  • We add vegetables.

    Rubbed boiled vegetables are usually added to a child's diet 2-4 weeks after he is used to cereal or fruit or both.

    The most popular vegetables: beans, peas, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, celery.

    There are other vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, onions. They are cooked as usual, but they have a sharp taste, and most children do not like them, and most parents do not try to teach them. However, if in your family such vegetables are loved( and if their taste can be weakened by boiling twice in water), there is no harm in offering them to the child in a garbled form. Corn is not given because of hard peel.

    You can give your child fresh or frozen vegetables, cooked and mashed, or in cans for children, where they are already turned into vegetable purees, or ordinary canned vegetables, which feed the family, but also in the garbled form.

    With regard to vegetables, babies are usually more legible than with porridge and fruit. You will probably notice that your child does not like any vegetables. Do not force him to try again about once a month. There is no point in fussing over a few dishes when there is so much to choose from. Some children are more fond of slightly salted vegetables, and there is no harm in this.

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    Initially, the feces of the child will be a lot of pieces of undigested vegetables. If the stool is not liquid and there is no slime in it, this is not a bad sign. Increase portions carefully until the child's digestion adjusts. If the vegetables cause a loose stool or the appearance of mucus, temporarily exclude them from the diet and very gradually start trying again in a month.

    Beetroot can stain feces or urine in red;The reason for the alarm is not, if you know that this color appeared because of beet, and not because of blood.

    From the spinach in children, the lips and the mucous membrane of the anus sometimes crack. If this happens, eliminate the spinach from the diet and try again in a few months.

    Usually, vegetables are given at 2 pm, if the child is on a four-hour feeding schedule, and the older children at noon.

    Bring gradually a portion to a few tablespoons or half the contents of a baby jar;The rest of the jar can be put in the refrigerator and given the next day. If you do not have a refrigerator, do not leave the vegetables on the second day. In boiled vegetables, bacteria multiply very quickly.