
The main complex of massage from birth to 6 months

  • The main complex of massage from birth to 6 months

    The following basic complex can be performed from the first weeks of life. Through each

    three months increase the number of performed movements.

    Massage of the abdomen

    Massage helps to normalize the stool in the child, evacuation of gases. Begin to do the massage as soon as the umbilical wound is healed.

    It is very useful before each feeding to spread the child on the stomach, which also contributes to the normalization of the chair, strengthening the muscles of the neck, back.

    Stroking with palm, palm base, fingers around the navel clockwise( 3-4 times).The child happily responds to your actions: he starts moving the handles, legs, walking.

    Stroking from the top down, from the solar plexus to the pubis, without pressing the bladder.

    Stroking of the oblique abdominal muscles with both hands from the spine to the navel - 2-3 times.

    Rubbing of the around the navel with the pads of the fingers and the base of the palm.

    Tingle around the navel with your thumb and forefinger.

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    Mashing can be used from 2-3 months. Grab the rectus muscles of the abdomen with the pads of the fingers of both hands and knead them to the right and left, from top to bottom and from below upwards, as if stirring the dough.

    Above, at a distance of 1 cm from the navel with the index and middle fingers, press the 2 points on the straight muscles sharply. You will see how they shrink. Then clockwise to the side of the navel at the same distance, click sharply 2 more points on the oblique muscles.

    After this, just below the navel, also at a distance of 1 cm, sharply press 2 points on the straight muscles.

    Now from the other side, click 2 dots on the oblique muscles.

    After passing all the points( 4 pairs) clockwise, you will achieve that the muscles are contracted, and therefore strengthened.

    Chest massage

    Massage has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, improves blood circulation, reduces muscle tone.

    Stroking with finger pads, palm from the middle of the sternum from both sides to the shoulders and to the axillary lymph nodes, bypassing the nipples( 2-3 times).

    Easy rubbing the chest with your fingertips.

    Acupressure( puncturing) with fingertips, movements resemble playing on the piano. Be sure to walk along the intercostal spaces.

    Hand massage

    Put your thumb in the child's brush and support its handle. The second hand you will do massage.

    General covering stroking, starting from the fingers and up to the shoulder joint and to the axillary lymph nodes( 2-3 times).

    Rubbing of the with the finger pads of the back surface of the handles and palm.

    Stroking and rubbing the fingers, the palm is straightened. Count your fingers, call everyone.

    Back massage

    Stroking with both hands from the buttock muscles in the direction up to the forearms and to the axillary lymph nodes( 2-3 times).

    Sawing services. Place your hands 3-4 cm apart from each other's

    and make light sawing movements along the entire surface of your back with the edge of each palm.

    Kneading with finger pads. Grab the muscles on the lower back and draw a muscle wrinkle to the neck, moving it in different directions. Repeat the same movements in the opposite direction.

    Tingle. With your thumb, forefinger and middle finger, grab the muscle and pull it off effortlessly, as if pulling strings.

    Vibration. Gently tap on the back, bypassing the kidneys, with pads of fingers, then with fingertips and the back of the palm. Children really like this exercise, they begin to "sing along": "Ha-ah!" If a child has cried before, he immediately calms down. The movements are the same as with a chest massage.

    Foot massage

    Stroking. The child lies on his back. With one hand, keep your foot on the ankle, and with your other hand, hold the embroidering legs from the fingers upward, to the inguinal lymph nodes( 2-3 times).

    Rubbing of the with the pads of the toes of the lower leg and thigh muscles.

    Rubbing-sawing with the outer edge of the palm of the leg and thigh muscles.

    Massage of the back and plantar surfaces of the foot

    The child lies on the back.

    Stroking from finger to toe, rubbing-hatching of the dorsal surface of the foot( plantar surface of the foot, like the palm, open with both hands).

    Stroking from fingers to heel.

    Rub the with the thumb pad of the entire foot, then sawing the with the edge of the palm, the movements are longitudinal and transverse.

    You can roll on the foot a thick pencil, it is useful to massage the foot with a toothbrush. In conclusion - a general stroking the of the entire leg.

    Then flip the baby to the stomach and, using the same techniques, massage the soles.

    During the massage, make sure that the gluteal fold does not part, otherwise the muscles will not be strengthened.

    Stroking with both hands - moving in the direction from the sides to the top, you seem to "assemble" the ass to the buttock fold( 2-3 times).

    Rinsing the with both hands. Put your thumbs at the bottom folds, and the remaining fingers bend and rub the buttock

    muscles. One hand can support one buttock, and the base of the palm of the other hand to rub it. Exercise helps to improve blood circulation.

    Mashing of the muscles with the fingers from the sides towards the gluteal fold.