  • Children and Sports

    In childhood, when habits that are left for many years are formed, we advise you to regularly engage in physical education. Sports activities help shape the character, strengthen the health of the child, but in order not to harm him and reduce the danger of all kinds of injuries and injuries, one must always remember the following.

    You can start physical education several weeks after birth, if you do not consider first movements in the intrauterine period as sports. The first attempts to move

    - this is the beginning of the development of muscle tone. It is very important to teach young children to practice sports.

    For any sport, it is necessary that, on the one hand, the child has the appropriate physical data, on the other - that he has the intellectual abilities that would allow him to understand the rules.

    Of course, a half-year-old child can not engage in team or competitive sports, but can already swim or ride a tricycle. Also, the first hits on the ball do not mean that the child can be written to the football section.

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    A number of conditions are necessary for the child to be considered ready to engage in a particular sport, and therefore in both normal and sports schools, programs are prepared in accordance with the age of the children. Adapting to the needs of the child means avoiding possible physical and psychological damage.

    Prevention of injuries

    The first rule that allows you to prevent misfortune in sports - the correspondence of age and physical development to a particular sport;no less important is a good physical form that allows you to avoid damage caused by excessive stress on trained muscles. Therefore, before the physical load, it is necessary to perform "warm-up" exercises, so as not to force the muscles to move from almost complete rest to maximum tension. Among such exercises, the basic ones are running and stretching exercises. Running is the best way to warm up your muscles.

    The child must undergo a medical and sports examination. This will assess his physical condition and prevent possible damage, which can play a bad joke with the child's weight-athlete. Pass a medical examination aimed at a certain sport, it is very important. There is not enough one desire to play sports, you have to be able to do this, for which you need the appropriate physical data and intellectual abilities to understand the rules of the sports game or the requirements of the manager. Good physical training is the regular performance of certain exercises, which will not give unnecessary muscles to excessive loads.

    Types of injuries

    Martial arts

    • Judo classes can lead to injuries and degeneration of the spine.

    • Karatek often has ulnar inflammation and finger injuries.

    Track and field athletics

    • Depending on the specialization, there are different types of damage: dislocations, tendinitis( inflammation inside or around the tendon, like simple muscular pain from overwork, tendonitis can be painful, but if simple muscle pain is temporary, then tendinitis is very persistent andsoreness for a long time does not pass), arthrosis, fractures, ligament rupture. The most vulnerable places: shoulders, hands, hips, hip joint, knees and feet.

    • The so-called "athlete's foot" is a common mycosis( fungal disease) between the fingers and under the toenails.


    • Dislocations and fracture of hands and fingers.

    • Trouble with the ankles.

    • Problems with the spine.

    • A break in the meniscus, which may require even surgical intervention.


    • Injuries to the shoulders, hands( brushes, etc.) and the knee( ligament rupture, fractures, dislocations).


    • There are often dislocations of the shoulder and arms.


    • The position of the cyclist provokes damage in the back and waist.

    • Constant friction of the saddle can cause sciatic bursitis( inflammation of the bone).

    • Tendinites of the forearm.


    • Leg injuries( fractures, rupture of ligaments and meniscus).

    • Falls leading to any injuries.


    • Injuries to the ankles, spine and meniscus.

    • Arthropathy( secondary damage of the joints against the background of various pathological processes) of the pelvis due to the position of the legs.

    • Head injuries due to blows to the ball.


    • Tendinitis, arthrosis, dislocations and fractures.

    • There may be a back injury.

    • For girls, because of the large loads that do not match their age, during training and the need to maintain a low weight, anorexia( lack of appetite) often occurs.

    Equestrian sport

    Problems relating to the back, pelvis and hips.

    Falls cause various injuries. Injuries to the ankles, feet and knees.


    Injuries due to collisions with other players.

    Otitis and conjunctivitis( effect of water composition in the pool).

    "Swimmer's shoulder"."The knee of the swimmer is butterfly."

    Canoeing leads to tendinitis of the forearm.

    Rowing can cause back problems( intervertebral hernia) and hands.

    Common ten-dinites of the forearm, wrist dislocations and knee inflammation, when surgical intervention is required.

    Vulnerabilities when playing shoulders, hands, hands and knees.

    There is a special footwear for each sport.

    The sole should fit well on the surface of the floor or the area where the classes are held: if it slides a little( cement or asphalt), large "ribs", thorns and sometimes "carnations" are needed on the sole.

    The sole of the shoe must have a thickness capable of absorbing loads in every sport( the biggest ones in jumping, basketball, rugby, etc.), which is very important in such disciplines as jumping in length and height.

    For sports with strong rotational and lateral movements, such as football, basketball, tennis, etc., the side of the running shoes must be worn out and out to prevent possible injuries.

    The internal "upholstery" must match the size of the foot, do not squeeze the foot, but the foot should not be hanging. It is better to change shoes often than to expose the child to injury.