bird is distilled., from the side of the cherry that got to Vladimir during the ripening season, in the early morning and at 5-6 pm he was deafened by the unimaginable noise of guard orders, the knocking of rattles, blows into copper basins, baking sheets, etc., like at a festival of witches and goblins. There was competition, who would shout more and make a different noise. All this brought a peculiar color to the local life. "

    Thickened August. The summer varieties have departed, the autumn has ripened, the winter ones are pretending to be inedible ugly. Gown in colorful garlands of plum. Unimaginable abundance, variety of shapes and colors. And it seems that this wealth has neither end nor edge. But here is the last apple harvested in the refrigerator or put on the maturing

    last pear. The garden is empty, stands offended, shabby and deprived. The enthusiastic voices of the collectors died down. Only winds and rain roam freely, tearing away the yellowed leaves for fun. But there is no time for a gardener to indulge in melancholy: the garden must leave in the winter tempered. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the remaining packaging, loosen the soil, applying pre-fertilizer, sprinkle the trees against pests and diseases, think about protecting the trees from mice, elk and hares. And only after that you can leave the garden for a while before the first snowfall and frost, so that during these days you can supplement your knowledge with reading special literature.

    For this useful activity, we leave you, wishing with all my heart to successfully master the wisdom of the profession of gardener.