  • Late urinary incontinence at night( enuresis).

    There are several different cases. Very few are associated with a physical illness. The usual symptom is the inability to control urination during the day. This immediately causes doctors to suspect the disease. However, the vast majority of cases are related to the child's state of mind.

    Sometimes situations arise in which the small child subconsciously strives to return to the infant state. A three-year-old child who has not been urinating for six months already can start again if the family moves to a new home for the summer. Although the child is clearly happy in the new environment, deep down he is homesick. When at the beginning of the war children from London moved to the countryside, where they found themselves outside the family, without friends and familiar surroundings, incidents of nocturnal urinary incontinence were very common even in adolescents. This phenomenon is often found in shelters. Children can get wet at night after a strong excitement, for example after celebrating a birthday or visiting a circus.

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    The most common case in early childhood is the appearance in the family of a new child.

    It is important to understand that in all these situations children do not act consciously. After all, they are finally fast asleep. The subconscious mind takes over at night and is expressed in their dreams. Urinary incontinence often occurs during a dream in which the child finds himself in a difficult situation and can not do anything. A child who peed in bed, bored at home or because of the appearance of a newborn, can in a dream see himself as being deluded, looking for a mother who will take care of his needs, as she used to do always.

    If a child misses a familiar environment, parents should spend more time with him and help to find satisfaction in a new place. If an infant is born, you need to reassure the older child that his parents still love him. Do not scold him or shame him: he himself feels guilty. It will help if you express confidence that soon it will stop and will remain dry all night long.

    What to do with a child in three to five years, who never learned to take urine at night?(Most learn this between two and three years.) In some cases, this is explained by too vigorous potty training to the pot during the day. The child resists for a while, and the mother becomes more and more impatient. Gradually, he resigns to day-long training, but it seems as if his resistance subconsciously manifests at night along with the guilty conscience that he is bad. If there are still conflicts due to pot usage during the day, it is reasonable to immediately stop them and not be ashamed of bedwetting. In most cases it is advisable not to wake the child in the evenings, so that he goes to the pot, because it reminds him that he is still small. He needs confidence in his parents and in himself, the belief that he will grow up and stop peeing at night in bed.