
Hand-made diapers from napkins: photo and video instructions on how to create them

  • Hand-made diapers from napkins: photo and video instructions on how to create them

    Little children always want to create and create something new. Any needlework contributes to the development of the child, including improves coordination and develops motor skills. So, an occupation that will surely please your child, can be the manufacture of hand-made diapers. This occupation is fascinating, and with its help you can decorate the house.

    Training master class

    In order to make handmade diapers for children, it is necessary to prepare improvised materials, namely:

    • Colored cardboard, which will serve as the basis;
    • Napkins of different colors;
    • Adhesive.

    To better study the technique of work, it is worth trying to make of napkins something uncomplicated. For example, you can make a butterfly. To do this, you first need to draw it based on. In advance it is necessary to be defined, what color wings and other details will be. After that, chopped colored squares should be twisted between the fingers in small balls and glued to the places that were pre-marked.

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    This way it is necessary to glue the whole butterfly, and in the end you will get such beauty, as in the photo:

    You can make various pictures of napkins in the above way, children will like this lesson. Gradually, the stories can be complicated.

    Flower motifs

    Crafts made from paper napkins for children can be varied. For each age, you can select specific models for the child to lay out the crafts.

    The most frequently executed product are flowers and various floral motifs.

    There are many instructions that describe the entire process of creating products from napkins. It is worth noting that such manuals for the manufacture of products are of varying degrees of complexity. Napkins made of paper are not just crafts, this is what unites adults and children.

    Advantages and disadvantages of such gizmos

    Such kind of paper products have a number of advantages and disadvantages. You must first indicate the negative points. Firstly, napkins are an unreliable material, and it is also short-lived. This is due to the fact that the paper is thin and quickly creases. Secondly, she is afraid of high temperatures, and, of course, moisture.

    And yet, the merits of paper crafts much more. So, first of all it is necessary to say that they are very beautiful. They are easy to make, because the paper can be easily processed. Paper napkins can be combined with absolutely any materials. In addition, this is an inexpensive material, so cheapness is considered one of the biggest advantages.

    And most importantly, from the most common simple paper napkins you can make a variety of figures, including animals and fruits. Here, for example, this "real" grapes. To begin with, it is worth to draw on paper, then apply glue and pieces of napkins to the necessary places. Such a product can be put on a table or hung on a wall and admired.

    If you want to learn more about this topic, you should see the following video tutorials: