  • Treatment of children with folk remedies

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    If such a disaster happened, and your child is sick - do not panic at once and run to the drugstore for harmful and expensive drugs. After all, from time immemorial, people were treated with folk remedies, and treated children with much more trepidation. The more we delve into the medical knowledge of our ancestors, the more we retreat. Perhaps that is why the treatment of children with folk remedies remains popular in the 21st century.

    To begin with, you need to remember several mandatory rules when treating a child with folk remedies:
    1. Independent treatment of children by folk remedies does not in any way cancel a doctor's visit.
    2. Do not start treating the child with all kinds of herbs, without consulting a pediatrician.
    3. In no case do not start to treat traditional medicine severe illnesses( for example, encephalitis, meningitis, pneumonia).
    4. And most importantly, you do not need to collect and apply for the treatment of herbs growing in the center of the city, on the roadside, near the plants.

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    If you decide to treat your child with any folk prescription, then, first of all, it must be carefully checked and taken from reliable sources.
    No need to force a child to take medicine, it should be presented to him with love and affection.

    Treatment of children from cough with folk remedies.
    If your child suddenly had a cough, and you did not give it that in time, then there is a chance of a complication. Treatment of dry cough in children, school-age children should occur in a timely manner. There are a couple of recipes for folk medicine that will quickly and without any consequences save your child from a cough.

    Recipe. Potatoes in "uniform".
    One option to remove the symptom of cough in the people is potatoes cooked "in uniform".Ready potatoes must be crushed and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Such a compress should be placed on the chest and throat of the child and kept until it cools. While your baby is holding a compress, give him a warm carrot juice in half with milk. Drink it slowly, in small sips. Such treatment should be done regularly within 2-3 days and your child will very quickly recover.

    Treatment of Coryza with folk remedies.
    One of the popular and very effective folk way of treating a common cold in children is the onion.
    Recipe. Onion compress.
    Take the bulb and finely grate, then wrap it in a wet napkin, attach to your baby's nose and put some kind of warm cloth on top. In this situation, the child should lie 15 minutes a day. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times a day. If you regularly perform this process, then your baby will be healthy in three days.
    Menthol oil
    With a cold, your child will also benefit from menthol oil. It should be digested several times a day for 4 drops, while lubricating the nose, forehead and whiskey.

    Treatment of sore throat with folk remedies.
    At the first symptoms of angina, you should immediately treat your child with folk methods.
    Recipe. Onion infusion.
    With a sore throat finely chopped bulb you need to pour 0.5 liters of hot water and put it on for 12 hours, thus, letting it brew, and then strain it. Give your child 4 cups of this infusion 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
    Recipe. Rinsing.
    Finely chop 5 denticles( or 1 tablespoon of dried garlic leaves) and pour 500 ml.boiling water. Let the infusion of the night, and then let the child gargle with this infusion. It is very useful to divorce the juice of horseradish gargle. The ratio should be 1:50.You can also give his child a sore throat with one teaspoon 3-4 times a day. You can choose to rinse your throat with chamomile infusion, salt, or soda.

    Treatment of sinusitis in children by folk remedies.
    In the occurrence of sinusitis in children, its treatment should be carried out gradually, tk.this disease can not be cured in a short time. If your child has a nose and a lot of pain is being pursued, it's better to start using horseradish.

    Recipe. Infusion of horseradish and lemons.
    To treat sinusitis in children take horseradish, rub half a glass and mix with lemon juice( to get the juice you need to take 2-3 lemons).Take your child should this mixture on an empty stomach half an hour before a meal, 2 times a day - in the morning and in the afternoon. At treatment, probably, will start to pinch in eyes and even slezitsja, from a nose mucus will be allocated. Do not be afraid of this, and do not stop treatment. Gradually, the selection will decrease. To conduct such courses it is necessary in process of occurrence of the first symptoms of a genyantritis.
    Treatment of common cold by children.
    At the first signs of a child's illness with an acute respiratory viral infection, one should immediately start treatment. For the child's cheek, put a small piece of lemon with peel, try to keep it as long as possible, while dissolving it, so that citric acid, enveloping the throat, enters the body. After such treatment, the intake of food and water is not recommended, for greater efficiency. After three, four hours, you need to repeat this procedure. To further treat the child with folk remedies, you need to determine what kind of cough. Cough is divided into two types: wet and dry. Usually in young children cough begins to dry, but after three or four days, sputum appears. Dry and moist cough should be treated in a variety of folk ways. With a damp cough, children can breathe easier. Wet coughing is easier for the children, first you need to transfer the dry cough to the wet stage, for this you need to give the child warm water, acidified with a lemon.
    An excellent cure for cough in folk medicine is - horseradish.
    Recipe: Horseradish juice.
    On a fine grater, rub horseradish, add granulated sugar in the same proportions, mix the mixture well, and put it into heat for 12 hours. Periodically, the mixture is shaken well, so that the horseradish can give more juice thanks to sugar. At the end of time, the finished product is poured into the container through the cheesecloth, filter, and squeeze the remaining in the gauze. Ready, the resulting juice gives the child every hour for one tablespoon, throughout the first day. The squeeze that remained in the gauze is good for compressing on the baby's chest.
    Licorice root is also very suitable for treating cough, as a folk remedy. To do this: after a meal, take a decoction every four hours in a warm form.
    If the child has a high fever, then the antipyretic mixture is used for this.
    Recipe: Antipyretic mixture.
    When coughing in folk medicine it is good to use a wonderful vegetable - onion. On a small grater, grate the onion, wipe the apple, and add the honey. The proportions should be equal. Mix well, and give the baby one st.spoon three times daily before meals.
    I want to talk about the benefits of garlic when coughing. But concentrated juice can not be given to a baby, so let's recite a recipe using garlic. Recipe: Garlic with milk.
    Clean five, six cloves of garlic, cover it well and add one glass of milk to it. Thoroughly mix the mixture, put on a fire and let it boil, then leave the mixture to cool. Give a sick baby a decoction of one teaspoon, which will facilitate his breathing and the course of the illness.
    Therapeutic baths
    When the first signs of a cold appear, it is also recommended to start treatment with rubbing, healing baths and compresses. Do not forget that these procedures are done at a temperature below thirty-eight degrees of the body. Therapeutic baths are used for children of any age. Properly conducted procedures can not damage and damage the health of the child.
    The most effective hot bath is the mustard tub. It is advisable to carry out this procedure before bedtime.
    Method of making such a bath: Pour water into the bath, the temperature of which should be 36 degrees. Add the diluted mustard and put the baby there. Be sure to monitor the water temperature and skin condition of the baby. This procedure lasts no more than seven minutes. After this, the child should be wiped, wrapped well and put to bed. With increased sweating, gently change the baby's clothes. In some cases, if you find a redness procedure on the baby's skin in time, you should stop taking the bath.