  • Tooth lesions

    Dental lesions are fairly simple to determine because you will see them yourself or the child will show a sore spot, such as a tooth or gums. Any injury in the mouth increases the chance of bleeding, pain, or swelling. What should be paid special attention:

    on a broken, staggered or knocked out tooth;

    if the children put their fingers in their mouth, put out their tongue, they have salivating if the child refuses to eat, if the gums are itchy, if they are swollen, reddened, bleeds, ulcers, swollen in places where new teeth are cut;

    if the tongue is white or red;

    when curves appear, protruding or misplaced teeth;

    has a cut, bruise or torn skin in the oral cavity or around it;

    marked abnormal bite;

    burns the mouth for various reasons;

    swelling of the base of the mouth( gum abscess);

    swollen face;

    trauma to the back of the mouth or palate due to physical damage.

    Possible causes

    A small child who begins to actively walk, run, climb, can hit the face and damage the oral cavity.

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    The same very common cause of pain in the mouth is teething. The child at this time, as a rule, chews and bites everything that comes to him, he has abundant salivation. The first tooth erupts in six to ten months, usually I in the center below. Between the year and 15 months, the upper and lower gums turn red, swell - I begin to erupt root I teeth.

    Dental and oral injuries occur in almost half of all children under 14 years of age.

    Tooth decay( known as caries) is probably the most common disease in children. There are several causes of tooth decay: lack of fluoride in the water, poor oral hygiene, irregular visits to the dentist, inadequate nutrition( few vitamins, mineral salts, many sweet), a sharp change of hot and cold food. It is necessary to teach the child to rinse the mouth after any medicine, sweet, generally after eating;never put the baby in bed with a bottle.

    Almost three quarters of all schoolchildren suffer from an incorrect first occlusion. This defect is characterized by the fact that the upper and lower teeth do not adhere to each other. An incorrect bite is often inherited. It can be formed due to a bad habit of sucking a finger, because of the early loss of milk teeth, teeth can grow crooked, small or abnormal to each other, and all

    complicates the chewing process and interferes with oral care.

    If children irregularly brush their teeth and poorly care for the oral cavity, a mild form of periodontal disease or inflammation of the gums may develop.

    Burns of the oral cavity are more frequent in children up to two years. Young children need careful supervision, otherwise they can take the electric wire into the mouth, resulting in an instantaneous electric shock or a burn. Burns can also occur from the intake of hot food or liquids, from ingestion of lime or alkalis.

    Some children may experience discomfort with teething. In this case, the gums should be massaged with a hard object, for example a rubber ring. Special cold rings for teeth can also help.

    Some parents use gels for teeth, but not all

    children are suitable for these drugs. In some babies, gels for teeth can cause allergic reactions.

    Teach your child to brush his teeth as soon as the first tooth appears. It is recommended to rinse your mouth after each meal and without fail brush your teeth twice a day.

    When cleaning, use a small amount of non-fluorinated paste until the child learns to spit it out( usually at the age of three).

    After the child grows up and most of the teeth appear, parents should teach their child to brush their teeth with a silk thread. The average central incisors( front teeth) appear in the sixth year, and the lateral incisors in the seventh year.

    Sometimes baby teeth do not fall out when they are replaced with permanent teeth. In this case, you need to contact the dentist who will pull them out. Parents should begin to show the child regularly to the dentist at three years of age.

    Which children learn hard. Sometimes it is possible to have time to clean a few teeth in this way before the child loses patience. Try to work out a habit for a child to brush his teeth, not only with a brush, but also with floss from an early age. Later, you will have more reason to hope that the son or daughter in the years to come will not have problems from the oral cavity.

    In fact, many dentists consider brushing their teeth with a silk thread even more important and necessary than the usual brushing with a toothbrush.

    In addition, it is important to teach the child to rinse the mouth with water, even if he can not brush his teeth with a brush or silk thread.

    You should visit your dentist regularly every six months, even if the baby does not have any

    , your child complains of a slight toothache, tooth sensitivity, and these complaints last more than one day;

    you see a hollow or discolouration on a diseased tooth;

    baby's gums are inflamed and painful;

    at the base of the teeth are visible inflamed gums or wound;

    , you think that the child has poorly formed teeth, and the dentist has not examined him for more than a year;The

    tooth of a child has a dark gray color after an injury to the oral cavity, which was a few weeks ago;

    baby feels pain in the tooth when taking cold or hot food( or liquids).

    the child has lost, broke a tooth or the tooth is unsteady, regardless of whether it is dairy or permanent;

    the tooth cut into the gum, or the gums bleed at the base of the tooth;

    the child received a severe blow, a burn or other injury to the oral cavity;

    in the mouth profuse bleeding or damaged teeth - even if you do not know the cause;

    the child has fever and pain;

    the child's face swelled, and his teeth hurt.

    is worried and, in your opinion, all his teeth are in order.

    If the tooth is broken, the dentist can strengthen it.

    If the tooth is knocked out, you can try reimplant it: if the baby is delivered quickly with a tooth in the nest, the operation is often successful. A knocked out tooth inserted into its nest for 90 minutes from the time of injury, has a much better chance of getting accustomed.

    It is very important that the children who received the tooth injury, were immediately taken to the doctor not only to save the damaged tooth, but also to prevent infections and abscesses.

    It is necessary to quickly treat and milk teeth, if they are damaged. After all, there is a danger that the disease of the milk tooth can affect the permanent tooth lying beneath it.

    For a child with with an incorrect bite of , from six or seven years of

    , preventive treatment can be used. However, in most cases, orthodontics should not be used until the child is seven or nine years old. Treatment can last more than three months, but sometimes it takes a year and a half or more to correct the bite. Children who wear permanent braces - long-term corrective orthodontic devices for strengthening the teeth and improving bite, - usually undergo such treatment at the age of 11 to 17 years.

    If the child has an oral burn, the doctor will first take the burned tissue. Then he will install something like a tire, so that the tissue of the mouth remains in place and not scratched. Such tires are usually installed within a few days after the injury, they can remain in the mouth for six to twelve months.

    Deep cuts of rarely require stitches, except when there is a strong crochet, if a permanent tooth is broken, take it with you to the doctor or emergency room immediately( within an hour).If possible, fix it in a natural nest. The child must hold the tooth, closing his mouth tightly or pressing it to the nest with a piece of tissue. But if the baby is small, beware that he does not swallow the tooth. In this case, it will be better to wash the tooth, dip it into the milk or into the baby's saliva and show the tooth to the doctor.

    for. Usually deep wounds in the mouth are cured within a week;less deep wounds - three or four days.

    Teeth care for a child

    Teeth are cleaned to remove bacterial plaque( a sticky, colorless film that forms permanently, especially on the border of the tooth and gums).If there is no plaque, there will be no caries or periodontal diseases.

    Ensure that your child thoroughly brushes his teeth, and the interdental spaces with dental floss. At first, brush your teeth and gums with a piece of clean wet gauze. It is best to do this by putting the baby on his knees and pressing it tightly to his chest.

    Later, teach the child to brush his teeth by himself, helping him use a small toothbrush with a drop of toothpaste. But be sure to finish this procedure with a thorough rinse.

    Teach the child to clean apart from the chewing also the outer

    and the inner surface of all the teeth. The brush should be held at an angle of 45 ° with respect to the gums.

    To clean a child's teeth is best standing behind him. At 6 years old, the child should be able to brush his teeth while under the care of adults. Approximately at the age of] 8 years he can independently] clean the thread with the interdental spaces.