  • Rapid treatment of herpes on the lips at home

    Many of us at least once in my life have suffered from such an unpleasant phenomenon as herpes on the lips.

    So-called pimples on the lips, after a certain period of time they are covered with crust, itch and hurt. This disease is called a labial fever or herpes.

    People sometimes call this a "cold".The disease is caused by the herpes simplex virus of the first type. Almost all people living on the planet are carriers of this virus. Throughout life, the virus remains in the human body.

    More than 80% of people have herpes simplex virus. But approximately 18-20% of patients suffer from recurrence of the disease, when there is a rash on the lips and mucous. Having got into the blood and lymphatic system, the herpes virus spreads quickly to the internal organs, so how effectively to cure herpes on the lips is bothering many people.

    Causes of herpes on the lips

    The simplest herpes simplex virus is transmitted by contact with a damaged tissue or a biological fluid of a person who has fallen ill.
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    In addition, the virus is transmitted and with asymptomatic carrier of the virus. Due to the presence of specific receptors in the virus, it can spread through intact skin. Since the virus already lives in many of us, it is often activated by the following factors:

    • stressful problems.
    • alcohol abuse.
    • subcooling.
    • lack of sleep.
    • excessive ignition.
    • depletion and a tight diet.
    • colds and other infections.
    • monthly.
    • trauma to the skin.
    Various types of lesions of the herpes virus are currently known. But most often his lips and nasal mucosa suffer from it.

    For most patients, herpes is a minor cosmetic problem. It is absolutely normal for a healthy person to have herpes on the lips 1-2 times per year. However, people suffering from reduced immunity, herpes simplex virus can significantly harm.

    So, with oncology, HIV infection, in patients who have undergone organ transplantation, this virus can provoke damage to the internal organs.

    In general, herpes on the lips manifests itself for a short period of time. It is found most often on the upper lip, as well as in the corners of the lips.

    The bubbles in which the liquid is located will burst with time, after which the wound will appear and become covered with a crust. The problem with healing arises from the fact that during a conversation or while eating, perhaps a crust breaks, then the wound begins to bleed.

    Since this virus is built into nerve cells, after suffering a single virus, there is simply no way to get rid of it in the future.

    See also how to choose ointment from herpes.

    Treatment of herpes on the lips

    To date, the basic remedy, which would be forever cured and quickly get rid of herpes on the lips, simply does not exist. Special drugs can only reduce the multiplication of the herpes virus, rather than remove fragments of its viral DNA.That is why frequent relapses occur, especially in patients with immunodeficiency.

    In this case, if the herpes simplex virus worries you more often than 2 times a year, be sure to see a doctor! It will help to determine, why so often there is a herpes on the lips, perhaps, will assign such examination as an immunogram.

    Thanks to antiviral agents it is possible to remove symptoms, speed up treatment and healing in case of relapses. Acyclovir, valaciclovir, penciclovir, herpferon, docosanol, zovirax are the main ointments for the treatment of herpes on the lips.

    The lesion site should be lubricated about 4-5 times a day, sometimes more frequent use is recommended. Antiviral drugs are allowed to be used without consulting a doctor. Ointment effectively relieves itching and discomfort, and also stimulates a speedy recovery.

    To treat herpes on the lips fast, do not touch the wound. Use ointments constantly, while it is important to use only your hygiene products and utensils. In some cases, with extensive damage to the skin and mucous appoint pills inside.

    How to treat herpes on the lips in addition to antiviral drugs? Use as an adjunct the following remedies:

    • preparations of echinacea, esberitox, and other immunomodulatory medications that increase immunity.
    • lysine, which is a necessary amino acid, helps tissues regenerate faster.
    • antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, drying effect have zinc-based ointments.
    • natural anti-inflammatory agents called aloe vera extract, as well as propolis.
    If for a long period of time the signs of cold sores do not pass, do not hesitate to contact your doctor. He will give recommendations on how to cure this disease more effectively and quickly.

    Herpes drug products: Vivorax, Acyclovir, Acicum, Penciclovir. Zovirax. With prolonged and recurrent herpes, tablets are recommended inside: Famvir, Valtrex, Acyclovir. Sometimes use a combination drug such as Isoprinazine. It has a powerful immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Also as an aid for herpes on the lips use a mummy, a tablet of paracetamol or aspirin, which is soaked and applied to the affected area. Well strengthen the immunity of vitamin products, tincture of ginseng, dog rose, lemon tincture.

    See also, treatment of herpes zoster. A photo.

    Herpes on the lips: treatment with folk remedies

    In folk medicine there are many tools that help to quickly cure herpes on the lips. Treatment can be done at home using one or more of the following methods:

    1. 1) Valocordin. They wash off the affected area.
    2. 2) Toothpaste. It is used for the night, spreading a fever with an abundant layer of remedy.
    3. 3) Fir oil. An effective remedy. It is necessary to lubricate herpes on the lips every two hours, and then spread the oil on the lip before going to bed. Sometimes patients experience an unpleasant burning sensation, which can intensify.
    4. 4) Tincture of propolis. Excellent helps to cope with a cold on the lips. It is necessary to cauterize the blisters 6-7 times a day. After a while, apply a little moisturizer.
    5. 5) Hot spoon. Burn and suppress herpes will help a regular teaspoon, dropped into hot tea. Then the spoon after heating is applied to the sore spot. The procedure is a bit painful, but at the initial stage it helps a lot.
    6. 6) Juice of the Kalanchoe plant. They smear the affected skin several times a day.
    7. 7) Alcohol. Common alcohol is applied to a cold. Herpes is well-dried from this procedure.
    8. 8) Table salt. If you know that herpes has come as a result of hypothermia of your body, try the usual salt in order to recover. Several grains of fine salt should be applied to the skin area with herpes. Thus, the cold on the lips will pass faster.
    9. 9) Tea tree oil, and also sea buckthorn. These remedies also help in the treatment of fever.
    10. 10) Garlic. A real healer - garlic, which has many useful properties, helps to cope with this ailment. For recovery, apply garlic or juice to the affected area. Rub the cold several times a day. After this, a painful place is recommended to lubricate with a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar.
    Try folk remedies, because they are especially relevant when you order the first signs of herpes. The first stage of the disease - when the skin on the lips begins to tingle, itch, a noticeably unpleasant tingling. That's when you need to take urgent measures to cure herpes in one day.

    See also, treatment of genital herpes.


    Remember that for the purpose of prevention you need to know about the ways of transmission of the virus. From the hearth on the lips with the help of dirty hands the virus can easily be transferred to the eyes or genitals. To suffer from the virus can be anywhere, especially he is the direct carrier of the virus.

    The most active stage of the disease is the third, when a vial filled with a liquid releases it, spreading out millions of particles of the virus from outside. They very quickly penetrate into the external environment.

    Remember that during illness:

    • does not need to touch your lips when they are affected by a cold. After touching the affected area, wash your hands well with soap and water.
    • with hygienic purposes always use your towels and utensils.
    • bubbles and crusts on the lips in any case can not be torn off and squeezed out. Because of this, the skin can be further infected.
    • should avoid oral-genital contacts, and during his illness refrain from kissing.
    • contact lenses can not be moistened with saliva for the purpose of moisturizing.
    • curative ointment should be applied gently with a cotton swab, not with hands.
    In addition, in order to prevent repetition of diseases, you must avoid excessive sunbathing! Protect your lips with special tools with sun protection components.

    If herpes does not pass more than 10 days, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist. Perhaps, it indicates the presence in the body of more serious diseases. It can be an immunodeficiency. In this case, supportive treatment is prescribed.

    Regularly take vitamin and mineral complexes, especially in the winter, as well as the spring season. Constant hardening, charging, walking outdoors is the main preventive task. Avoid stress and worry.

    Maintain immunity with natural remedies, for example, a mixture of walnuts, honey, dried apricots and raisins. Remember that our immunity is weakened by excessive work and hypothermia, so watch this too. We hope, our advice will help you get rid of herpes and reduce the frequency of repetition of the disease!

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