  • Bites of some insects

    Most insect bites are not dangerous, but there are bites that cause both a local reaction and a reaction at the level of important vital systems of the whole organism. Local reaction can cause some inconvenience, but does not cause special harm. Conversely, the body's response to a bite that affects wider areas of the body can have a rather serious effect on it. In this case, qualified medical care is needed.

    There are three types of extensive reactions. The most common type is attacks of suffocation, causing labored breathing, and sometimes stinging breath( audible whistle when inhaled and exhaled).

    Skin rashes on the body after an insect bite should not cause any particular concern, they say first of all that the reaction has occurred may cause more serious problems if the child gets a bite again. Very rarely there are loss of consciousness and vomiting.

    Bites of poisonous spiders are rare and most of them are accounted for by spider females "black widow".The spider "black widow" has a glossy

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    abdominal surface and about four centimeters in diameter. In the lower part of the abdomen there is a pattern, red in the form of an hourglass."Black widow" can be found in large wooden buildings, sheds, cellars or in secluded places outside the premises.

    The bite of this species of spider is painless, but causes spasms in the lower abdominal cavity. As the pain becomes stronger, the stomach hardens. Breathing is difficult and accompanied by wheezing. Possible vomiting, headaches, excessive sweating, seizures, chills and tingling in the hand. The bite can not cause further consequences, and can cause a serious reaction.

    The bite of the brown hermit spider is very painful and causes a serious local reaction, but in any case is not as terrible as the bite of the "black widow".The hermit spider is much smaller than the "widow", on his back is a white pattern in the form of a violin contour.

    If a serious reaction followed the bite or an increasing sore appeared at the site of the bite, ask your doctor for help.

    Your actions

    Give the child an antihistamine and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

    First of all, the doctor will ask what insect bitten or stung the child, and examines the victim for systematic reactions. If any, the doctor may make an injection of adrenaline.

    Sometimes, measures to maintain breathing and blood pressure are required. For carrying out such procedures, special apparatus and tools are needed. If a local reaction is found, the doctor examines the wound for tissue dying and infection in the wound. In some cases, there is a need for surgical drainage. In all other cases, you can do with the use of painkillers and antihistamines. Injections of adrenaline are necessary for serious local reactions of the body to a bite.

    If a child experiences an allergic reaction, the doctor may prescribe a series of hyposensitization.