  • Children's Inoculations

    This is a calendar of preventive vaccinations recommended by the American Pediatric Academy. As this calendar may change and new vaccines can be added, contact your doctor for more information. The vaccine against varicella, today used only for children with immunodeficiency, will soon be included in the list of mandatory vaccinations.

    Plan so that the vaccinations coincide with the planned examinations of the child. The chart below for

    is quite flexible. However, immunization may be less effective if the vaccine is administered repeatedly until 30 days after the initial vaccination. If the child misses one of the repeated vaccinations, you do not need to start over. Simply vaccinate, as if no time was missed. Any vaccine can be administered concomitantly, but in different places, and the risk of reacting to a particular vaccine does not increase and the effectiveness does not decrease.

    Vaccines and

    DTP( against pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus in one injection)

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    Hepatitis B vaccine

    Hemophilus influenzae B vaccine( Haemophilus influenzae B, epiglottitis and meningitis causative agent)

    Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine

    OPD( oral poliomyelitis vaccine)

    Tuberculin test, or Mantoux reaction( tuberculosis test)

    ADS-M( against diphtheria and tetanus) is less potent than DTP and is administered to children over 6 years of age. Revaccination against tetanus is required only once every ten years, if there is a trauma with a contaminated wound, revaccination is carried out if more than five years have elapsed since the last vaccination.

    Recommended vaccination calendar

    Age Vaccination

    2 months Vaccination

    2 months DTP, OPV, against hemophilus influenza In

    4 months DTP, OPV, against hemophilus influenza In

    6 months DTP, against hemophilus influenza In

    12 months Mantoux

    15 months Against measles, epidemicmumps and rubella, against hemophilus influenza In


    Vaccination 18 months DTP( acellular), OPV

    4-6 years DTP( acellular), OPV,


    12 years Against measles, epidemic


    15 years Td

    serious disease and its devastating effects. Others believe that this is an extra waste, and the vaccines used today are already expensive, and it is advised to wait until adolescence to conduct routine vaccination against this virus. Except that sometimes there is a slight increase in temperature, this vaccine is absolutely safe. So what should parents do? Experience will resolve this dispute, and until then, in our opinion, for reasons of caution, it is necessary to do this.

    First, all pregnant women should be tested for hepatitis B. If the result of the analysis is positive, the child of this woman should go right after birth or, at the latest, in the first twenty-four hours as passive immunization, with immunoglobulins against hepatitis B, soand active, hepatitis B vaccine. Such children should be given all the necessary planned vaccinations against hepatitis B at a month's age, and then at six months, after which a blood test should be done to establishIf the mother during pregnancy was hepatitis B-negative, the first option is to immunize the baby, as is usually recommended, at birth, monthly and six months. The second option is to discuss with the doctor whether the child

    or the family is at a risk of acquiring hepatitis B before deciding whether to carry out the vaccination. If the risk to the child or family is low, the vaccine can be introduced at an older age, when the risk of infection increases for the child. Do not forget that when a child grows up, the importance of vaccinations is usually forgotten, so you need to remind yourself about the vaccination.