  • Impressions of the maternity hospital.

    In today most mothers give birth in maternity hospitals. There is always a doctor who is assisted by interns, nurses, technicians and consultants. Roddom has sophisticated equipment, such as incubators or oxygen chambers, to cope with sudden complications. All this creates a sense of security and care for the mother. But the maternity hospital has its own shortcomings, which are inseparable from its merits. Newborns are usually kept separate from mothers: so it is more convenient for nurses to take care of them, mothers have the opportunity to relax. However, from the point of view of a young mother, it is not so natural when a child is separated from her and outside people take care of him for several days. Sometimes it gives the impression of abandonment and uselessness. A mother who already has several children will then laugh and say: "It's wonderful to have a good rest in the maternity home and not take care of the baby."But she is different: she is self-confident and easier to reconcile with the shortcomings of the hospital.

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    The father also experiences unpleasant sensations when his child is born in the maternity hospital. The mother at least knows that she is in the spotlight. The poor father is completely outsiders here. If he wants to see his child, he has to stand under the window and pleadingly look at the nurse. Glazet on the child behind the glass windows - not the same as holding it in his arms. Of course, the hospital does the right thing, protecting the newborn from infections. But his father has the impression that he is considered an unworthy companion of his own child.

    I know that both parents can cause the wrong impression of the mask that the staff wear in many maternity hospitals. They begin to see themselves as a threat to their baby. And they think they will not have to walk at home in masks. Masks in the hospital are worn because there are too many adults in a small space here. Anyone who comes can bring a new bacillus, and it will spread quickly. But in the family there is little risk of contracting, unless one of its members is ill.

    If you know a doctor or midwife who takes birth at home, you can be sure that birth will pass safely. If the doctor foresees complications, he himself will advise hospitalization.

    A woman who gave birth at home can keep the baby to herself from the first minute and feel that he belongs to her. This is a good beginning for her and for the baby. A mother can feed him more often, if necessary. It is surrounded by family and familiar surroundings. She does not need to wait for visiting hours.