
Crafts made of natural material with their own hands on the theme of autumn with a photo

  • Crafts made of natural material with their own hands on the theme of autumn with a photo

    Autumn is rich in materials that art lovers often use to create beautiful interior items, decorative panels - various apartment decorations. And basically these handmade items are very simple, and the children will gladly take part in the fascinating process. This article is about how to make your own hands crafts made of natural material on the theme of autumn.


    Acorns are a very seasonal material, from which a wonderful decor is obtained.

    They are beautiful and in their original form - you can simply pour acorns in a glass vase or glass and thus decorate your house.

    You can color acorn acrylic or colored varnish and hang it on a dry twig. It remains to install it in a small vase and admire the resulting composition.

    Tip: When staining acorns, remove the hats before working with them, and after drying the paint, glue them back.

    You can also pour acorns out of wool, and use natural hats.

    These are the hats - the original material for the frame decor: you can decorate them with a mirror, a picture or a frame with a photo.

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    When preparing the decor for the harvest festival, you can use acorns to make a bunch of grapes or olive branches.

    To do this, in well-dried oak fruits, make a through hole through the hole.

    We insert the wire.

    Cuttings are wrapped with corrugated paper, acrylic paint with acrylic paint and varnish.

    We collect grapes on the principle of weaving a wreath. We make leaves from paper. We decorate them with grapes.


    You can make a beautiful vase from leaves.

    For this you will need:

    • any beautiful leaves;
    • glue PVA;
    • air ball, bowl;
    • brush.

    Air balloon is inflated, set in a bowl.

    Separate the leaves from the cuttings.

    Apply a lot of grease to the leaves with glue, apply to the ball one at a time.

    So lay out a few layers.

    After drying the glue blow off the ball and get the original vase.


    You can make a mask for the matinee on the occasion of the autumn holiday in a kindergarten or school. For this we need:

    • leaves;
    • cardboard;
    • strong yarn or elastic band for ties;
    • scissors;
    • adhesive.

    Make a workpiece for the mask and cut it out.

    Make holes for the eyes.

    We will not forget about the holes at the edges: we make them with an awl or stapler, we pass a thread or an elastic band.

    We glue the leaves, starting from the large ones around the edges and ending with the smaller ones in the center.


    A cute and completely fearless spider can be made from cones. For this you will need:

    • for the legs 4 branches or parts of a thin brush;
    • is a big lump;
    • plastic eyes or plasticine;
    • superglue;
    • thread.

    We make the spider paws, passing through the brush. Wire bend so that the legs are formed.

    To the bottom of the cones, where it is not fluffy, fasten the eyes.

    We fix the thread and hang it.

    Using the same technology, but dyed cones in different colors, we can make fun monsters.


    This autumn fall can be arranged at home anytime. For stars it will be necessary: ​​

    • cuttings from leaves or sticks;
    • thread or wire;
    • small decorations: berries, leaves, etc.

    From twigs we make star elements, fixing the tops with threads or wire.

    After all the parts are assembled, conducting each part above and below the others crossing it.

    We finish the work by decorating, tying small decorative elements to asterisks.

    Stars made of chopsticks can also be painted with white acrylic or gouache and wrapped in multi-colored raffia. It turns out a very original decoration.

    Autumn collage

    You will need:

    • dry thin twigs( willow, vine, etc.);
    • thread;
    • decorations: flowers, leaves, berries.
    Spade from sprigs ring. For strength, the structure can be fixed with a wire.

    We create "spiderwebs" inside colored rings. At the end, firmly fix the knot.

    We decorate the resulting frame with various leaves, dried flowers, bunches of berries.

    By this principle, you can make and other panels:

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