  • Full of children

    Treatment is determined by the cause.

    Many people consider the cause of completeness to be the incorrect operation of the glands, but in fact, this is rarely the case. Several factors determine excessive completeness;This includes heredity, temperament, appetite, peace of mind. If the child's ancestors on both lines are complete, it is very likely that he will have too much weight. At the phlegmatic child who besides does not exercise physically much, more calories it is postponed in the form of fat. The most important factor in this respect is the appetite. A child who has an excellent appetite and who likes high-calorie food, such as pies, cakes and cookies, will naturally be more than the one who prefers vegetables, fruits and meat. But in this case a new question arises: why does a child prefer high-calorie food in large quantities? We do not understand all the reasons for this, but we easily recognize a child who seems to be born a good eater. He has a great appetite since birth, and he never loses it afterwards, even when sick or anxious and even if he is offered unappetizing food. By two or three months he is already fuller than other children and remains so all the years of his childhood.

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    Sometimes the reason is that the child is unhappy. Increased appetite often causes a child's mental disorder. This happens, for example, in lonely and longing children at the age of about seven years. During this period, the child begins to emotionally move away from the parents. And if the child does not know how to make friends among peers, he feels lonely. Sweets and high-calorie foods are for him a substitute for friendship. Sometimes the reason for overeating is anxiety because of lessons or for other reasons. Excess weight sometimes appears in the period of reaching puberty. At this time, appetite normally increases, in order to compensate for the increased expenditure of calories for growth, but in some cases loneliness also plays a role. At this time, the child can become shut up and become shy because of the changes he experiences, and this can reduce his ability to get along with his comrades.

    Light completeness is common between the seven and twelve years. I do not want you to get the impression that every complete child necessarily feels unhappy. For many children this seems like a normal trend. Even the most cheerful and successful gain weight between seven and twelve years. Few of them become very complete. They only slightly exceed the normal weight. The majority remain plump for two years of puberty, and then suddenly grow slim. For example, many girls at the age of fifteen become effortless without much effort. Parents should be aware that a little excessive fullness is widespread and usually then passes so that they are not too worried about it.

    Whatever its cause, completeness can turn into a vicious circle. The fuller the child, the harder it is for him to play and exercise. And the more he is less mobile, the more energy in his body is deposited in the form of fat. This is a vicious circle in another respect. A complete child who can not participate in games on an equal basis with others, feels alien and is usually subjected to ridicule.

    Diet difficulties for fat children. What to do with full children? You can answer: "To put on a diet".It sounds easy, but in reality it is very difficult. Remember the adults you know who are suffering from overweight and yet are not able to go on a diet. The child has less willpower than an adult. If the mother gives such a child a less nutritious food, this means that either the whole family should go to such food and do without caloric meals, or the child should not give what he wants and what the rest of the family eat. Few of the full children will understand that this is true. Consciousness that they are treated unfairly increases their desire for sweets. And what is achieved at lunch, is destroyed in breaks or in a pastry shop.

    But the diet prospects are not as gloomy as I pictured. A tactful mother can keep a full child from temptations, without making much noise. She can cook nourishing meals less often. Can not keep cakes and cookies in the kitchen and instead of them in between meals, give fresh fruit. If the child is willing to go on a diet, he should visit a doctor, preferably one. If the doctor talks to him alone, like a man with a man, the child will get the impression that they treat him like an adult. Tips on diet are easier to perceive from the outside. No medications for weight loss can not be taken without the instructions of a doctor and without regular medical examination.

    Since overeating is a symptom of loneliness and inability, it is necessary that the child's life in the family, at school and among peers be as satisfactory and happy as possible.

    If, despite all your efforts, the fullness of the child is above average or he is recovering too quickly, he needs the help of a doctor and a psychiatrist. Obesity is a serious childhood problem.

    The diet should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. In adolescence, sometimes a danger is represented by a self-administered diet. Girls are excitedly discussing a diet, which they heard from acquaintances, and decide to try it. A few days later, hunger causes most of them to abandon their decision, one or two can continue with zealous zeal. Sometimes a girl is dangerously losing weight and can not restore it, even if she wants to. Group hysteria associated with the diet, as if awakened in her a deep aversion to any food, which is usually a remnant of some unsolved problem of childhood. Another girl at the very beginning of sexual contemplation declares: "I am too fat," although in reality it is so thin that the ribs are visible. Perhaps she is emotionally not yet ready for growth and secretly worried about breast development. A teenager obsessed with a diet should definitely get help from a psychiatrist.

    If you or your child think that you need to go on a diet, first of all consult a doctor. He must decide whether a diet is necessary and reasonable. Secondly, a teenager would rather take advice from a doctor than parents. If they came to the conclusion that a diet is reasonable and necessary, it should be attributed to a doctor. He will take into account the tastes of the child, the usual menu of the family, so that the diet is acceptable not only from the point of view of nutrition, but also practical applicability in this family. Finally, since weight loss is a particular health threat, anyone who is about to lose weight should be examined regularly by a doctor so that weight loss is not too rapid and that the child remains strong and healthy.

    If it is not possible to provide medical supervision and the child is determined to lose weight, parents should ensure that he receives at least the following daily: 700 g of milk, meat, or poultry, or fish, egg, green or yellow vegetables and twice fruit. The child needs to be assured that this food will not lead to weight gain, but it is necessary for the formation of muscles, bones and organs of the body and will not allow serious exhaustion.

    Nourishing desserts can be eliminated without any risk, and so it should be for a complete child trying to lose weight. The amount of starchy food( porridge, bread, potatoes) for most depends on how much weight is gained or lost. A growing child, even if he is trying to lose weight, needs a certain amount of such food. Even for the full person it is unreasonable to lose more than 500 grams per week, unless it is done under the supervision of a doctor.