  • Teeth are cut

    The first teeth of , or dairy, usually appear at the age of 6-9 months. Why such a scatter, very often asked by mom. There are reasons for this. One of them is a hereditary factor, i.e. if a mom or dad's teeth have "climbed up" very early, then perhaps their offspring will have the first tooth before his neighbor's neighbor and vice versa, ifone of the parents the first tooth appeared later than usual, the probability is high that the baby will also have a delay in the growth of teeth. Also, doctors note the fact that babies breastfed, the first teeth appear earlier than the artificial ones. According to their own observations, the teeth of thin children grow faster, but they appear later in fat ones and grow more slowly. Thus, moms should not be frightened for no apparent reason that their little ones have a little delay in their teeth. If you are interested in knowing at what age and how many teeth should be, a formula that roughly determines their number can help:

    N = n - 4,

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    where N is the number of teeth, n is the age of the child in months.

    According to these calculations it turns out that by 6 months the baby should have 2 teeth, and by 12 months 8, 4 below and above, which will be the upper and lower central and lateral incisors.

    As mentioned above, teeth can be cut differently. In some babies, this process passes almost imperceptibly, and mothers discover them only when they hear a sound from the impact of a spoon on the tooth during feeding. But other kids are less lucky. They begin to be capricious and drag everything into the mouth, just to scratch the itching and aching gums.

    Such eruption is certainly not a disease, but nevertheless it brings a lot of anxiety to the baby and his mother. The appearance of the first teeth is often accompanied by more or less serious violations;there is irritation and pain, which makes the child moody, nervous and adversely affects his appetite and sleep. Sometimes there are reddening of the cheeks, swelling of the gums, abundant salivation;the baby often pulls the fists into the mouth. With the eruption of the teeth, reddening of the buttocks can also be noted. More about the symptoms of teething here.

    The child's ring can be eased by a special ring for teeth - a teetotter, which can be replaced with a crust of bread or breadcrumbs. As a means, "scratched" the gum, you can use a clean tissue napkin, "by the way, the kid himself very often chews his raspashonku or an outset from her. Now children's stores sell breastplates for food, on the tips of which are attached rubber plates. They are designed for kids, In the same shops they sell special spoons for babies made of special rubber that does not harm the health, but for the massage of the gums the most suitable. Incidentally, at this age the children are very well and with pleasureThey use a spoon, training to bring it to their mouth and get into it. If such "carding" does not help, then the swollen portion of the gum can be slightly rubbed with a balm, a gel designed specifically for anesthesia of the process of dentition, which can be purchased at pharmacies, butAfter consulting with a doctor, you can replace a special gel with a small piece of ice wrapped in a thin cotton cloth. Applying the gel, it will be useful to make and massage the gums, taking it from two sides with a large and index finger and rubbing it with light circular motions. If the baby is "very tight", then, with the permission of the doctor, you can give a sedative or an anesthetic drug.

    Unfortunately, it is not always only painful gums, sometimes with teething can also worsen the overall condition of the child: diarrhea, fever.

    As the temperature rises in a child prone to convulsions, the likelihood of their occurrence during the teething period increases.

    The process of teething is so serious that it is sometimes difficult for doctors to determine whether a fever has been caused by it, or, conversely, a disease that occurs at a high temperature, stimulates teething.

    Concluding the story about possible violations in the process of growth of the first teeth, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that they can be more serious;in such cases, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Often, the pain associated with teething is confused with other diseases, such as otitis media. Thus, only the doctor as a result of the examination can exclude other possible causes of the child's painful condition during this difficult period for him.