
Why you can not cut yourself hair: signs and opinions of scientists

  • Why you can not cut yourself hair: signs and opinions of scientists

    Why you can not cut yourself hair: folk rites and the modern approach of

    There is an opinion that you can not do a haircut yourself. However, many girls do not find this logical explanation. So why can not you cut your hair to yourself? In the old days it was widely believed that hair is not just an ornament. They are the vehicles of magical energy that connects man with the cosmos.

    Legends and myths about women's hair

    In ancient times, the haircut was treated extremely negatively. Men were forced to get a haircut. They fought, galloped on horses and built bonfires. Long hair they not only interfered, but also jeopardized life and freedom.

    Women, mostly, were at home. They cooked food and looked after children, dressed animal skins and weaved clothes. Therefore, short hair was not a vital necessity for them.

    How the hair was cut in the old days

    In the old days, the process of cutting hair required a lot of effort and skill. The scissors were not invented yet, and the hair was cut off with a knife. It was a very difficult, time-consuming and even dangerous process. Not surprisingly, the ancient people sought to perform this procedure as rarely as possible.

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    If hair still had to be cut, our distant ancestors sought help from their gods, furnishing this process with various rituals and rituals. And if with a man's haircut society eventually resigned, then women's haircuts still cause many grandparents to distrust.

    Loose hair as a symbol of an unfaithful woman

    It's no accident that in Russia in olden days girls went only with braided braids, and married women wore a hat. Loose hair was considered a sign of debauchery.

    In the 19th century in Russia, selling love was legalized, and it was hair that had been decayed as a sign of a public woman. Ancient putans did not wear headaches, even in severe frost. This was done so that customers could always recognize them and not offend casually a respectable woman.

    Superstition and modernity

    Therefore, superstitions, and now surrounding the circumcision of hair, are associated with female hairdos. For example, a strict ban on the haircut of pregnant women is associated with the historical memory that primitive women wrapped in the child's hair. Today, no one will come up with the idea of ​​warming the children in this way, but the memory of this remains.

    The main thesis of today's superstition is the same ancient cry - to cut hair a woman can not! And if you can, then, as rarely as possible. Therefore, you can not cut your hair to yourself - there is such a sign.

    Hair binds a person to the cosmos

    Modern bioenergetic therapists claim that the person is enveloped in a biofield. And it's the biofield that is cut by the scissors by a man who cuts himself.

    But what about the haircut in the hairdresser? Hair circumcision also has a positive side. It is believed that along with the hair from the person is separated and accumulated over a long period of negative energy. And if a woman is sheared herself, then this energy returns to her. This prohibition extends to close relatives. If the hair is cut off by someone else, a stranger, then the negative energy leaves the family.

    Modern science agrees with ancient magic

    Modern science claims almost the same as ancient magic. It is undesirable to cut your hair to yourself. Just because it's uncomfortable! And the result is usually deplorable. You can trim only a bang if it is too long. But if you first cut a bang, then even this simple process is better to entrust to a professional.

    And to cut hair behind is practically impossible. Even if you use a mirror, your hair will not be smooth anyway. Especially this applies to complex haircuts, for example, cascading. And it is absolutely inconceivable to straighten a short haircut from behind.

    Therefore, ladies, do not torment yourself. Go to the salon, where from you very quickly make a beauty. Yes, it's expensive. But you will feel like a queen.

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    There is an opinion that you can not do a haircut yourself. However, many girls do not find this logical explanation. So why can not you cut your hair to yourself? In the old days it was widely believed that hair is not just an ornament. They are the vehicles of magical energy that connects man with the cosmos.

    Legends and myths about female hair

    In ancient times, haircut was treated extremely negatively. Men were forced to get a haircut. They fought, galloped on horses and built bonfires. Long hair they not only interfered, but also jeopardized life and freedom.

    Women were mostly at home. They cooked food and looked after children, dressed animal skins and weaved clothes. Therefore, short hair was not a vital necessity for them.

    How to cut hair in the old days

    In the old days, the process of cutting hair required a lot of effort and skill. The scissors were not invented yet, and the hair was cut off with a knife. It was a very difficult, time-consuming and even dangerous process. Not surprisingly, the ancient people sought to perform this procedure as rarely as possible.

    If hair still had to be cut, our distant ancestors turned to their gods for help, furnishing this process with various rituals and rituals. And if with a man's haircut society eventually resigned, then women's haircuts still cause many grandparents to distrust.

    Loose hair as a symbol of an unfaithful woman

    It's no accident that in Russia in olden days girls went only with braided braids, and married women wore a hat. Loose hair was considered a sign of debauchery.

    In the 19th century in Russia, selling love was legalized, and it was the hair that had been dissolved that was considered a sign of a public woman. Ancient putans did not wear headaches, even in severe frost. This was done so that customers could always recognize them and not offend casually a respectable woman.

    Superstition and modernity

    Therefore, superstitions, and now surrounding the circumcision of hair, are associated with female hairdos. For example, a strict ban on the haircut of pregnant women is associated with the historical memory that primitive women wrapped in the child's hair. Today, no one will come up with the idea of ​​warming the children in this way, but the memory of this remains.

    The main thesis of today's superstition is the same ancient cry - you can not cut hair to a woman! And if you can, then, as rarely as possible. Therefore, you can not cut your hair to yourself - there is such a sign.

    Hair binds a person to the cosmos

    Modern bioenergetic therapists claim that the person is enveloped in a biofield. And it's the biofield that is cut by the scissors by a man who cuts himself.

    But what about the haircut in the hairdresser? Hair circumcision also has a positive side. It is believed that along with the hair from the person is separated and accumulated over a long period of negative energy. And if a woman is sheared herself, then this energy returns to her. This prohibition extends to close relatives. If the hair is cut off by someone else, a stranger, then the negative energy leaves the family.

    Modern science agrees with ancient magic

    Modern science claims almost the same as ancient magic. It is undesirable to cut your hair to yourself. Just because it's uncomfortable! And the result is usually deplorable. You can trim only a bang if it is too long. But if you first cut a bang, then even this simple process is better to entrust to a professional.

    And to cut hair behind is practically impossible. Even if you use a mirror, your hair will not be smooth anyway. Especially this applies to complex haircuts, for example, cascading. And it is absolutely inconceivable to straighten a short haircut from behind.

    Therefore, ladies, do not torture yourself. Go to the salon, where from you very quickly make a beauty. Yes, it's expensive. But you will feel like a queen.

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