a deceiver, a crybaby, a sleepy and a restless child.
Sometimes in the first weeks of feeding, children behave unusually, bringing the mother extra trouble and almost driving her crazy. First, there are children who never eat readily and fall asleep five minutes after the beginning of feeding. And you do not know if enough milk was given to such a child.(Usually, for the first five minutes of feeding, the baby gets most of the milk he needs.) It would not be so bad if he slept through 2 or 3 hours, but he begins to cry after a few minutes. We do not know what causes such a bad appetite or early and frequent awakening. One of the possible reasons - the digestion and nervous system of the child has not yet adapted to each other. Perhaps a pleasant sensation of the mother's hands and a nipple in the mouth is enough to put the baby to sleep. When he becomes a little older and sorts out in the world around him, hunger will not let him sleep until he is satisfied. If the child is breastfed, the possible additional cause is too narrow open in the nipple. It also happens that with a large amount of milk from the mother's child with difficulty it sucks.
Perhaps the mood of the mother controls the supply of milk. Many mothers after a few weeks of feeding notice that as soon as the baby cries, milk begins to ooze from their nipples. And anxiety or tension does not allow milk to come out.(Farmers know that a frightened cow is very difficult to milk.)
One child who does not have enough milk can fall asleep. However, when he is put in a more rigid and cold bed, hunger again wakes him up. Another, more hungry, persistent or sleepy, is irritated if he discovers that milk is not enough. He pulls his head from his chest and begins to cry, trying to suck again and again cries.
The fact that the child does not eat, only increases the mother's anxiety, and thus a vicious circle is established. If the mother understands this mechanism, she will think well and find a way to relax before and during feeding. This is done in different ways. Music, a magazine, a glass of beer, a cigarette, a TV - you need to take advantage of what works best.
If after a few minutes of feeding the baby becomes drowsy or restless, try to give him another breast: maybe a larger inflow of milk will soothe him. Of course, for better stimulation of the breast, he needs to be sucked for at least 15 minutes, but if he does not want, he will not suck.
If a child falls asleep from time to time, and then wakes up and starts to eat again, allow it. But if he does not continue to eat, it is better not to delay feeding or to try to wake him up. In the long run, you will only make him indifferent to food.
What if he woke up as soon as you put him to bed or a little later? I believe that we should proceed from the fact that during the first five minutes of feeding he received enough and this should be enough for an hour or two. So do not try to start feeding it again. Let a little sigh, if you can stand it. Give the pacifier if you approve or the doctor. Check if it warms up the heater.
The goal of all these efforts is to teach the child that feeding takes several hours and that his efforts will bring saturation. If you feed him again and again for one-and-a-half hours, he decides that his food is constantly harassed and that the only way to get rid of them is to fall asleep. However, it is likely that in a few weeks the child will get rid of such a bad habit, no matter how you feed it. So if he wakes up in bed and does not calm down, feed him and forget about the theory. Give him a second chance. But not the third and not the fourth, if you survive. Let it wait an hour or two.