
Kanzashi bows for September 1, graduation, extract: master classes

  • Kanzashi bows for September 1, graduation, extract: master classes

    Lush Kansasi bows on September 1, graduation and on the extract: step-by-step master classes with photos and videos

    This technique is used in everyday life more and more. We are tying kanzashi bows on September 1 and graduation. They create a festive appearance.

    Kanzashi: master class "Lush Bow"

    The size of the finished bow will be 14 centimeters. If for you it is too large, reduce all the dimensions by a couple of centimeters.

    So, for making such a bow you will need:

    1. tape( width 5 cm);
    2. tape( width 2.5 cm);
    3. silver ribbon 3 mm;
    4. base( diameter 5.5 cm);
    5. bead;
    6. thread;
    7. needles;
    8. scissors;
    9. candle or lighter;
    10. adhesive;
    11. elastic.

    Cut a tape 5 cm wide into 6 pieces of 14 centimeters. Then the tape width of 2.5 cm for 6 segments of 10.5 centimeters and a thin tape for 6 segments of 15 centimeters and 6 segments of 8 centimeters. Immediately scorch all the tapes. Take wide pieces of 6 pieces, fold in half and assemble on a string.

    Pull the thread into the flower.

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    Do the same with a tape 2.5 centimeters wide. Turn the large flower backside and glue the base.

    Take the silvery segments 15 centimeters and glue them.

    Next, glue the ears to the base over the large flower.

    Take a small-diameter flower and glue it over your ears.

    Silver pieces of 8 centimeters glued in the ears.

    Glue them on top of the flower. Arrange them between the petals. And on top glue the bead.

    You only need to sew a bow to the elastic band and the holiday decoration is ready. Kanzashi Bantam: master class from another author see below. You create your own unique image. Bows are also popular on the statement.

    Bant on Kansasi extract, master class

    For production you will need:

    1. tape( width 6 cm);
    2. scissors;
    3. needles;
    4. two buttons or beads.

    Bend the ribbon as shown in the photo.

    Next, bend in the opposite direction.

    Now bend again.

    Place the angle of the petal on the needle.

    Now bend again.

    Put the right angle on the second needle.

    You should have an accordion.

    Now put the accordion in such a way that the right angles are at the bottom, and we tie a string.

    Then put the accordion on its side and tie the rest of the string.

    Now connect these two strings.

    Tie tightly so that sharp corners are in the center. Turn over - and that's it.

    It remains only to sew a bead.

    Now cut off the excess tape and sew to the tape.

    Here's an original bow we made with our own hands on the statement.

    This technique is used in everyday life more and more. We are tying kanzashi bows on September 1 and graduation. They create a festive appearance.

    Kanzashi: master class "Lush bow"

    The size of the finished bow is 14 centimeters. If for you it is too large, reduce all the dimensions by a couple of centimeters.

    So, for the manufacture of such a bow you will need:

    1. tape( width 5 cm);
    2. tape( width 2.5 cm);
    3. silver ribbon 3 mm;
    4. base( diameter 5.5 cm);
    5. bead;
    6. thread;
    7. needles;
    8. scissors;
    9. candle or lighter;
    10. adhesive;
    11. elastic.

    Cut a ribbon 5 cm wide into 6 pieces of 14 centimeters. Then the tape width of 2.5 cm for 6 segments of 10.5 centimeters and a thin tape for 6 segments of 15 centimeters and 6 segments of 8 centimeters. Immediately scorch all the tapes. Take wide pieces of 6 pieces, fold in half and assemble on a string.

    Pull the thread into the flower.

    Do the same with tape width 2.5 centimeters.

    Turn the big flower backside and glue the base.

    Take the silvery segments of 15 centimeters and glue them.

    Next, glue the ears to the base on top of the large flower.

    Take a small-diameter flower and glue it over your ears.

    Silver pieces of 8 centimeters glue in the ears.

    Glue them on top of the flower. Arrange them between the petals. And on top glue the bead.

    You only need to sew a bow to the elastic band and the holiday decoration is ready. Kanzashi Bantam: master class from another author see below. You create your own unique image. Bows are also popular on the statement.

    A bow on an extract KANZASHI, master class

    For manufacture it is necessary: ​​

    1. a tape( width of 6 sm);
    2. scissors;
    3. needles;
    4. two buttons or beads.

    Bend the ribbon as shown in the photo.

    Next, bend in the opposite direction.

    Now bend again.

    Place the angle of the petal on the needle.

    Now bend again.

    On the second needle, put right angles.

    You should have an accordion.

    Now put the accordion in such a way that the right angles are at the bottom, and we tie a string.

    Then put the accordion on its side and tie the rest of the string.

    Now tie these two strings together.

    Tie tightly so that sharp corners are in the center. Turn over - and that's it.

    It remains only to sew a bead.

    Now cut off the excess tape and sew to the tape.

    Here's an original bow we made with our own hands on the statement.