  • Prevention of injuries in children

    Prevention of child injuries is an important medical and social problem. The child's trauma can lead to serious consequences, and sometimes to death. Often the trauma received in childhood becomes the cause of persistent functional disorders in the body. Thus, fractures can lead to a curvature or shortening of the limb. Scars left after burns tighten the joints, limiting their mobility. Inadequate motor activity of the fingers due to wounding the hand limits the choice of the profession. After a concussion, the victims for many years complain of headaches, insomnia, poor memory, the inability to concentrate.

    In children of an early age, mainly domestic traumas are observed: falls, bruises, burns, poisoning, injuries with sharp, stinging objects, ingestion of vomit masses, various small objects.

    The behavior of adults in everyday life is determined by a number of habits and actions that a person performs automatically, without hesitation. However, when a child appears in the house, it is necessary to revise his behavior to a large extent. Thus, open windows and balcony doors, with some loss of vigilance, can lead to tragic consequences, undeveloped medicines cause severe poisoning of the baby, which attracts bright labels and colorful pills. It must be said directly - small children are most often injured through the fault of adults.

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    For example, injuries of children under 1 year are caused by falling out of the stroller, falling off the bed, sofa, chair. At an older age, children often fall from a height - from a hill, stairs, etc. As a result of such falls, not only bruises, but also more severe injuries - bone fractures, concussion, tearing of tissues, internal organs.

    The cause of a child's burn can be: a hot liquid that adults leave carelessly on the edge of a plate, table or put on the floor. Possible burns during bathing a child, when it is lowered into a bath or begin to wash out of the tap, without checking the water temperature. A small child can get burned when using a heating pad if the water temperature in it exceeds 40-60 ° C.

    On the inadvertence of adults, a child can get injured from contact with fire( stoves, plates, matches), electrical appliances, alkalis, acids, handicrafts( scissors, knitting needles, needles, shiny buttons, pins, etc.).

    A toddler can shove a metal hairpin into a power outlet and get an electric shock.

    During a walk, a small child, with insufficient supervision, can not only cut his arms, get injured by glass sticking out sticks, nails, but also eat some poisonous plant, berries, mushroom.

    Young children are less likely to suffer from street traffic injuries. But here again, the main cause of accidents is the inattentive attitude of adults towards observing the rules of the road, their lack of discipline, and inadequate supervision of the child.

    In the prevention of childhood injuries, adults must constantly take into account the developmental and behavioral features of an early child.

    A characteristic feature of a toddler aged 1 to 3 years is his desire for personal knowledge of the surrounding reality, his greater mobility. However, the basic motor skills at this age( walking, running, climbing) are still in the making. Therefore, the injuries and injuries that occur in children are associated with insufficient development of the simplest motor skills, inability to orient in the surrounding environment.

    Children very early begin to show a desire to self-satisfaction of their needs, to action without the help of adults. However, the lack of knowledge of the environment, of their own experience, causes them to take actions that have not yet been fully developed, which are still too complex for them, which leads to trauma.

    Parents should start the formation of safe behavior skills, traumatic alertness as soon as possible. The best form of this education is the games with which the baby better learns the necessary skills. During games and lessons from the age of 2, you can begin to teach your child skills in using sharp and cutting objects, the rules for handling hot dishes, liquids, food, etc. Walking along the streets should be used for practical training of children in the rules of behavior on the streets of the city. With the same purpose, you can use pictures, books, film screenings.

    In the prevention of injuries in children, the level of the child's physical development is of great importance. Well-developed children, dexterous, with good coordination of movements rarely get injured. Therefore, physical exercises, mobile games, sports entertainment are not only a means of strengthening the health of the child, but also one of the measures to prevent injuries.

    Often, adults refer to a child's trauma as an unforeseen accidental misfortune, in which no one is to blame. This opinion is convenient, it seems to justify adults, removes from them the responsibility for inattention to the child. At the same time, the traumatism of children, especially at an early age, largely depends on the lack of proper vigilance of parents, their insufficient knowledge of the psychophysiological features and physical capabilities of their son or daughter.

    Knowing the most common causes of injuries and accidents, parents should create a child-friendly safe environment for their stay. For example, at home, you should remove furniture piling, fix chandeliers, bookshelves, pictures, protect central heating batteries, exclude the possibility of contact of the child with a power outlet, bare wire. On the area where children walk, there should not be broken glass, nails, unplaned boards, boxes, etc. In the summer, special attention should be paid to preventing accidents on water, poisoning with poisonous plants, berries, mushrooms. Very important and personal example of the behavior of parents in the street, in transport, at home.